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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2024 in Posts

  1. This week the free game on Epic Games is Infinifactory. "Infinifactory is a sandbox puzzle game by Zachtronics, the creators of SpaceChem and Infiniminer. Build factories that assemble products for your alien overlords, and try not to die in the process." Get it here: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/infinifactory-ec9686 Free until: February 1 Steam rating: Very Positive / Overwhelmingly Positive Steam page (for reviews & more info): https://store.steampowered.com/app/300570/Infinifactory/ Gameplay video:
    7 points
  2. PSP InfiniStrip updated to v. 1.3.0 PSP InfiniStrip v. 1.3.0 New: 1) Added the "oldTimer" compressor module, inspired by the PSP oldTimerME. Changes: 1) Adjusted the reference for the Threshold in the FET Pressor to better align with other compressors, with a shift of -1.5dB. Bug Fixes: 1) AudioUnit: Resizing problem fixed. 2) AudioUnit: LED meter not shows value - fixed 3) Cubase 13: Plugin no longer opens in full-screen window; issue resolved. 4) Minor bugs fixed. Please Note: 1) macOS 10.13 and Earlier: We are no longer supporting older versions of macOS (10.13 and earlier). 2) Windows Vista and Earlier: Discontinuing support for Windows Vista and earlier versions for better performance and security. Install: 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section. 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer. 3) Restart your computer.
    6 points
  3. Demoing Silk 2. Hugely disappointed. This is not an instrument, but rather a player for built-in midi loops and patterns like strums and arpeggios. Arpeggios, however, have nothing in common with the guitar technique of the same name. Any DAW or MIDI-keyboard can do the same. Instrument page is a joke - you can't play single notes, just chords that have to be either strummed or picked. Although it is possible to play regular guitar arpeggios on the instrument page, I still wonder how playing arpeggios (picking every note) with one hand while holding a chord with another is better than just playing arpeggios? Also, you can't play any embellishments, like grace notes, slurs, etc. I must mention, that the recorded samples are not great, average at best. 7GB of disk space for something as useless as this piece of software? No, thanks!
    4 points
  4. I once lived in a rough neighborhood... https://www.taggerband.com/Music/FITBH/RedTide.html Dimension Pro: acoustic bass, drumbeats, strings Addictive Drums 2: additional cymbals Lead Guitar: John D, current player in my band Vocals: a singer from StudioPros.com whom I hired long ago - Daniel
    3 points
  5. Note that this isn't an Editor, ESP has the full Montage M synth engine. At least currently, you have to have a Montage-M hardware synth to access the download (the download key comes in the bag with the manual). As Yamaha mentioned previously, this first version is limited to Quick Edits (can't do full/deep editing). Full editing will come in a second update release. Not a big deal as it's easy to transfer from ESP>Montage and vice-versa. I loaded my Montage-M backup file. Loaded super quick. All my custom samples and programs are now in ESP. Pretty cool to have them virtualized. ESP allows running multiple instances. This is especially nice with the AN-X engine... as the hardware is limited to 16-voices. It'll now be easy to work around this with a DAW. I've been busy today... so I haven't had a chance to thoroughly check it out... but what I've seen/heard thus far is impressive. It's nice to *finally* have a 1:1 virtual equivalent to a top-tier keyboard workstation. Sampletank and HALion are OK. This is an entirely different beast. The Montage M8x weighs over 60 pounds (sans case). Not super keen on schlepping it to shows. I may take out a mini-ITX build just to run ESP. That combined with the Nord Stage 4 (my normal gig keyboard) would feel nearly unlimited.
    3 points
  6. https://www.gog.com/en/game/mordheim_city_of_the_damned Offer ends on: 06/02/2024 09:59 EET
    3 points
  7. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy — Andrews Sisters
    3 points
  8. Not just here but the Facebook groups have even double and nobody ever gets a correct answer which is simply “Log on to Bandlab” You often see Re install Cakewalk as an answer. I keep my mouth shut on Facebook. I just look and see what the punters are up to these days as it’s very entertaining stuff.
    3 points
  9. A new astrophotographic music video featuring the gorgeous astrophotography of Timothy Martin. Music from the album Virtual Harmonics I hope this video helps to take your mind off this confused world for 5 minutes and contemplate the cosmic perspective...
    2 points
  10. Thank you to everyone that helped and contributed to bring this project to the finished line. I am now done and time to move on. Many Thanks, Gary
    2 points
  11. https://oeksound.com/plugins/bloom/ oeksound has announced its upcoming audio plugin which analyzes the character of a signal and applies corrections to the perceived tonal balance for a more even and refined sound. This lets the user shape the tone and character of a track, for example by adding warmth, brightness, or clarity. The adjustments of Bloom are dynamic and context-aware. This makes the plugin quick and intuitive to use and helps keep the material sounding natural even when making radical changes. When its main “amount” control is turned up, Bloom aims to make the sound more balanced. It does this in a way that is context-aware, constantly changing based on input, and tuned by ear by oeksound’s engineers. The result can work as an efficient starting point in the mixing process, offering a quick way to even out and refine the tonal characteristics of a sound. Four frequency balance sliders can be used to further shape the tone to taste, enabling both fine adjustments and radical transformations. These sliders change the overall tonal balance that Bloom is working towards, rather than making absolute cuts or boosts as found in an EQ. An additional squash mode engages a form of frequency-dependent compression. Other features include attack and release controls, mid/side functionality, and low latency mode. Bloom will be available soon in VST3, AU, and AAX formats
    2 points
  12. My Netflix project is finished! (whew!) 18 distinct cues based on 6 themes for a total run time of 43:35, plus an additional 38 minutes of incidental music. The bills are all paid for next quarter and then some (again... whew!). Here's a piece that didn't make the cut, so I thought I'd have a little fun with it on my own. Enjoy!
    2 points
  13. Hello All, Check out these Wooden Studio Rack spacers. I just ordered two 1U spacers and they are beautiful. Have a great day.
    2 points
  14. PSP Audio updates User Area of their web site! https://www.pspaudioware.net/UserArea/identify Web page now shows release dates on all software and a green label to highlight recent releases. This makes it so much easier to determine which of your plugins you need to update.
    2 points
  15. It would be Real nice if someone placed an Activation , re-Activation "sticky" at the top of this page . Not that everyone would read it , but it's getting old seeing the same question every couple of days. ms
    2 points
  16. i see nothing but Plusses for modern daws. it's up to the user to reign it all in. you have to have a vision. otherwise, you are spinning wheels, whether it's old analog gear or modern DAW.
    2 points
  17. I did this recently. I transferred some very old recordings I made on 4 track from back in the mid 80s. I added instruments, fixed a lot of vocals with Melodyne, remixed, and remastered everything. I was even able to separate out some instruments that were bounced down on to one track using O9A. It was a lot of fun and the end product was amazing compared to what I started with. I also did that with some old 8 track band demos from the 90s. We played to a click track and I was able to completely remove the poorly mic'd drums and replace them with samples. I also sped the track up without artifacts using software. We originally recorded it too slow but didn't pick up on it at the time. If Joe Schmoe sitting in his bedroom/home recording room can do that, imagine what the professionals in real studios with access to a lot more equipment and software than I have can do. Not to mention a lot more talent and skill than I have.
    2 points
  18. Great stuff .. takes me back .. Bit bass'y but from all those years back and the gear that was available I'd give 10 (As David Jacobs might say )
    2 points
  19. NEW MoReVoX FREE PACK 2024 3GB of PREMIUM SAMPLES https://www.morevox.com/download/files/free/zzPacks/users/MRV_FREE_PACK_usr_2024.zip
    2 points
  20. For more information, this package can be found here: https://www.morevox.com/web/freebbie.html
    2 points
  21. This was actually a side issue in the situation I had mentioned above. She had had minimal exposure to recording/DAW usage and not developed an ear for listening at that point, so I found myself constantly searching for visual aids to drive explanations home. I ended up having her Bounce to Track(s) fairly frequently when she started out so that she could visually see those changes on her own till she developed an ear for them. Barring a few exceptions, waveform changes due to tweaks, and especially FX, can only be visualized by baking them in on a Bounce to Track(s). For real-time monitoring, SPAN is also a good tool to monitor changes since you can use instances side-by-side to "straddle" the FX in question, as well as it being light-weight enough that you can use it pretty much anywhere and everywhere you need to "see" in a project.
    2 points
  22. Led Zeppelin - Boogie With Stu
    2 points
  23. NAMM Special – 50% OFF During the NAMM Show you can save 50% on Software, Upgrades (including License SL) and Soundsets. Only until January 28! https://waldorfmusic.com/shop-english/#software
    1 point
  24. Thanks mate... and thanks for all the listens and comments. Hope the journey was helpful to others. Gary
    1 point
  25. .... And the crowd shouted out ... MORE!! MORE!!! Well done mate this really is a great song ..moreover produced to hell 🤝 Love ya man Steve
    1 point
  26. Earth, Kiss, and Fire - "I Was Made for Boogie Wonderland"
    1 point
  27. This is REALLY good ( I had the Tascam 4 track, then the Tascam midi studio , still used in the studio ). The vocal is spot on and so of that time .. 🤛 so well produced
    1 point
  28. I agree. Get that sorted and you're onto a winner 🙂
    1 point
  29. Yes! The original was one of the few compressors with a pulse width modulation-based design. It's super-fast. I thought it was weird because it didn't have an attack control, but then I realized that it didn't really need one in the conventional sense.
    1 point
  30. https://e-instruments.com/shop/instruments/strings/desolate-guitars/ Use code * sanjay24dg
    1 point
  31. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2024/01/22/parametricod-neural-amp/ https://www.neuralampmodeler.com/post/the-first-publicly-available-parametric-neural-amp-model Steve Ack, the developer behind Neural Amp Modeler, released ParametricOD, a freeware guitar distortion pedal plugin for Windows and macOS. ParametricOD uses Neural Amp Modeler as a backbone but gives a complete and accurate capture of Steve Ack’s own overdrive pedal. ParametricOD is “a plugin that uses NAM’s parametric modeling capabilities to give you a model of my overdrive pedal that is accurate across the full range of the pedal’s knobs and switches.”
    1 point
  32. I prefer to think of it as “gainful unemployment”! t
    1 point
  33. There is an update for Izotope RX10 advanced from 10.4.2 to 10.5.0. As usual, I cant find the update log.
    1 point
  34. Look at it this way. One is to tame the peaks and the other one is to glue it in the mix. You can achieve the same results by using the same compressor. It wont give you the same character as analog gear, but wil give the same results Warren is explaining here. He is a great buddy.
    1 point
  35. Anyone know what this is about??
    1 point
  36. If you go to Plug-ins4free and type Bagpipes there is a free one there by Quilicom that is pretty cool. It’s really weird to use so read the instructions https://plugins4free.com/plugin/3296/
    1 point
  37. WaveLab The biggest ever release for audio mastering With close to 80 new features and improvements, WaveLab 12 is the biggest ever release for audio mastering and editing. The best choice for world-class mastering facilities, music studios, and ambitious hobbyists alike, WaveLab 12’s array of state-of-the-art tools has something for everyone working with music and sound.
    1 point
  38. Compressor plugins are like ampsims - they all basically do the same thing slightly differently, still you always crave them and need "one more".
    1 point
  39. Upgrades only at their website.
    1 point
  40. from: https://www.soundsonline.com/synth-and-effects/spaces-ii "And because it includes all reverbs from Spaces I, Spaces II is the most powerful and versatile convolution reverb on the market." Though if you've used Spaces 1 in a project you may need to keep it to avoid breaking the project. The plugins don't have the same name so the DAW may fail to substitute, I don't know as I have not tested this.
    1 point
  41. Played with this (the ParametricOD) for a few minutes... My quick analysis: Temperamental... at least with Cakewalk. By that I mean that sometimes when I inserted it, it would be mute (GUI working but wouldn't pass any audio) then if I deleted it from project and reinserted it then it would work. When I saved it with a project - 2 out of 3 times I tried it reloaded as mute losing its settings and I had to reinsert to get it functional again. CPU was pretty light (one instance running, entire project using less than 3% CPU). Applied it to one of the guitar tracks I use for testing amp sims - not bad. Like an OD pedal - on an anemic track or color to a clean guitar it can add some life - can stack nicely with some amp sims (patch dependent of course) - on its own: as a rock amp sim not bad, usable depending on context; but not if you're going after a metal vibe. My overall verdict - if they can get the bugs worked out, worth having in toolbox otherwise pass. As always YMMV.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. https://blanketfortaudio.gumroad.com/l/melloharp Blanketfort Audio has announced the release of Melloharp, a free VST3 and AU instrument plugin for Windows and macOS. For this version, Blanketfort Audio multisampled the original in 3 round robins, and 3 dynamic layers, in thirds. It's all about 3's. Then, in a similar fashion to SR Drums, those samples were run through a Technics cassette deck, as well as a Sony TCM-40DV, doing the 'dub at double speed octave up, record back at half speed' trick. This resulted in 3 different tonal layers. As opposed to making different instruments for each later Ă  la SR Drums, all 3 layers were loaded into the same instrument so you can blend them to suit.
    1 point
  44. https://www.decentsamples.com/product/decent-sampler-plugin/ https://store.zendawsounds.com/p/elysea-ds/ ZenDAW are offering 69% off Elysea, now available for only $9.00, (usually $29.00). The offer ends January 26th. For those who paid full price for Elysea or Prismic, you can receive one product from the store for FREE
    1 point
  45. Zebralette was what convinced me to initially invest in Zebra2 back in, hmm, 2012? It's been my go-to synth ever since. Here's my very first experiment with Zebralette from back then. Bear in mind that this little guy is basically just a single oscillator! But Zebra's oscillators are pretty impressive even before you start applying modulation, effects, filters and its fancy envelope generators. Everything you hear in this ditty is Zebralette - no fx, not even EQ. Needless to say, I will be purchasing Zebra3 on day one of its release.
    1 point
  46. 11 lbs - interesting. As for size and quality it's hard to beat those IK iLoud monitors.
    1 point
  47. Lars is most definitely the King. Satya is clearly the Crown Prince, and the rest of us are expendable serfs laboring in the fields.
    1 point
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