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Last Call

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Everything posted by Last Call

  1. Is this the end of freebies? I was hoping they gave away eventually the SSL console, or any console ?
  2. Looks great I think, does it support 3rd party plugins? Vst3?
  3. Too bad, I only work with 96Khz and above... (not really, just 96Khz)
  4. A new ilok serial so I can use it on more locations? Nice. ?
  5. I don't know what drugs I was on, but I tested it today again, and loved ADDICTIVE DRUMS (sometimes I am a mo r on ?? Made a raw kit, no effects, played with the OH and Room Sends of the Toms (they were too much, specially on the Room Channel), and realized there is a KEY for every tom that hits the side or the rim or whatever and that was what was driving me CRAZY! (I am using a previously own made Tom riff, where the kits used didn't have this feature). Finding where to change the Midi mapping to GM was irritating, although found it quite fast. I've got like 6 kits or so, and tested so far 3 brands of toms, fave so far are the DW Collectors. Wacco ones are pretty nice too.Gretsch (blue) the least fave but modding them with the Volumen envelope so they don't have too much attack was such a great solution. My fave so far are the DW Collector's Series (I own a real DW Collector's Snare and Performance 24" Kick). I find now that AD has weight (body) on their percussion pieces (Snare, Kick, etc). Cymbals are kind of hit and miss so far, or maybe for what I want them in my head they suck, but don't suck per se. Fave Hihats are Zildjian A Custom, the other cymbals are Zildjian (weird, I used to have a K set but didn't like them, switched all to Meinl)., but here they sound very very good I think. The most surprising thing to me was that Addictive Drums has aged gracefully, or not aged at all, meaning they still sound great these days. And that it has this 3D thing that not even SD3 has (even when I like SD3 a lot, but it's like they are more like left and right) as if not only there is left and right but there is a lot of depth in it, maybe it's the room channel, or OH and Room combined, idk. (I am crazy and I might change my opinion in the next 3 minutes, haha)
  6. Idk, I hate the snare in You Could be Mine (GnRoses, love the song but I don't listen to it because of it), but love the snare in Some Kind of Monster, Frantic, All Within My hands (Saint Anger, Metallica, love those songs). One was recorded in 10000000000 bucks studio, the other is a sample replacement, lol. With my DAC and headphones, lots of stuff is clear to me: bad sound vs great sound. (Thank god I ditched output wise all these audio interfaces).
  7. I want to see that, lol. This Choir though is complete g......ge
  8. How do you fix a snare with no weight (body) ? I sometimes give it a try with an eq and compressor or limiter, but it just sounds worse.
  9. Shit, looks amazing, I got 25% discount over the discount, lol, very very awesome looking.
  10. Does offline give you a serial? If not, it is still online in a way, isn't it? (Haven't found one in my account) Genuinely asking. Haven't installed yet.
  11. I would usually agree with this kind of comment , and still, in a way you're right, but quality still projects in a mix: In my example GGD is full of fizzy harshness, usually on the high end, in the cymbals, drums have no weight, even when their samples are super compressed or limited. Mixwave is not that bad, maybe in some genres you could get away with it (they just released a Benny Greb kit but judging by the past I am not gonna bother) Analog Drums don't deserve a comment nor NDK (2006 library). Addictive Drums have no weight either, I mean the snares. Toms sound like I am hitting my desk with anything. Cymbals are just ***** compared to SD3. Maybe some kick drum is salvageable. And in SD3 SOME toms in the direct mikes sound so weak... not even a limiter saves them. Still SD wins for me. Haven't tested more because it's tiresome, lol (Forgot some Legacy Drums that are absolute garbage, Wavesfactory or something )
  12. Edited out, sorry, I was on drugs (not really).
  13. Needs online activation. Has the PA THD thing or am I misunderstanding?
  14. It doesn't sport a new interface?
  15. Last Call

    "Deal or No Deal"

    Why skip Mark VI?
  16. Meh meh meh... lol I expected M1 support finaly for my bought plugins....
  17. Nope, but I feel it has a very decent size. And very sharp text.
  18. Success! ARM compatible! Who would've known!!! BEST plugin company ever!!!
  19. I 110% agree. Glad we started this small convo.
  20. I am glad, very glad you know this stuff, and I hope lots of people know it or start to get it (as in understanding it). On my end I am tired of this bullshit, and I think it's a never ending story...
  21. They invaded a country and killed lots of people, and forced millions search for a better place, what's to like about them? What's to like about the rest of the world, which rather have hot water, hot food, air conditioner, rather than shutting down that country? I really don't get it. We should be above wars by now...
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