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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. Monitising more advanced stuff like LP-EQ makes sense, but channel tools to my mind is bread & butter functionality. It always slightly bugs me that I have to insert it as an "effect" into a track to do stuff like flip L&R / individually pan L&R channels. I feel this would be much better either as a stock ProChannel model, or built into the track inspector itself.
  2. From what I can gather from the video it works like this: You put one instance on every track, this "registers" this track with the plugin You then go to the assign tab (from any instance of the plugin), which lists the registered tracks. You then assign the registered tracks to buckets So the display CLA has of 4 instances showing each tab, is 4 separate instances (from any 4 random tracks) with the appropriate tab and bucket selected. So in essence, you can control all tracks from any instance.
  3. FYI there was a link to a list on the old forum, of what plugins were bundled with Sonar from version 8 onward. I found that installing X1 Producer, X3 Producer and Sonar Platinum gave me 99% of the plugins bundled over the years since Sonar 8, less the 32 bit DX plugins of course. The only thing missing from X1 / Splat combo is R-Mix, which only came with X2 Producer, but I couldn't be bothered to install X2 as well just for R-Mix. Anyhow the link is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4k4trs6qj1740d6/Cakewalk Addons.xlsx?dl=0
  4. This is a known issue with the last two updates of Melodyne. Basically what is happening is that Melodyne is "forgetting" its default detection algorithm, and hangs Cakewalk. The workaround is to create a Region FX first, and if necessary, re-select the appropriate algorithm. But once the Region FX is there, you can drag your audio on to a MIDI track.
  5. Yeah, Melda are cool. I hate the fact I have to buy 2 of everything with Waves.
  6. Yes, that's what is bundled with CbB. It's locked to Cakewalk, but there's no limitations in time or functionality to what is there. I upgraded to the full TH3 just before Cakewalk Inc's demise. Apart from extra amp, effect & cabinet models there's no difference between that and the Cakewalk edition.
  7. FWIW, the reason I quoted is because the original post was about the scroll bar, which has nothing to do with CW going into demo mode.... and there's no way I can tell if someone is editing a post. I'm no mind reader.
  8. Babylon 5 and DS9 were aired at more or less the same time, and as they were both based on space station were easy comparisons. I much preferred B5 at the time. The first few episodes were not that easy to get to grips with, but once I'd got into it, it just got better. There were always multiple plots at various levels going on. I don't know if you noticed, but all the station commanders had the same initials (JMS) as the show's creator.
  9. The MEqualizer in the MeldaProduction free bundle that @scook suggested has mid/side capability. It really is worth a look, as it has loads of features most paid for EQ's don't have.
  10. I don't think you need to update to stop the DEMO thing happening - as long as you periodically run BandLab Assistant you should be ok.
  11. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but the custom template you have to fill in on the taktility site, is the actual an adobe illustrator template the owner uses to print out: http://taktility.com/data/documents/X-Touch_Compact_Overlay_Template.zip You should be able to fill it in and print it out yourself (assuming you have adobe illustrator - although I believe you can install a trial version).
  12. I'm not aware of anywhere you can download them, but there's a couple of places that will print/cut high quality overlays to your spec: https://store.birchwoodstudioandevents.com/Behringer_xtouch http://www.taktility.com/overlays/xtouch-compact/
  13. I've no issues with quantising, depending on the part being played. If the track is not prominent (e.g. a simple synth pad), then I find no issues with it and IMO it can benefit the song. Some drum tracks sound better quantised, however I tend to focus on the kick, sometimes the snare, but leave the hats & cymbals alone (with the exception of crashes on the 1st beat). Bass parts, as long as they're in time with the kick on the 1st beat tend to be fine when quantised, but only if the part is simple. More complex bass lines sound better left alone. For instruments like piano, I find the variations in velocity to be far more important than whether it's been quantised or not, but again if it's a prominent part then it's best left alone.
  14. I'm not seeing this behaviour, it's working fine for me. Do you have any lenses defined, or screensets or mix snapshots on that project? There was a recent post regarding a similar issue: It turned out to be a lense issue. Setting Lenses to None fixed it for him.
  15. I notice it takes a bit of time too. If I'm too quick in clicking continue, I have to go back and try to log in all over again.
  16. Peavey Revalver 4's ACT technology has been around for a while and already does this kind of thing (albeit without the tweakability of BC Re-Guitar). You play some notes in to model your guitar tone (the "input" model), then select the output model. They've a fair selection available: https://revalver.peavey.com/store/input I've used it to match the tones of a real guitar and a VSTi guitar (Shreddage 2). In other words I model both using their own instances of Revalver, using the same output model. It sounds like the same guitar playing both parts.
  17. The only thing I can think of is possibly the Gain knob on the MIDI channel, but as your velocity is already at 127 I can't see this making a difference. Has midi X got any other controller information in it e.g. CC 11 (Expression) ?
  18. I got a bit confused about this at first as I was expecting the stems to appear in my downloads folder. It actually gets downloaded to your documents folder: Documents\BandLab\Downloads When you select File->Import->BandLab Project from within Cakewalk, it takes you directly to that directory. Selecting the .blx project will import all the stems into your project. It works a treat though, so thanks bakers
  19. Meng posted this link in the previous forum, detailing what is included in CbB compared to the last SONAR version: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Cakewalk-By-BandLab-vs-SONAR-Versions-Comparison-Chart-4282018-m3750958.aspx
  20. When you say it's the same plugin, do you mean the same instance of the plugin or two separate instances within the same project?
  21. Nope, Channel Tools isn't included in CbB. It's a strange omission, but BandLab have no doubt got a reason for it.
  22. The velocity level relates to how hard the drummer hits the drums. A velocity of 127 means the drummer is literally hitting the drum as hard as possible. To be honest, I used to do this in order to get more "punch" out of the inadequate sounds with some of my old drum machines. For AD2 though, you want to be using a far more conservative velocity. This will give you a much better dynamic range in your track, and a more realistic sound. @scook is right - the slider volume is what you should be using for volume. If it's still too quiet, try turning everything else down and turn up your master bus fader. Another thing, MIDI loops created for one drum synth can sound very different when played on another due to the way each drum sound reacts to the velocity. You may need to tweak your velocity curves within AD2 to suit.
  23. The previous build was 2019.01 build 24. Build 27 came out in the last few hours.
  24. The new 2019.01 build 27 of Cakewalk is now available.
  25. The updated Cakewalk is available now - version 2019.01 build 27.
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