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[SOLVED] What Did I Do Now?



What would cause there to be a bajillian (over 4000) time ruler markers with semi-random names like A3258?  Most are in numerical order but some are not.


So many when zoomed out they look like a solid yellow line.



More important is How Do I Get Rid Of Them? -> Open Markers View, Ctrl+A, Delete.

Edited by sjoens
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11 answers to this question

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What version of Cakewalk is that? What shortcut key do you press to add a marker? In Cakewalk by Bandlab, if you press the Marker shortcut key while the project is playing it will insert markers that start with letters of the alphabet, but I've never seen anything like what you posted.

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CbB.  They were there when I opened it and have no idea how they got there.

They occur the length of a final mixdown audio clip so I wonder if they aren't some sort of audio transient markers.  I never used AudioSnap so something else?

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I don't use any Region FX but it looks like it is enabled in your second image. I guess. I have no familiarity how it looks when in use. Was that a Bounce to Track and it created markers in your timeline??

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I was reading about using ai for technical issues and this is so weird I asked duck ai and this is some of what it said…

Importing MIDI or Audio Files: If you imported a MIDI or audio file that contained a large number of markers or if the file was corrupted, it could create numerous markers in your project.

Automation or Scripting: If you used a script or a plugin that automatically generates markers based on certain criteria, it might have created an excessive number of them.

also a corrupted project file might cause this


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10 hours ago, Chaps said:

In Cakewalk by Bandlab, if you press the Marker shortcut key while the project is playing it will insert markers that start with letters of the alphabet

I would tend to suspect this is what happened. The 'M' got stuck or inadvertently pressed during playback and the project was re-saved or auto-saved before it was noticed.

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Posted (edited)

So after deleting them I tried the M key trick during playback and it reproduced the scenario exactly. 

3 hours ago, David Baay said:

The 'M' got stuck or inadvertently pressed during playback

Since the M key is directly above the space/playback key this is no doubt what happened.  Guess it's time to clean the ice cream off the keyboard.  9_9

Thanks for all your help.

Edited by sjoens
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4 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

Pretty funny hadnt seen that, but I did see the real thing. I was 18 miles from the meltdown, grabbed my young sons and left for 2 weeks, even after the president went there. Turns out they werent telling the public the truth. Microsoft is reopening it to power their stuff.   The band I was in The SkaMatics (rhythm guitar and bass) played at a protest concert on City Island, Harrisburg PA  called Rock Against Radiation some time after. 

Edited by treesha
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