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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2024 in all areas

  1. Figured I'd post this, since there's been a few game posts every now and then. https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/marvels-guardians-of-the-galaxy Free until January 11th.
    5 points
  2. I get the impatience. The people who make my favorite toy have announced there's a new version that will ship "sometime in the near future," but that was 6 months ago. As far as your personal needs go, I suspect that you could be happy with Cakewalk by BandLab in its current state for a long time. BandLab have announced no plans to turn off the validation server. They have also shown a history of not only leaving the Cakewalk, Inc. registration server and product repository turned on (for 6 years now), they even recently updated the front end program for it. Spending money to provide continued support for a defunct company's products, and they are products that are in direct competition with their own. From the start, it's been in BandLab's best interests for people to migrate/update from SONAR to CbB, yet they enable people to stick with SONAR for as long as they like. They've even kept the Steam validation going for people who bought it that way. I've even recently witnessed a Cakewalk developer patiently helping a SONAR 8.5 user on this forum. The idea that they would suddenly kick the cord out of their own Cakewalk's validation server....it would be out of character for them to do it. Yes, they say "at some point" Cakewalk by BandLab will no longer validate, but IIRC, they've also said that about the old Cakewalk, Inc. products. The ill will it would generate just wouldn't be worth it. At this point, BandLab are the company who saved SONAR. Now, after 6 years of letting everyone use SONAR's direct descendant for free, while they turned the dev staff loose on bug fixing like rabid wolves, they've announced a more extensively revamped DAW that will continue the "Sonar" branding and will be payware. This is all fine, they're heroes who are now going to be claiming a just reward. Why anyone would suspect that they would suddenly kick CbB users to the curb, with all the ill will that would generate, escapes me. The loss-leader concept is now firmly entrenched in the audio software market. MeldaProduction (wouldn't be an Erik post without a mention of MeldaProduction, would it?) was an early pioneer, with their MFreeFX Bundle. That package of freebies was (and still is) of incredibly value in my self-education as a mix engineer, and it so solidly hooked me on their products that I now have a lifetime license for everything they will ever produce. Many companies have followed suit, including iZotope and Kilohearts. There will be users who will wish to stay with CbB for whatever reason(s). Custom theming is one near to my heart that I will miss a great deal. Breaking things for people who took you up on the loss leader? I can't think of any audio software company who has done that. It would generate so much ill will. Why would any company deliberately do that? BandLab are smart cookies. The Cakewalk staff have been around the music software industry for a long time and know the score (no pun intended). Sonar is still a product of the same company, BandLab AFAIK didn't get bought up by a different conglomerate with a different agenda. Meng's vision of rescuing SONAR from oblivion is still driving it. Now, part of that vision is having it bring in direct revenue instead of just the brand recognition it's been supplying. Once Sonar ships, the plan is to no longer allow new users to adopt CbB. I suspect that this is partly to curtail the free version from cannibalizing sales of the new version. Fair enough, although I'd love it if the plan were to keep the legacy CbB around as a loss-leader. But they've given a huge advance warning that if you still want the freebie CbB, act NOW. Nothing sinister, ever, in 6 years. I just don't think it's going to start now. As for the licensing cost, I personally suspect that it will be a pleasant surprise. Sonar, as Jon alluded to, will probably get some of the Cakewalk IP plug-ins added back. But AFAIK, it's not going to ship with the huge bundle of 3rd-party goodies that Platinum did. Maybe I'm wrong, but there's been no indication of that. If that's the case, the starting point is SONAR Professional pricing. With the competition not exactly resting for the past half-dozen years, lots more action in the $100 range with Studio One Artist, Waveform, REAPER, and Mixcraft, I suspect something in that neighborhood. Maybe also some kind of subscription model in addition (some people prefer that for various reasons). Waves have taught us about the perils of trying to sell subscription-only to creative software users, so I wouldn't expect subscription-only.
    4 points
  3. And the award for the largest amount of absolute crap written by a single plug-in vendor goes to......
    4 points
  4. Here's the newly released Introduction video to TDR Prism and TDR Special Filters featuring the great Dan Worrall @mibby
    4 points
  5. I was looking for some time for a distressor emulation. It’s so nice of Kiive Audio to offer the XTMax for free. In the past they offered Xtressor Nuke for free. I tried XTMax and I think this is in fact XT Nuke with more options (Attack, Compression Knee and Side chain Filter). Don’t miss this one guys! Sounds awesome.
    4 points
  6. Nothing lame about it. What problem/s does a Linux DAW solve? Latency? Compatibility? Performance? The short answer is none of the above. What is "Lame ***" is Linux as a DAW platform. 20+ years behind Mac and PC Far fewer developers Miniscule user base (Mac/PC DAW user base in tiny compared to general-purpose users. Linux DAW users are a tiny percentage compared to Mac/PC). Low demand (vs Mac/PC) 101 different OS variants Near zero one-on-one support for less tech-savvy users What does a miniscule user-base, few developers, and low demand result in? You guessed it, no significant profit. The reality of the situation is that (especially in today's economy), companies can't afford thousands of man-hours (development)... for something that's not going to pay for itself. If your life-savings was invested in a DAW software company, would you honestly think it a wise investment to develop a Linux DAW? Lets say you've got 10 thousand man-hours in development cost (at $50/man-hour). That's half a million dollars. I don't know about you, but I'd want that $500,000 to generate a decent return on investment. Mac/PC is going to have a much better ROI... because the user-base is much larger (far more potential customers). Say Company X compiled the ultimate Linux DAW. Legitimate support across the many different variants of Linux would be a nightmare (money and time). Why do you think many laptop developers choose to hide BIOS parameters from end-users? It's not because it's beneficial from a performance standpoint, it's to save them from potential tech-support nightmare. If you want to run a Linux DAW "just because you can"... more power to you. For someone who has everything they want/need in a current Mac/PC DAW, where's the impetus to make a (less than lateral) move? Emotional/philosophical reasons aren't going to motivate folks to take a significant step backward. Remember when Mac/PC DAWs were starting to come about? Oh, this new DAW software is going to be the "ProTools killer". Just because someone created an alternative (even if it's completely equal in features/function), that's not enough of a reason to get many folks to switch. Linux as legitimate DAW platform (to completely rival Mac/PC) faces a nearly vertical slope.
    3 points
  7. Only available in your account - mine was $25 https://redroomaudio.com/my-account/my-coupons/
    3 points
  8. What I remember most about the song forum was NagBap. Bapu was always chasing people to send along their stems so he could get his work done. IS he still at it? I'm curious to see what the next Sonar roll out will look like. I bought every proprietary plugin they sold back in the old days and I've not been able to find really great replacements for some of them. I have all the old pre Bandlab software archived, including the plugins. I'll be curious to see if the rewrite kills backward compatibility with them. I do miss some of the Cakewalk synths because they were easy to use and had great sound. In a previous post I described the product as doomed and that was a poor choice of words. I think cursed would have been better. It just seemed like whenever things were really coming together, money and management would derail it. Roland, Gibson, Bandlab. I can't think of any other platform that's changed hands as often. On the positive side, these issues pushed me in another direction. I moved away from recording and got into hardware, building guitar amps, working with studios and eventually building tube hi-fi equipment. So it wasn't all bad. I bought a bunch of DAWs. I found most didn't work for me as well as Sonar Platinum but did get comfortable with Reaper. finding it to be very capable and low cost. Here's a couple examples of my new gig.
    3 points
  9. I love that he blames covid as the cause of his business (apparently) failing. From what I've read on KVR, Reddit, and other forums, this guy will spam people incessantly and just when you think he's finally removed you he'll do it again. He allegedly gets booted from many of the mass email newsletter services because of recipient complaints, including from myself. He's been banned from multiple subreddits for spamming, including /r/vsti because after he was banned, he then posted more spam from an alt account so they've had to do a keyword ban. The moment anyone criticizes or questions him the flame wars begin, as we've witnessed on Reddit and KVR. I've read that many people complain that they've bought in to his so-called "group buys" and he's never delivered on promised products that were under development. I've never purchased anything from him and never will. I just can't support anyone who runs his business like this and I don't understand why anyone else would either. And donating to a monthly Patreon account? Not a chance! update: just checked and it appears that Reddit has suspended his account. I wonder why!
    3 points
  10. There are Tools that can sample virtual instruments automatically (essentially the equivalent of sending midi notes one at a time and recording the output). I have Chickensys Translator that can do this with its autosampler feature. There are probably cheaper alternatives. On the other hand, the main functions in Chickensys translator can be useful if you start getting into Falcon, as it will allow you to create Falcon libraries out of unencrypted libraries for other instruments (e.g., libraries for older versions of Kontakt or Sampletank, but not libraries for recent versions because those are encrypted). Note also that it will output an unencrypted Falcon library, not UFS files. Note that Translator is one of those programs that you really should demo it first and make sure you understand what it can and what it cannot do. https://www.chickensys.com/products2/translator/
    2 points
  11. $18.95 https://zero-g.co.uk/products/surface-tension
    2 points
  12. Nope. Also, Ardour/Harrison Mixbus, Reaper, and Waveform. There are a number of open source DAWs in addition (LMMS, Rosegarden).
    2 points
  13. The king of post count is actually @cclarry. Too bad his Deals posts on the old forum never were added to his total. They do here and thus he actually he has more posts that anyone in this forum iteration. I had exactly 85k in posts (as bapu) in the old forum (all unfunny) when it closed. That means I have only posted 9.7k posts here (all childish drivel). As of today, @cclarry has 35.2K posts. He had to have had at least triple that on the old forum. And 99,9% of all his posts have had some value to someone.
    2 points
  14. Another song I learned by ear as a child. This was difficult when I was 12 or 13, but it was worth it. This song got me 'dates' with more girls than any other song I ever played in my entire life. One girl wanted me to play it while my sax was pressed against her ***** for foreplay. Harlem Nocturne — The Viscounts
    2 points
  15. i dont agree with any of these
    2 points
  16. best bet is second hand, i got mine for 125 at FB or special deals for 199+100 voucher like black friday
    2 points
  17. maybe... I bought Falcon from UVI gambling that my voucher would be more than the $20 something I could have saved by buying it somewhere else. This is how it worked out for me... At UVI I spent $212.86 on Falcon + stuff $ 54.29 on a bunch of Falcon libs (using my $100 voucher) $149.00 late in 2023 getting Augmented Orchestra ================= $ 60 my voucher for 2023 expenditures. Possible I got around 15% kickback for all three combined. or around 30% kickback on purchases #2 + #3 ($203.29) combined. I don't know... Someone else who didn't buy Falcon from UVI will have to contribute their data to figure it out (or someone can contact UVI and see what they say). BUT I'm tired and this is as far as I'm digging. Here's the CW Forum thread on last years sale where we tossed around various ideas on how best to spend our pennies:
    2 points
  18. Ah, the old Cakewalk newsgroup. Joined that one in 1999. Man, I've been around forever! It's surprising how many of the guys names I remember. I think the whole ProRec staff was on there too - Rip, Jim, Joel, Bruce, Ted, Ethan... EDIT - Pete Leoni, if you're still around, sorry I forgot you. Oh what fun it was to launch Outlook Express in the morning on a dial up connection and to wait for it to load all the posts. And to only have access to internet from 6 pm to 6 am, because it was the only package we could afford... 🤣
    2 points
  19. How exactly did you do this? The zip file contains an MSI file - this is an installer. You don’t just copy this file into your VST folder, you run the installer The installer prompts for the various locations. The most important location is “Install VST to”. This needs to be a location as defined in Preferences - File - VST Settings > VST Scan Paths Once the installation is complete, then do a scan. Then the Sitala drum player should be showing up in Cakewalk. Check Cakewalk Plug-in manager if necessary.
    2 points
  20. Answered https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/20928/which-ones-are-new-7-0-2-presets#latest
    2 points
  21. New Tone Partner Bundles and Collections IK releases 16 new TONEX Tone Partner Collections plus savings on new Tone Partner bundles available now on ToneNET to demo and purchase. This brings the total to over 200 collections from top tone creators to play across the entire TONEX ecosystem including on stage with TONEX Pedal. You can view the entire list of Tone Partners and their collections here. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?item_id=15574
    2 points
  22. How cool that this person went to all that trouble to put all these tests in one place, plus giving very good background information for each one. First test I did was "hearing loss". Said I have mild to moderate loss. Not unexpected for an old rocker, but sheesh, it doesn't exactly put a positive spin on the day. What I don't get is given my loss of sensitivity, why do I complain that most concerts are too loud? I also did the low frequency harmonic distortion test. A few years ago I did away with a separate subwoofer (it was stolen, along with my 7.25" ADAM P11-As) and went with an 8" speaker that had excellent low-end extension (due to its large enclosure) and decided that I did not actually need a sub. But I hadn't tested again since those speakers died and were replaced by smaller, less-expensive 8" speakers. I was happy to see them doing fine down to 36 Hz, more than good enough. The dynamic range / dither demonstration was great. It clearly shows the benefit of noise-shaping. Of course, it's mostly irrelevant with modern standards and nobody really needs to concern themselves with dither algorithms, but it's still interesting. Same with the aliasing test. If your playback system fails this one, you're one cheap-***** mf. The first time I ever heard aliasing, I didn't know what it was. It sounded like birds chirping. That was on a $12 MP3 player I picked up at a drugstore 20 years ago. I haven't really heard noticeable aliasing since, although most of the time it shows up as a vague graininess you can't put your finger on, and is more often caused by poorly-designed synthesizers than anything else. Try testing one of the sweep tests (e.g. the MATT test) by placing a microphone at your listening position and recording it. I've done this many times using Ethan Winer's swept sine file while testing room treatments and speaker placement, and it's helpful for identifying room resonances that are making your room lie to you. Using that method, I was able to identify a problematic resonance at 70 Hz. Converting that to wavelength (L = 1028 / f, or 14.6 ft), I figured out that it had to be floor-to-ceiling and added more absorption to that axis to flatten it. A more sophisticated version is a tool called REW, but just recording the swept sine (or, in the case of the MATT test, a stepped sine) gives you a pretty good picture without need of any additional software beyond your DAW.
    2 points
  23. Happy New Year all. I spent many years and a small fortune on all things Sonar. During the Bandlab detour my account, username and posts were all vapourized and I moved on. I used to be Ampfixer and now I'm just John. I decided to start the new year with a visit to the Cakewalk forum just to have a look. Well, some things never change. Cakewalk is again changing the product and rules of ownership, Bapu still has the largest post count and many of you from years back are still hanging in, trying to make it all work. The only thing I miss about this doomed product is my interaction with some really great people in the forums. I really miss it. You were always a good group and very supportive. I hope this latest change works out for you. Ampfixer
    1 point
  24. Hi all. This songs has two parts. The parts are the same song presented two different ways, each about 3 minutes long. The first part is "Life" which is a straight forward, band-type version. I used Arturia's new, free VST (until January 4, 2024 I think) Efx Refract on the bass and the electric piano. The second part is called "Afterlife" which I posted here a few months ago as a piece called "Life" (ridiculous, I know....sorry....) which is just a syncopated, improvised on the piano roll piano and percussion version. Happy New Year!🎶🎶🎶🎶 link: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/life-afterlife DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, acoustic guitars, DI bass, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, SI Drums by CbB effects reference speakers: M-Audio BX3
    1 point
  25. I bought a hardware-based vocal processor that can track vocals via MIDI. I'll lay out what I'm trying to do: Record a MIDI track into BandLab. Let's say, a two- or three-part harmony. The TC-Helicon processor has MIDI and USB connections. BandLab sees the processor under the Devices tab as a MIDI connection. (See attached screenshot) I've attached screenies of the processor and the audio interface being used. I can sing directly into the mic and the DAW will record my voice. Or, I can sing harmonies via a MIDI track from third-party MIDI playback software. (Notation Composer) What I CAN'T figure out is how to sing while getting Cakewalk to read one of its own MIDI tracks to also produce the harmonies.
    1 point
  26. https://www.bestservice.com/en/diva_by_design.html
    1 point
  27. To get my hammers/slides to work the way that makes sense to me, I have to change the fret position on the fly as the fingering moves around the fretboard. AmpleSound does this thru key switches. OrangeTree requires Kontakt's CC MIDI learn functionality. So, to do this with OT's Gypsy Jazz guitar, I had to map out CC values and fret positions. I've listed this mapping below in case it saves anyone some time, or helps make more realistic programming for you. As you may know, the same note can be played in several places on the fretboard, and they all sound different. This will help you to program the way a guitarist thinks. Since different Evolution guitars may have different max # frets, this mapping may not be applicable to other OT products. Evolution Django Jazz Fret CC Position Values 0: 0-3 1: 4-11 2: 12-18 3: 19-26 4: 27-33 5: 34-41 6: 42-48 7: 49-56 8: 57-63 9: 64-70 10: 71-78 11: 79-85 12: 86-93 13: 94-100 14: 101-108 15: 109-115 16: 116-123 17: 124-127
    1 point
  28. It's the MOX6. It can send audio through USB to record, but in order to hear it, you need to run out from the keyboard's analog jacks to your speakers/headphones. Its driver is ASIO, so I can't use my normal audio interface at the same time for audible output. Also, that's just straight audio recording. If you wanted to use controllable MIDI notes with the onboard sounds, which I did, you need to loop back through the synth's tone generator and (again) out through the analog jacks.
    1 point
  29. https://www.pssl.com/products/audient-id44-4-channel-usb2-audio-interface
    1 point
  30. Same here! I totally agree with you PavlovsCat! Yesterday I’ve tested out UAD Distressor Trial and the XTMax, and I kindof like the sound of XTMax more on synths. Probably I’ll get a trial for Xtressor from PA as well just for testing purposes. At this time I gotta say, I freaking love the XTMax and most probably I’ll end up using it in every project I’ll be creating from now on. For distressor emulation I’ve got my eyes in the past on UAD Distressor, KiiveAudio’s Xtressor/Xtressor Nuke and IKMultimedia’s Comprexxor. For now, I think XTMax is more than enough. But I’m not gonna lie, that UAD offer Custom bundle of 2 at $99 with $25 gift voucher is tempting.
    1 point
  31. Wavesynth Pitch Black will be available for only $12.90 instead of the normal $39 from today and ends on January 18, 2024. https://audioplugin.deals/product/wavesynth-pitch-black-by-karanyi-sounds/
    1 point
  32. On the road as we drove through Nashville, you could buy Black Diamond stings in a convenience store.
    1 point
  33. I wsih i could but all clips a linked to the loop size i dont know how to explain it ... let s say i play drums , on one bar , in live or bitwig or maschine i can loop it , so loop length for this tracks is 1 bars i then play a guitar part improvisation on 8 bars , i can loop it on even 7 bars if i wanted , the first drum track will fallow without me having to copy past it 7 times , so basically it is a polyrythmy by tracks , each one can loop its own way/. In studio one i have to sync all tracks to the big clip and make sure they feed the loop length , the only loop that masters all ... Good for regular work but for what i neeed nope ... Here you clearly see 3 clips that have diff length but are all in sync
    1 point
  34. Not necessary. I already got it free three times.
    1 point
  35. @Chris Ward, I suggest you contact @Jim Roseberry and discuss having him build you a new PC.
    1 point
  36. Guitar Center POD https://www.guitarcenter.com/Antelope-Audio/Zen-Q-Synergy-Core-USB-Audio-Interface-1500000367588.gc
    1 point
  37. you're allowed to just hang out here, much more stress free
    1 point
  38. https://www.soundonsound.com/news/spl-launch-vitalizer-mk3-t-mixdream-xp-mk2 https://spl.audio/en/spl-produkt/vitalizer-mk3-t https://spl.audio/en/spl-produkt/mixdream-xp-mk2/ The latest additions to the SPL product range offer upgraded versions of two of their popular analogue outboard designs. The Vitalizer Mk3-T enhancer and MixDream XP Mk2 summing mixer have each been treated to some design enhancements, and now come in the same neat black finish as the rest of the company’s Studio series. The Vitalizer Mk3-T and MixDream XP Mk2 are available now, priced at $1099 and $1499 respectively.
    1 point
  39. Had a look at some posts on the old forum to refresh my memory. Good to hear from you , but I have to agree "doomed product" and "hanging in, trying to make it all work" doesn't really capture the lived experience of those of us who have continued to make lots of good music using CW without any significant issues over years and decades. There has never been any actual disruption in CW's serviceability through all the ownership transitions or even the Gibson "shutdown", just a lot of needless hand-wringing as there is now with the transition from free to paid product. The king is dead! Long live the king! Cheers, Dave (the user formerly known as brundlefly)
    1 point
  40. Journey - Raised On Radio
    1 point
  41. Personally, I was disappointed in Photosounder. Maybe I didn't explore it as much as I should have. I wrote the developer a very simple, general question, but have never heard anything back from them. The $19 program is something called Spline EQ, and Photosounder itself is $29 at Pluginboutique.
    1 point
  42. Back in the late 90's I gave my pre-school daughters the pc game SymTunes which also did this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GchIgaSmFI0 You draw a picture on the screen then four little bugs crawl around the picture playing the pixels they encounter along the way.
    1 point
  43. Cakewalk by BandLab is not going anywhere anytime soon. If anything changes on that front, there would be plenty of advance notice. We have no desire to pull the rug out from anybody. All of your projects from Cakewalk by BandLab and before will all continue to be fine in the new Sonar version as well. Also as has been said in a dozen other threads, the current plan for the new Sonar pricing should be very agreeable to most folks. Nothing is fully finalized, so we can't give out details, but the team is still very hard at work on all aspects of the new version and its delivery. This is unlikely as part of the user agreement for having free CbB is that it requires you to be connected to BandLab. All that's required of this is to have access to free software is the login. That's called cracked/pirated software, aka intellectual property theft. There's some plans in the works for some of this, obviously I can't give any details at this time.
    1 point
  44. I received the latest spam in the last week or two. I always report the spam and block the new address but he keeps on using different emails. The cockroach of software developers.
    1 point
  45. Blindness is in the eye of the beholder, just as beauty is in the face of the beautiful (and other parts of their anatomy).
    1 point
  46. correct - the answer is to save it as CWP (normal project file) then rename the CWP to CWT. if you were to check the content - the regular CWT file does not contain the image MIME data in the front of the file content. whereas the CWP does. ergo - save as CWP, rename and voila!
    1 point
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