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Last Call

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Everything posted by Last Call

  1. If it's a legit action, PM the redeem code please? For the solo IRs? If not, ignore this post X)
  2. Last Call

    PA NEOLD U2A out

    Omg, you're so lucky, gratz
  3. You hit a homerun with that one Zo 🤗😂
  4. Yeah, Vital should be on everyone's arsenal no matter your preferred style of music. Is just that awesome. Thanks Pav.
  5. All IRs downloaded from Subwoofer, uff, like 450 files one by one. Lots of BASS ones included, looks promising. Getting ready to mess with it (already using Neural Guitar Amp too, which can load the IRS) But with this one you can peruse the IRs you have, whereas NGA doesn't, you have to manually load each one by hand, which is annoying, lol. If you have other guitar amps, you could use only the preamp/distortion and use this as your IR loader (I believe the IRs is where the pay dirt is at).
  6. Man, if it is free say so please, I missed this completely because of this (noooot complaining, just stating a fact). Hugs!
  7. Probably, but since watching Paul Third youtube videos I can't use less than 96khz. You'd have to watch his videos to understand why (when recording at least with analog gear). Maybe a light version could be created for recording at 96 khz (I know, prob asking too much) and by light I mean somehow a version maybe even undersampling, lol, instead of oversampling, just to monitor ourselves while recording. Idk, I even myself would have to watch that Paul 3rd video again, lol (I think it's the one where he talks about audio interfaces and even the Prism Lyra or something like that colors your sound where cheaper audio interfaces do not)
  8. Best part is that Reaper loads "everything" on a Mac. On Windows too, I have Embracer, a 32bit pluging that came with Cubase 5 I think, and it loads it, and I haven't found a replacement for it in a song!
  9. Hardware was meant to be as clean as possible, not the other way around! This means an EQ curve from your hardware is a great thing.
  10. I'm with you. I mean, I have more finished songs, have lots of ideas (I love Rock mostly), but what I want to say if it brings you REAL joy buying something and using it even if it doesn't lead to something fruitful, but you play with it once in a while and brings you the same amount of joy I see no harm in it.
  11. Last Call

    BFD 3 $99

    I use it on an M1 Macbook in Reaper (using Rosetta I think). I love it. I like the GUI a lot more than SD3, changing any part of the kit is a breeze and faster than SD3, which to me is a hassle). I don't mind the groove editor, to me is more of the same as SD3, I make my own grooves anyway. I really expect it won't become abandonware ( >I've read it won't, that they are removing the fxpansion part of it whatever that means) and that eventually will be universal coded (they sure have taken an eternity doing so). Not trying to convince you to buy it, just saying I like it over SD3 and SSD5, and if I had money to throw away I would buy the company and fix it myself ( lots of libraries sound like drums should sound and not plastic like SD3). IMHO.
  12. If you fix it, in the future use Revo uninstaller instead of going directly to each uninstaller. Just a thought.
  13. This one is very good. Lots of mojo. Still, be sure to test extensively before you buy, if you buy. They have a free demo.
  14. Pmed you just to compare notes 🤗
  15. Agreed. They have very good ones. I like them more than Waves too. X)
  16. Man, this is great news, I own several and have been waiting for vst3 for a loooong time. Thank you.
  17. This plugin is just amazing. Already installed and used in some bass, kick, snare, toms, backing vocals tracks. Not related but Harmonics (Softube) on bass just sounds ridiculously good.
  18. Great find! Thanks.
  19. Last Call

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    Thank god this forum exists where I can express myself and people disagreeing (or not) with me in a mature way. Cheers guys. ✌
  20. Last Call

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    You're right, omg, I spaced out. 🤗
  21. Last Call

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    Yeah, I totally get some people love them. I don't. I have AD2 too, and tested some Kontakt ones. And I agree SD3 is better, but still, I don't love it. I wanna, but I can't.
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