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Wishing on a Falling Star


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Hi antler . . . I like this very much, a most enjoyable listen.

Also, I find it very interesting since you posted to You Tube and Soundcloud . . . that the You Tube mix to my ears just sounds much rounder and warmer.

I'm assuming you uploaded the same version of your mix to both ?  Now I have to upload something to You Tube to test it out, you've got me wondering.

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Wow - this is really something else - just blew me away. Anyone who has dabbled with orchestral strings, brass and percussion (as I have in the past) knows just how difficult it is to achieve any kind of result. This is truly astounding. Well done.


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On 1/24/2020 at 5:50 AM, noynekker said:

Also, I find it very interesting since you posted to You Tube and Soundcloud . . . that the You Tube mix to my ears just sounds much rounder and warmer.

I'm assuming you uploaded the same version of your mix to both ?

Pretty much... I uploaded a copy to Soundcloud; I used the same file as the audio layer for a YouTube video. I assume both services process their files for their output requirements, so my guess would be that the YouTube audio actually went through one more processing pass (i.e. audio mixdown -> audio layer of video encoding -> YouTube processing) than Soundcloud. That said, I think Soundcloud re-encodes everything to 128kbps. The output level of the original file was -14 LUFS; I don't know if either service does any internal audio processing to get the volume level to their targets.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Anthony,

I really liked this a lot. Some great passages in it, and I enjoyed the various textures and orchestral arrangements you used. I do symphonic stuff, myself, so this kind of music really appeals to me and it's always great when some of it pops up in the Songs forum. 

Very curious to know what libraries you used (especially as I got to this post via the CineSamples post currently in the Deals forum). You mentioned CineBrass. What other libraries? The strings sound nice, as does the percussion. 

I always like getting feedback (both positive and constructive) from folks when I post stuff, so here are my impression and thoughts. Like you, I'm also trying hard to get better at orchestral arrangements, and so a) I know what you're experiencing, and b) I still have tons to learn and please take all this with a grain of salt ?...

1) The overall mix sounds nice, although I did think that some of the woodwind instruments don't quite sit in the same acoustic space as the strings and percussion (in particular, that was my genuine sense of things at the 0.55 second mark). 

2) 1:50 mark - I really like the arrangement here. The string ostinatos under the melody work really well, although I'd wonder if they would be better with a bit more punch and energy. Also, the woodwind that appears around 2:00 sounds very much out of place, acoustically. It sounds like it's in another room being recorded separately. Same with other woodwinds through to the 3:20 mark. The arrangement in general works, I think, but the woodwinds sit way out front and seem acoustically out of place, and it is distracting. 

3) The brass sounds really far back in the mix, especially compared to the woodwinds - would love to hear this with a bit more power from the horns, and maybe brighten it up with a bit more trumpet.

4) I think it would be nice to have a more definitive thematic development to the music. Right now, there is some really lovely melodic lines and the overall feel and vibe is cinematic and enchanting, but it struck me as a bit shapeless and it sort of wandered to the end. A bit more structure and focused development might add something to the piece. 

5) I quite liked the ending -- pull the sounds out and the two solo strings take over, leading to the choir floating in. Nice! I did think that the violins sort of appeared out of nowhere, and some sort of linkage to the previous section might really add something. Maybe have the solo violins appear earlier in the piece, even for a moment, so their reappearance at the end will not be quite so unexpected. Or possibly have them play through the final section and carry on through the ending without as pronounced a break - a more organic transition. I also thought the solo violin samples suffered the same issue as the woodwinds -- they did not sound like two players from the string section going solo, but rather like two violins in a totally different acoustic space than the rest of the orchestra. 

Those are my impressions based on three listens to your track, and as mentioned please take them with a grain of salt -- I'm working from the same place as you, in that regard. But overall, I really enjoyed this piece a lot. Really nice stuff, with tons of potential.




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