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Last Call

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Everything posted by Last Call

  1. I am a forever student: Life changes all the time and I am always learning to live, so... Code doesn't work right now as OP mentioned.
  2. Installed! (Looks great and useful, price isn't that bad).
  3. Amazing offer I think. You could mix your songs for 3 months, then forget about UAD.
  4. Oh yeah! Sporting new avatar, nice!!!
  5. Don't you have one for a Console? ?
  6. Oh, didn't know GGD came with Trigger samples. Will have to look it up.
  7. Not quite. Maybe I am expecting something out of drum libraries that is not possible. But my journey is super weird because for a loooong time, like, years and years, nothing sounded amazing to my ears, but "recently" I found out, for my needs, that the Schiit guys (I hope you've heard about the company) have the opinion that usb sucks ballz, and that spdif optical sounded amazing (loooong story). I connected my DAC to my PC ia SPDIF (thank god it has that kind of output) and now even the shittiest youtube recorded video souns amazing, with a grain of salt, long story). Right now I am sporting an ADI-2 DAC and a pair of HD 820 headphones. I loaded one of my projects, loaded Steven Slate drums... and it sounded so good (specially paid attention to the snare, as I coincidentally found about your snare statement being true along my journey). So I feel I am finally on solid ground, my footing is correct and firm, that I can finally move forward and learn stuff and be confident is gonna be useful. (Just typed my epiphany because I am in bliss right now, not because I want to convince anyone about my "truth").
  8. I have Trigger, SSD5 and expansions, and some SDXs for SSD3, could you elaborate more about using Trigger? Thanks.
  9. I'd stay away from Room Sound. Got 3 of their kits and just the timber alone sucks, and they sound hollow too. There are ways you can deno them without soending a dime (I don't think they accept returns, so don't throw your money away. They used to have a free demo of one of their kis though.
  10. How much do transfer cost? And I think the more you transfer the less it cost doing so? I have 3 or 4 I would like to transfer.
  11. They extended the time, right? 43 hrs left and counting, nice!
  12. Are these silicon compatible? (Universal code)
  13. I just want a $10000 one: Gibson Les Paul 59 super flame maple sunburst (or something like that). I dig your preset POV.
  14. Oh, ty, for some rrason it wasn't working for me. Now it did, weird.
  15. Please don't take this the wrong way King, just that since it didn't read free in the title I didn't get it on time, cheers.
  16. Last Call

    BFD 3 $99

    Um, you see trouble I see potential. I lime ot a lot and use it no issues whatsoever (Mac m1 Rosetta).
  17. If it's a legit action, PM the redeem code please? For the solo IRs? If not, ignore this post X)
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