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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. Thanks. I am pretty patient and try to give small developers some leeway
  2. I might go that route since Natan ignores my emails
  3. Nice freebie, but pretty sure they announced this about 5 years ago
  4. Figured that but never hurts to ask
  5. As in for all products or just Nugen?
  6. I got it as a freebie and have no idea what it does. Maybe it's a plugin designed to make you guess
  7. Not sure my woman would accept such a strong commitment to WUP.
  8. Confused. Wasn't there always a trial?
  9. can you use jam points on top of discount?
  10. This is super tempting. For those who use both, how does this compare to addictive drums Is it worth it if you already own AD?
  11. It seems like Slate has been really pushing to include more tiers of customers lately
  12. I see the limits but honestly they are mild once you get accustomed to actual mpc workflow. The 8 track limit is somewhat deceptive since a program can be absolutely humongous. If i have a drumkit with 128 individual tracks with a separate mixer channel for each pad, that counts as one track. With that said, I realize it is not for everyone since the workflow is radically different. I only asked because it seems like a person wanting something like an mpc would just use an mpc. I can see where they wouldn't want to dig in that deeply
  13. Is there any advantage to using sitala like an MPC over using MPC Beats?
  14. Not contradicting this because I have no idea, but how do you know they are strictly based on VSTs?
  15. As mentioned, bandlab and cakewalk by bandlab are two different things. That kit isn't available directly available, but there are options; 1) there are tons of free 909 emulations like https://plugins4free.com/plugin/2376/ 2) there are vst samplers and drum samplers with 909 kits. You can even download thewe exact sounds and make your own 909 kit using something like sitala
  16. I suspect style dials are almost all sonitus under the hood
  17. They did finally release la2a lol
  18. I think sometimes we go into video game mode when projecting "how easy" it would be for companies to offer products. I am sure they could wrap any of them up into a vst and release them, but then I think of the possible pitfalls vs reward. It may seem like it costs them nothing to do so, but I have to wonder what the cost analysis of supporting these VSTs that will very likely have tech issues (just like every vst) that vary with DAWs. These stock instruments/fx are fairly stable with S1 because they were coded to specifically work with S1 from the beginning. Instruments like impact and sample one are tightly integrated with S1 and who knows jow that coding would affect stability when ised outside of that system.The fact that I can't think of a single S1 instrument or effect that is heads and tails above comparable DAW stock plugs gives me even less reason to see incentive for them to create a new level of support with low potential gain. Just my take
  19. This topic went in a very similar manner 4 years ago on the old forum. I suppose anything is possible. Just not gonna hold my breath.
  20. 1 to two weeks ago. I am starting to get a very waves vibe from them minus the WUP.
  21. These companies seriously need to put enough space between these "sales" to allow us to forget that it was just on sale for less.
  22. The arguably best thing about Reaper is arguably the worst thing about Reaper. The fact that most of the applause I see about Reaper mentions customization is a reminder that many find it less than appealing out the box. Reaper's model will never lead to it being "my favorite artist's primary DAW" but that's ok. The model and pricing scheme is just right for maintaining a steady base who can do anything any other DAW can do.
  23. Imho high ticket items like orchestral libraries probably give best shot at success if one is going the proprietary route
  24. I have . I made my own great value RC-20 by chaining a a few plugins like izotope vinyl, chow tape, ujam finisher micro and a couple of others
  25. Except the pause came before cakewalk folded. In fact it never gained any steam despite 4 different versions of Sonar . Yes, Sonar is free, as are multiple DAWs and plugins. Doesn't mean everybody and his grandma is actually using it. If you have numbers showing Cakewalk usage has actually increased beyond the numbers of sonar at peak since Bandlab acquisition, I would love to see. I am doubtful there is a big enough spike to generate an interest in developing modules that were not there prior to cakewalk folding. I get your point but it is based on an unvetted assumption that free equates to increased usage. Some free products are massively popular but the business model of developing paid products for free products is mixed. Works well for video games. Not saying I am sure it wouldn't work. Jist saying that developers were not beating down the doors to do so during the 6 years between intro of pro channel and demise of cakewalk. Doesn't hurt to suggest but unless cakewalk experiences a massive spike to where it is a standard, it seems unlikely.
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