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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. Izotope nectar elements. I jumped on the upgrade offer. I now find myself using suite Sonar lite edition( forgot exact name). It was bundled with an emu interface long ago. Studio one prime. It was an easy choice to upgrade. MPC Beats- the free version is very usable, particularly for subgenres like Boombap and lo-fi. When I discovered how Akai seems to have the swing function mastered better than most drum programs (at least for making hip-hop) , it was an easy decision. Quiet Classical Guitar lite- the free one is quite usable and full version was only $8 during sale. Well worth it
  2. I suspect as much. It's a testament to how powerful MADEQ actually is. Hence why I am going to have a look at it with plugin doctor.
  3. Melda interfaces have grown on me, but having the same interface for EQs modelled after specific units was somewhat jarring at first. They have fixed that. This thread does remind me that I was planning on running this through plugin doctor
  4. My list of freebies i have not used is super long but a few highlights (or would that be lowlights?): Eventide Ultra Channel, which is actually a good plugin with an ugly, cluttered interface. Melda TurboEQ/Comp- aside from tradional melda ugly UI, so many choices felt overwhelming. I did open it just now and see that updates have given each module unique GUI now . In the past it was stock melda look Traction Waveform- really wanted to like, but unintuitive workflow( although some things are good in theory).
  5. I forgot little plate. It has been my plate reverb since it was initially launched for free
  6. Supermassive Vital Quiet guitar lite Chow tape Mpc beats
  7. I am not buying anything from them again until they adress customer service issues. No response. Even when ADSR forwarded email on my behalf, not even a form letter response.
  8. Interesting counter to a point I wasn't trying to make. I don't consider Mixbus a great DAW at all. I described a couple of situations that it might be a viable solution for some people. I will give two examples: 1) A gentleman I worked with last year had never used a DAW. He is im his late 60s and very set in his ways. He would prefer to use the equipment he used back in the 80s but that is not practical, especially considering he is broke. He has simple needs. He mostly was recording guitar, vocals and basic mixing at most elementary level. He was using his own outboard effects pedals. I presented him free options ( cakewalk and studio one prime) and lowcost options ( reaper and mixbus). The console like appearance of mixbus in default state appealed to him the most. He's never going to add a VST . Anything not visible on initial opening is not getting used. Psychologically, the illusion of familiarity worked for him, even though I believe studio one prime would be easiest for most im his position. 2) A friend has been creating hip-hop using hardware MPC for decades. No interest in learning a DAW except on most basic level. His complaint was that he wants to mix stems in DAW, but wanted it simple and cheap and wanted an analog type sound. I won't get into the marketing claims of how mixbus sounds other than to say that people claim they hear something reminiscent of analog. Weighing the truth of that for $19 or even $49 is better than spending more to test marketing claims. By no means am i claiming Mixbis was BEST solution for either. It simply was one they felt fit their needs.
  9. This is an awful pickup for someone looking for guitar sounds. As a module for "sounds" to be used in trap it is ok for free I suppose. Just not something I would buy. It offers a sound too easily achievable with freebie products or even stock DAW plugins.
  10. Aren't all words technically made up?
  11. For me the 8 bus thing was never a major limitation. My soul issue with mixbus is I NEVER find myself wanting to transport an entire session into another DAW. I create templates and stuff to speed up workflow. This seems counter to that, but I always flirt with the idea mentally without ever following through.
  12. I think we are misunderstanding each other and i sill start by clearing up the initial point of confusion. First, I never said "this was just loops". I said it seemed like a stretch for ONE loop because that was impression I got. I wasn't arguing anything since I made it clear that I was not 100% clear what the product actually contained. From my initial impression it seems like one drum loop chopped with a midi file variation of funky drummer. I could be completely off on that. I already have several variations of funky drummer with midi file within addictive drums along with god knows how many raw variations ranging from rex files to mapped kits in geist and mpc. Again, I am still referring to what value it would be for me and everything you are saying seems to be confirming that. I am not trashing the product or claiming it has value for no one.
  13. I think that's kind of my point. If these are not meticulously sampled, for many this is beyond redundant. For me(and of course I realize others are not in same position), $15 is not a value for something I already have equivalent versions of. If someone finds value in it, I certainly would not dissuade them. I just could not find value for myself and was seeing if I was missing something. Thanks for confirming it's exactly what it seems to be.
  14. I have thought of buying just to support them despite being unlikely to use.
  15. I see this as a great solution for: 1)people who grew up mixing on consoles and have little to no interest in midi. It is a virtual equivalent of a Harrison Console recording to a multitrack tape machine with as many tracks as your computer will handle. 2) Contrary to what was said, this is actually a great DAW for beatmakers but for the type that prefer specialized tools or hardware to do so. Some of the biggest names in hip-hop and EDM use hardware workflows ( Kanye still uses MPC hardware and sometimes even ASR10). For the hardware or for someone creating in something like MPC software ( not an environment you want to mix or arrange in) or even Geist, this might pair nicely and give the exact warmth these kind of producers seek but sometime struggle to obtain in more popular DAWs. 3) singer/somgwriters who are simply tracking things to be mixed elsewhere. I own v4 of this and have not thought to upgrade because I have never used the previous 4 versions i bought. I do think it's worth fwr more than $19.
  16. Can't go wrong with funky drummer, but even on sale, $15 seems like a stretch for one loop most of us have 100 versions of already. Unless I am misunderstanding what product is, hard to see the value.
  17. I have never been able to get it to install in cakewalk by bandlab
  18. I this all the time. Great price
  19. Nothing wrong with Air synths. Hybrid is a decent workhorse synth and is highly capable in right hands. One of my favorite synths ( after it sat for years unused) is Loom/II.
  20. I like their plugins. I own a few and use them regularly. Their marketing focuses on "lo-fi" and ambient type music, but they can be used in a number of genres like neo-soul and modern RnB.
  21. i just paid the 3.99. once i spend more than 5 minutes to save a $1 i am kind of losing money if you regard time as money
  22. I have live lite. Just wanted the tutorial content since most tutorials are for full
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