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  1. Past hour
  2. Have you given the latest a shot?, they've been moving fast on the updates lately, the release notes are interesting, and seem like they are moving in the right direction, apart from including that NAM thing, I would rather they stayed alone.
  3. Never ever in a millions years would I have thought of this! This has to be the best cover of this song ever done!! Man she got some pipes!! And as always Scott does an excellent arrangement!! @Rain @hockeyjx
  4. I love the way this girl sings!! I have watched her ever since I saw her on American Idol.
  5. Today
  6. This is really good! Love that kind of Americana/country-bluesy music and the video looks great. You've probably already found these free video sites, but if you haven't here are a couple that I use: pixabay.com pexels.com and the prelinger archives has some unusual stuff. I recognized a couple of video clips in yours that I've used in the past. Great minds... --Bjorn
  7. The Legend HZ demo is now available https://www.synapse-audio.com/thelegendhz.html
  8. Dr Mix did a video today showing how he used some of the synths and samples in this bundle. All instruments and sounds from the bundle.
  9. The first freebie is a must for fans of 4X games who haven't experienced it yet. Endless Legend puts you in the role of leading one of eight different civilizations, guiding their growth and ensuring their survival. With randomly generated worlds and quests, the game offers truly endless replayability, making every playthrough a unique experience. This giveaway offer is only available until May 23, 2024, at 17:00 UTC. At the end of this period, the game will revert back to its regular price. https://store.steampowered.com/app/289130/ENDLESS_Legend/ As for the second free game available on Steam, it's a cute-looking board game. Aside from all the cuteness, what makes it unique is that all the game's characters are from other titles created by the developer, Fruitbat Factory. So, if you've played some of their other games like Suguri, QP Shooting, or Sora, you'll see familiar faces here. Although the game is primarily advertised as a multiplayer board game, it can also be enjoyed in single-player mode. This offer is also time-limited, so act quickly to get your freebie while it's available! You can grab your free 100% Orange Juice game until May 22, 2024, at 17:00 UTC. https://store.steampowered.com/app/282800/100_Orange_Juice/
  10. Sorry, and thanks @cclarry I grabbed it then it made my Native Access update, which took a while. I was still on V1.
  11. Then someone has already used it and not responded here...I just got it
  12. I'm from Florida (and I didn't vote for him)
  13. Crossgrade from Cubase 12 or 13 for $269.99 at Steinberg.net
  14. Looks like it is registered.
  15. Yesterday
  16. If you use it say so GLE59-C74FA-FUA7F-4UA3B-58A9A Not for resale so don't take it for that reason.
  17. I think it's pretty amazing and I'd LOVE to have it but since I'm just a schmuck who does this for fun, it's way out of my price range.
  18. Lavajava would be a hotter name... (Just sayin'...😁)
  19. bjornpdx


    Hello Cakewalk friends I have a couple of albums out in cyberspace via CDBaby, one from 2009 and the other from 2015. I've earned a whopping $88.89 over the years because wow a couple of pennies here and there really do add up! 😄 Anyway I have a lot of songs on SoundCloud just sitting there so decided to make another album, this one in a spacey genre similar to the others. Not expecting fame and fortune, just kinda nice to have something creative out there that might outlive me. Also, pretty cool to google my name and have one of my songs pop up. New album url in sig below. Here's a Tangerine Dream like track from the album called Hydra. I posted this in the Songs forum years ago.
  20. bjornpdx

    The Gull.

    Hi Wookie, I got some nice visuals of a swooping, diving gull so I think you succeeded nicely in describing its flight in sounds. -Bjorn
  21. bjornpdx


    Hi Freddy, Always reassuring to hear someone else expressing something that you're also concerned about. Nice job. -Bjorn
  22. bjornpdx

    Nest of the wind

    Very nice Markku. Just the essentials well played. -Bjorn
  23. I like the way it is so can't think of anything to improve the song, Nicely done the way you started the song simply then gradually added on the layers. -Bjorn
  24. https://www.bestservice.com/en/nuendo.html
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