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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2024 in Posts

  1. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/46-Randomiser/12151-Randomachine Seems to be a multi-effect with randomisation features. According to Plugin Boutique the list price is €48.59. I have no idea for how long it will be free.
    22 points
  2. https://www.humblebundle.com/software/krotos-sfx-plugins-for-sound-design-software You can get Concept 2 & Simple Concept for 1€ 🤪 AS ALWAYS: Check how you want to distribute your payment. (Company / Humble Bundle / Charity) I'm a bit miffed because I bought this bundle the last time and the Krotos Fundamentals Library wasn't part of it 🥲 1€ Simple Concept Concept 2 16,11€ Simple Concept Concept 2 Krotos Starter Library 23,09€ Simple Concept Concept 2 Krotos Starter Library Krotos Fundamentals Library Krotos Studio 3 months Subscription
    8 points
  3. 6 days as of now. https://unitedplugins.com/Randomachine/
    6 points
  4. Hello All, I am on the UAD website, and I am seeing some really nice deals. I just purchased the The Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection for $39.99 plus tax. The plugins on the low but good side start at $29.99 and go up to $49.99, $79.99 and above. There is no coupon to use for this sale and offers end May 28th. Check it out if you can. 👍
    3 points
  5. Wow, maybe it’s only because I own some of their other plugins. $1 is sweet. I guess I should do it
    3 points
  6. Also here https://unitedplugins.com/Randomachine/
    3 points
  7. The Project menu was introduced with Skylight in X1. Not sure why exactly except possibly just to keep the Insert menu from getting overloaded. All the "Insert items" in the Project menu are related to the timeline where the Insert menu is more about adding content. Works for me.
    2 points
  8. Not to gloat, but yes it was an incredible deal and it was only $142 for everything. . My advice is never buy individual plugins from Universal Audio. If you can afford to do so, buy the bundles when they are sale, Ideally around black Friday. All the new native plugins coming out now will be in the next newly branded bundle for sure.
    2 points
  9. Hmm... Capitol Chambers for $49 US.... Tempting. The demos sound beautiful to my ears.
    2 points
  10. Well, I have done a lot of work on my Nord over the years to get it sounding perfect in nearly all situations, from straight jazz solo piano to Tribute Band stuff, to Rock/Pop/Funk. Not using much of the factory patches, mostly my own, doctored ones, downloaded sound banks from Nord artists as well as 3rd party. Seems I can usually find what I need. Probably the weakest link, IMO are the brass sections and such, but I tweak them or layer and it does a decent job, and I don't hear too many other keyboards whose sounds are much better, although that is definitely a matter of taste and type of music.
    2 points
  11. Hi, Bristol Jonesey thanks for the input! I updated Sonar and Concrete Limiter appeared this time. I don't know if it's related but it's cool to get this classic PC effect!
    2 points
  12. Heck, went ahead and paid the full $1. Call me Rock-a-fella.
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Roxy Music - Out of the Blue
    2 points
  15. https://unitedplugins.com/news/detail/114 Randomachine is compatible with the majority of VST/AAX/AU DAWs on PC and Mac. Its regular price is €49, but you can get it for free until April 21. (From April 22 till May 21, Randomachine will be available for the intro price of €9.
    2 points
  16. I'm going with this one as my favorite guitar solo Kenny
    2 points
  17. Spire 30% off $129 (been under $100 several times in the past) Expansions 40% off. GREAT synth tho. https://www.reveal-sound.com/
    1 point
  18. Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son
    1 point
  19. Of interest, Stanley Jordan was playing on the streets of NY when I believe it was Al Di Meola walking by and signed him up/or encouraged him to record his music.
    1 point
  20. Check out JJazzLab: https://www.jjazzlab.org/en/ It’s free.
    1 point
  21. Paul would be a kick to hang out with! Just noticed the magnetic slide holder! I was like "Hey! Where'd it go???" and had go back and see what he did with the slide. Great idea!
    1 point
  22. If you don't find other highly useful FX in that bundle, I'd be very surprised! I use at least one Kilohearts Essentials plug-in on every project (KHs Limiter, if nothing else, set to -3dB to prevent synths from pegging Sonar's meters). A good resource for discovering freeware effects is this thread on this forum. It's coming up on 5 years of recommendations by Cakewalk users such as myself:
    1 point
  23. Man, if I had known you'd list your Stage 3 I would have jumped, although I recently purchased a new one at a fanstastic price because of a mixup that the Store went out of their way to make up for. As far as the Leslie emulation on the Nord, a lot of very wonderful musicians I know who are also Nord owners have said they didn't like it--and I don't know what I did to customize mine, but I love it and consider it as good as any I've played (well, maybe the Hammond itself, the real thing, and who knows, there might be many more), not warbly on fast, and I love using the drawbar emulation, drive control, and percussion, etc. People who hear me way it sounds great, too, but again, very individual thing, I know. Also, I seem to have mastered the onboard controls very early in my ownership, and I use it a ton. So much so that when I decided to pick up a Yamaha CK 88 as an additional board, I did so because it, too, has a fair amount of on board knobs, sliders, etc. that I enjoy using to create instant sound variations without designing separate patches. To each his own, and I get it if someone else doesn't work the same way I do. The result is what matters and your own personal comfort and inspiration is what's most important. Playiing my Yamaha and Nord side by side (or up and down keyboard shelf), the superior sound of my Nord is obvious in many many patches, especially acoustic pianos, and yet so many keyboardists complain that Nord's ac piano is bad and praise yamaha to the hilt. Mind you, I'm comparing a $5000 vs. $1500 keyboard, so I get it. But I've played other brands and find the Nord (as I've customized it) White Grand, for example to be richer and more complex than any other keyboard's. As far as Kronos, I've always been interested in them, but a couple of things stand out to me--I've heard it's a long boot up, which is no biggie except when you have to reboot during a show, and it's weight. I may be uninformed here, but I can't lug a keyboard more than 30 pounds or so anymore, so that eliminates a ton of great machines (Nautilus, Montae, some Rolands, etc.) no matter how great they are. I gig a lot and I'm old and getting weaker every day--or more lazy. I've heard great things about the Kawai keyboards, but their sheer weight would make it impossible, especially since I do a lot of solo gigs. I hae three sub 30 lb keyboards, my Nord 76, casio 3100 and yamaha CK 88. I'd add a Kurzweil PC4, but I think I'm all out of money and space in my studio or car, lol.
    1 point
  24. Like Dave, I've never used any of the Nord presets. I've always programmed from scratch. Wasn't overly impressed with the stock Stage 4 library... but it's relatively easy to add your own (Sample Robot to the rescue). Went to see Night Ranger last night. Eric Levy plays a Motif XS on bottom with an organ as second tier keyboard. Sounded great. Helps that he's a great player. 😁 I'm not huge on B3, but I find the Stage 3/4 to sound ok. I know what you mean about the fast Leslie. I was going to mention the Ventilator... but you've already got one. Montage M has the new Leslie VCM effect (recently ported from their Stage Pianos). Take some time to get familiar with it. You can control Leslie speed with the Ribbon (stop, slow, fast). I use a high-pass filter on the 2-Band EQ (post Leslie)... to pull out a lot of bottom end.
    1 point
  25. Because if USB power saving is on it will disconnect. That’s why it’s the most important default setting to change.
    1 point
  26. The last time I was in this hospital, the food sucked. Plus they too out my appendix. I'm sure I lost weight there.
    1 point
  27. Aaa. But just think you could have put that dollar towards something you’ll actually use.
    1 point
  28. As far as you don't know, Spire is one of the best emulsions of the Acc Virus T2 hence its great sound quality, obviously you can't compare with Avenger or Falcon which are workstations...
    1 point
  29. Yah, I logged in and I can get it for 49...
    1 point
  30. Hawkwind - Angels of Death
    1 point
  31. Bauhaus - Kick in the Eye
    1 point
  32. 808 State - Lambrusco Cowboy
    1 point
  33. Carpenters - Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft
    1 point
  34. Interestingly enough, this works! Yaaaaaaayyyyyyyy! I've managed to create two layouts, one for FX, and one for SoftSynths.
    1 point
  35. I really enjoyed it. I'm a bit in awe of the people who make this kind of music. It's beyond me how you do it.
    1 point
  36. Since Fabrice doesn't work no more with Slate , i wonder how the new coding is and by whom it is done ?
    1 point
  37. I've seen scook post in Feb/Mar on both KVR and VI, so he's still out there solving issues.
    1 point
  38. Thanks for the reply. That did not solve the problem, however I did find a sollution at windows - Running Installer or Uninstaller fails with SWbemObjectSet- Invalid Class - Server Fault.urlhttps://serverfault.com/questions/1143025/running-installer-or-uninstaller-fails-with-swbemobjectset-invalid-class To quote: It looks like the software installation process has been interrupted, resulting in corrupted entries in WMI repository. Press Windows+Q and type "cmd" into the search bar that pops up. Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator Type the following into the command prompt, then press enter. net stop winmgmt When prompted if you wish to continue, type Y and press enter. Type the following into the command prompt and press enter. winmgmt /resetrepository Restart your computer.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I wonder how many hours of practice and bodywork this took!
    1 point
  41. then just install the latest free version of Cakewalk by Bandlab while it’s still available. I don’t think they have been removed yet, but DX is on shaky ground being unsupported. That’s why I’m trying to find a perfect replacement.
    1 point
  42. Melda's MOscillator will generate waves of any frequency - e.g. a sine wave at 5Hz or something. That could easily drive a side-chain. It's an effects plugin (rather than an instrument), and it's free. For separate left / right signals you may need to put them on separate tracks, output to an aux, then use the aux output for your side chain input.
    1 point
  43. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1on7JV7nx2ukw46alZc1Xx5jNIjoroRsJ/view?usp=sharing there you go
    1 point
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