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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2021 in all areas

  1. Just to make sure I cover the basics since I often skip right over them (my bad), when you use something like our tape machines, are you setting your buffer size to a larger value? Since our tape machines and some of our other processors are meant for mixing and/or mastering purposes, you'd typically want to go pretty large on the buffer size which can help performance and will not have other impact since you are not tracking directly with them. Those tape machines are definitely not meant for real-time tracking.
    7 points
  2. Full Kontakt required https://klang.cologne/klang21_free.php
    4 points
  3. The Flaming Lips - When Yer Twenty Two
    3 points
  4. I'll see your 22 years and raise it by 78!
    3 points
  5. Go back in time on the Forum to hear our fearless leader's (CC Larry) rant about having the TSM2 equivalent but no love on an upgrade path!!! The real value to me has been similar to my only gambling experience in Vegas: went with a buddy and brought $40 to limit my losses. I spent NINE hours at a blackjack table and ate, drank, and got chased away by the pit boss when I was dealt FOUR ACES in one hand. I had to ask others at the table for help as I had no idea what to do and ultimately lost exactly $40. Coming back to the topic, I just spent the last two months and 160 pages of forum magic getting to the TSM3 equivalent that I would have otherwise ignored had I upgraded to TSM3!!!! I love this forum.
    2 points
  6. And checking it twice no doubt. t
    2 points
  7. The real Tiny Terror is an amazing amp, sad that they're not making them any more. I went low wattage a while ago and haven't looked back. I do not have the handwired edition that we modeled but I do have the Korean-made version before they moved production to China if that means anything tone-wise but I couldn't tell you. I've only played this one I have and the model we did of the handwired version. For real amps my other low-wattage choice is a Fender Blues Junior which also sounds really great. I have used both in an A/B/Y setup with the Tiny Terror as the dirty side and the Blues Jr as the clean side and it worked very well. The Tiny Terror responds well to certain types of pedals and I was using boost, overdrive, and/or EQ pedals in front of a Tiny Terror like you'd push other amps and get to the "almost channel-switching" kind of vibe. But it really starts dirty for me even though it has some clean headroom. I had better success pushing a mid-boost, standard overdrive, standard booster (the Seymour Duncan with a pretty insane max boost - ignore the "pickup simulation" part on that one IMHO - plus I used to have an old LPB-1 but it was NOISY), and a treble booster. Those all worked pretty well with it.
    2 points
  8. Zappa - Cruisin' For Burgers
    2 points
  9. Godspeed to Eusebio & Jacques.
    2 points
  10. I just tried Saturator X this morning. Although some will argue that it is a totally different beast than the tape machines, I like it a lot! In tape mode it retains more of the high end and enhances it. It is much, much easier to use for someone not familiar with the inner workings of a tape machine and it is barely using any CPU. A winner for me!
    2 points
  11. thanks so much, Tom! Like how a short, simple phrase, repeated over and over, loses all literal meaning, and with increased repetitions you find a zoned-out state of mental non-focus. Sometimes spelled "mantric" . . . like the classic "ohmmmmmmmm" becomes a mantra when repeated into unconsciousness. Or so ommm told. Now what about that hat again??? 🕵 cheers mate, thanks for the comments!
    2 points
  12. I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! We'll kind of. But let's not go down that rabbit hole! 🐇🐰 It's just that it has been a few hours since the last freebie and I didn't post the update to the 'guess the number of freebies' yet! Ok, I have to cross some nice people from the list again! 🥺 @kevin H along with the most helpful guy promoting this GB, @Peter - IK Multimedia! You have helped us all, thanks mate! GroverKen 14 Brian Lawler 15 Fleer 16 DeeringAmps 16 Larry 17 telecode 101 17 InstrEd 17 husker 18 Marc Cormier 18 Doug Rintoul 19 kevin H 20 Peter 20 Bapu 21 Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann 24 Me 24
    2 points
  13. Oh Yeah ! Life is Good!!! 🤗 abacab , I get what your saying . I did go with the Saturator X , plus the Mix Buss Compressor for now . This still leaves me 2 promo slots to fill at the current GB tally . Yeah , If they add more plugs due the G B numbers getting larger we can all get more promo's ....I'm interested enough still to have the desire to pick up one of the Tape Machine plugs . The truth is I'm up to my eyeballs in learning curve with the plugs I have now 🤣 thanks ... Kenny
    2 points
  14. Please disregard that last post, I have solved that issue also or rather, Cakewalk solved it. (I think) It seems the mic is only sent to the master if echo is turned on... (problem solved) This completes the entire chain for me. This thread is officially, "SOLVED"... Thanks Cakewalk peeps! Best to you, your help was awesome! I hope this thread helps others seeking the same solutions.
    2 points
  15. Blacksun Versatile Amp Free Edit: till Dec 1st.... Check their other freebies too if you haven't.
    2 points
  16. If you buy straight from Melda I think you are right that you forfeit using a referral code . However if you buy plugins from a 3rd party off the bat, I think you can still use a code. I recall using a code after I had melda plugins but it was my first time buying direct. At least that is what I remember happening.
    2 points
  17. Barry , I thought this was a Very cool song and the entire concept of it "hit home" for me. I think the weak point was the drums. The basic rhythm is correct , but needs to be more complex . It felt like there were missing hits that would drive the song a little harder. I think when the energy is up a little bit , it will prompt you to make other changes that this one deserves. I loved it and think it is Very worthy of reviving. mark
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. SKLA - Free Stereo Leveling Amplifier I'm proud to announce a leveling amplifier plugin inspired by the famous LA2A. This plugin is not a direct emulation, it encapsulates many characteristics that the original has. https://www.patreon.com/posts/skla-free-stereo-56952586
    2 points
  20. It seems rather obvious that this developer is the enigma that was once called Any Day Long that used to post here under a few different accounts -- like Dave Klein, that only posted to promote Any Day Long drum libraries -- and then disappeared and either abandoned or deleted all of his accounts here and elsewhere. I'm basing that on the production, the way he lays out the KONTAKT libraries he produces and the demos -- from the playing and the unmistakable vocals on some of the demos. I don't understand why he posts under various accounts, closes out one and starts another. He makes decent libraries and developers can freely post here. Strange. He opened the new YouTube account in July 2021. I suppose the only thing I would caveat any of this with is that I wouldn't recommend counting on the guy for long-term customer support. [EDIT: He's selling some of the same the same drum libraries he sold under Any Day Long -- like the Walrus Kit -- and using the same demo. It's him for sure.]
    2 points
  21. Robyn Hitchcock - 52 Stations
    2 points
  22. Nineteen ... prime numbers: 23 Skidoo - Coup A bit of English white-boy post-punk industrial funk
    2 points
  23. So all I need now is to get InstaComposer, link it up to Drum Monkey and Ujam Iron 2, kick the result up to CloudBounce and then straight to Spotify. I'll be making tenths of cents while I sleep! 😴💰
    2 points
  24. https://gleam.io/KMhIc/raudioproductiondeals-omnisphere-20-giveaway I'm giving away a copy of Omnisphere. Very simple tasks to join. Join our subreddit and discord, share with friends for chances to win.
    1 point
  25. ^^ this is good tip. FWIW.. I usually have IK taps disabled on the master bus when working or recording. I only turn it on when mixing and my buffer size is usually set 512 or higher.
    1 point
  26. You tell a great story Barry (great lyrics). You do have a great vocal timber and presentation --- so, a wee bit of pitchy was a minor thing for me. BTW, being chronologically and geriatically (sp?) challenged -- for me vocals are always a problem. Luv the guitar breaks and the separation on the mix. Well done!
    1 point
  27. You have been keeping a list 😮
    1 point
  28. Im not sore but just so we are clear I crossed you off too on my version of the list hehe
    1 point
  29. I wish I'd had access to resources I have now when I was younger. I still feel creative - even at the ripe old age of 59! I guess it feels harder to be original the older you get, I put down a riff and then think I've definitely heard that before - turns out I have. Lyrics wise, I think I am a much better lyricist now than in my youth - more to draw on I guess - life experience gives you that at least. Great question though. Andy
    1 point
  30. Add a little click to the kick.. it believe it will cut through with the added sound... just my thought.
    1 point
  31. Extremely well done mark...really like this....i was just watching a video last week on nashville tuning and have to give it a go soon....i went through a phase of listening to a lot of Celtic artists like Altan, Old Blind Dogs and Loreena McKennitt...perhaps you may find them as inspiring as I did...or, you probably already have!!!! 🎸🎻🎵🎵
    1 point
  32. Pets Equal Nervousness In Straummy
    1 point
  33. I would say a definite yes to Saturator X, as it show a reasonably low CPU load on my system (4%). I suppose it's something that you could insert on all tracks, if desired. I like the lunchbox style module that IKM has employed in ST4, and Mixbox, but the full T-RackS version has more options. However, the tape machines show an avg 19% CPU load each, so they are definitely something to be used on a separate bus, or even just as mastering tools. And Zo really likes the 24 for his kind of music. Can't argue with that, but the whole Tape collection offers something for diverse material. And they have an uncanny ability to "glue" things together. Saturation and harmonic distortion...
    1 point
  34. Trippy man. Can't comment on the mix , I'm listening on crummy phone ear buds.
    1 point
  35. They have tutorials on them. I thought about making my own stuff.
    1 point
  36. I guess the only reason for me to enter this group buy is to get the Cinekinetik instruments and those other ones. So that would be 8 libraries for $49? That would also be 12 free that can't be fulfilled. I have the latest Total Studio.
    1 point
  37. This issue has been resolved. Some Promo lines allow for seperate selections for each Group Buy when at different price levels. That explains why the "Available" count appeared to be incorrect, i.e. one Promo line = Two promo selections!. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a possible problem in using the Available Promotions options on the IK "Promotions" Page. Since I had two Group Buys, each a different price level, I tapped an "Available" Button to get to the next page which shows the max price for selections available. Without making any selection, and thereby obviously not "Confirming" a selection on the page that would follow making a selection, I backed out back to the Promotions page, and quickly noticed that the "Available" button on that line did not reset, but showed "Downloaded". I had done this once before on my first Group Buy, but didn't notice Available did not get reset because of all the other Promo lines. However, when I did the same process today, I counted the number of Available buttons before tapping one. Then when I backed out, it was not getting reset! I just filed a Support request to IK-US Sales/Promotions team explaining the possible problem in detail, and asking if they can provide a reconciliataion between the Promos made available and which products were selected (or downloaded/registered) I did a reconcile against the "My Products" page and correcting for the Original products ordered on the two Group Buys, indeed finding I'm two products short. If anyone knows ( @Peter - IK Multimedia ) of a better way to reconcile Promos to actual products ordered, please post, otherwise need to wait for a response from Support.
    1 point
  38. Fabulous skills - I could listen to this stuff all day. Andy
    1 point
  39. If s/he visits this forum, my message is this: sample/replicate the Cinematic Orchestra drums! More specifically, from the Every Day album create all the aliases you want, blow smoke up your own ***, I don't care, I'll buy that Kontakt library
    1 point
  40. So much variation and cool chord changes inside a boogie piece! My favorite part was in the 2:20's. Your piano capture is very smooth, clear highs and solid lows. What did you use? Kudos on the ending as well - busting out the jazz chords! Great chops. cheers. -Tom
    1 point
  41. Fantastic performance ! I loved the tempo change around the 3 min. mark and the chord voicings. You also did a great job capturing the sound , I felt like I was sitting on the bench while listening. Very impressive .. mark
    1 point
  42. Well done. Really enjoyed it.
    1 point
  43. As a rule, Region FX clips should be rendered as soon as possible. If you need to go back to the unprocessed data start by cloning the track. Archive the original track then create and render the the Region FX clips on the clone.
    1 point
  44. yup. agreed. i never really used sampletank until this week. i am mostly a kontakt user. i am quite impressed by sampletank. it has some cool tricks up its sleeve. the Cinekinetik and Electromagnetik are really good. i also picked up most of the drums. quite good and useful.
    1 point
  45. If I want part of a track, like the intro, to be very different from the rest of the track, first I duplicate the track. Then on the duplicated track I delete all but the part I want to keep different. On the original track, i put a volume envelope to drop it a bit or completely keep it silent depending on what I am going for. Then I do whatever I want to the duplicated track, put a volume envelope to have it begin how I want, and then down to fade it into the original track sound (the down part can be coordinated with the rising of the volume of the original track where they meet so they blend well together). I like doing it this way, its simple and I can do what I want to the duplicate and know the original is as it was, with only having its volume lowered or absent where I want the duplicate to dominate.
    1 point
  46. Hi;) OBS was like a overloaded program for me until I saw this video course. It's a very great program! It's in German, but perhaps you can see some things and how it works.....I have just looked at the first 6 videos.... Greetz;) Bassman.
    1 point
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