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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. Was just going to say a version of Cakewalk... lol. I listened all the way to the end... and came to the conclusion I have been with Cakewalk longer than you!!!! Also used Coreldraw in those early days too. Was good to put a voice to a face. I was using a ZX81 with a 16mb ram pack... then moved upto an Acorn Electron with tape. Used to spend hours programming in stuff!! Then over to an Atari ST.
  2. I thought this interview was great. I was using Cakewalk before Noel joined... never knew that!! lol
  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. I will study and get back to you. Cheers and all the best as always, Gary
  4. What can I say? You take care mate.
  5. garybrun

    Some arp fun

    Very nice ... but I wish you would stop arpin on about this stuff 🙂 You have to be from the UK to understand the above slang 🙂
  6. Well done Jane. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Thank you John. That was explained well. Good job.
  8. I agree and I am also PLAPPER 🙂
  9. Very nice.. excellent vocal. What is your new microphone. I thought your choice of reverb was great.. Well done.
  10. Hi Max. Thank you for taking the time to listen and lending your ears. I agree with the plosives... but when trying to remove I lose the live sound I am after so I am going to leave them in. Glad you heard the tubes that I was hearing... so thanks for that.
  11. Thanks so much @DeeringAmps I must admit the desk is my pride and joy... and the chair...unbelievable.
  12. Good job. Not trying to steal your thread.. I have no music on TV but I did have my own8 part series on History Channel. 🙂
  13. Thanks for commenting and lending your ears 🙂 Appreciated.
  14. Thanks Douglas for taking the time to listen and comment. On my monitors there is a little..
  15. Arg.... shucks My brother from another mother 🙂 Thgnks a lot
  16. Thank you @mark skinner for taking the time to listen. When doing live sound engineering I like to have two mics stage left and right and two mics at the back left and right. I use these for the IEM which gives the artist more feeling and not like they are locked out from audience. If someone speaks on the left... they can literally hear it in their ears. Not many artists like IEMs.. but they have never really had the engineer mix it correctly for them. I have my own IEMs which have built in Condenser Mics... love them!!! Which just gave me an idea... maybe I could use these as a binaural recording device... mmmm!! The brushes you hear are a set of congas for the lead singer.. miced up with a single condenser mic. The upside of this was I was using my Presonus Studio Live III mixer which allowed me to record all of those channels... hence this mix.
  17. OK... Ill take a listen. Thanks
  18. Cant believe I just watched that all the way through!!
  19. But... not about trolling,, I don't troll!! I really cant be arsed following the crowd... that's why I asked the question!! I just don't get it!! I was hoping for someone to explain it to me!! The euphoria about the Beetles also I don't get!! Music to me (me talking) has a feeling and experience that you will never forget. It is an expression that is a once in a life time thing if you wrote it. It never existed. until you wrote it!! No one can make it or reproduce it until you write. That is the fascination of music to me!
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