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17 hours ago, OutrageProductions said:

If only my left hand could get those stretches/vibratos like that on my strat, I'd be a happy camper!

A friend of mine an I were screwing around years ago with "Godzilla" and suddenly he stopped and asked, "How are you doing that?" Of course I was confused and he specifically pointed out the vibrato. I have put bass frets in everything I have redone and tend to use my ring finger a lot to squeeze and bend while leaving my index stationary. I never thought about it at all till he mentioned it, and it sort of made me self-conscious at first. Taller frets will give vibrato from pressure alone, but he has a couple PRS McCarty's and would never consider modifying them at all (I don't blame him), so I just winked and told him, "Welp, it sucks to be you then 😀"

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2 hours ago, mettelus said:

 Taller frets will give vibrato from pressure alone,

I have a highly modified "Gilmour" strat with honed down frets and low action, so all bending is perpendicular to the neck. Mild arthritis doesn't help either.

I once had a '73 SG where the frets were like brick pyramids and tall. Sold it very shortly after acquisition. Not so with my '58 gold top LP.

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