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Arturia Pigments FREE Update to V6 (plus offers for new owners)


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In this free update, a powerful new Modal engine meets enhanced filters, modulators, and creative tools for unprecedented sound design freedom.

Run ASC to update it.

If you don't yet own it, check your personal offer here (and get more details):


Pigments V 6.0.1 Release Notes

New Features

New Modal Engine: Featuring two resonators algorithms and two multimode exciters

Sample Engine New features:

  • New Granular Scan
  • New Grain Size Continuous Ratio
  • New Round Robin & Random sample assignation per Key or per gain
  • BitCrush Decimate mode now allows to choose between 2 downsampling colors
  • Sync All has been added to Density rate type

New Cluster Filter: From classic formant filtering to modern bass sound design

New LoFi Filter: Per voice downsampler coupled with pre and post filter

New revision of the Multifilter:

  • Renamed Classic Filter
  • Added Input Drive
  • Added three All-pass filter modes
  • New Analog resonance mode, which distorts the signal when resonance is high while preserving the low end

New Vocoder Effect: For color-bass sound design and hollow vocal sounds

Effects improvements:

  • Multimode filter: Added All-pass filter type and analog resonance mode
  • Distortion: Added All-pass filter type and analog resonance mode
  • More parameters are now modulable
  • StereoPan has been renamed "Panner" and a "Pan" parameter has been added

New Random modulator: Simple yet powerful and versatile random source

New Voice Modulator: A controlled source of randomness providing different modulation values per voice in the spirit of vintage synths

New Envelope follower: Tracks the amplitude of any point inside the signal path and turns it into a modulation

New Function V2:

  • New preset browser
  • New S-curve
  • New Smooth parameter
  • New grid mode
  • Rework of the operation and retrig modes UX

New Browser for Samples, Wavetables and Noises:

  • Factory samples and wavetables are now sorted into new categories
  • User samples and wavetables are now separated from the factory content, under the Folders tab

Quick Edit V2: The quick edit workflow now supports the assignation and edition of sidechains using drag & drop and the Quick Edit pop-up

New Global Transpose section in Keyboard panel (octave and fine tune)

New Preset recommendation system allowing to suggest similar sounds from the library to the selected preset

Revamped filter selection pop-up

New Content:

  • 100 Presets
  • 53 Wavetables
  • 97 Samples
  • 60 Noises and Transients
  • New tutorials


Sound Engine:

  • Filters clicks have been reduced, particularly on digital filters
  • Comb Filters algorithm is now smoother when tweaked and holds a better tuning in the high frequencies


  • The interface style and layout have been refreshed and improved
  • The interface and interactions of the keyboard panel has been improved
  • The interface and interaction of the filters has been updated
  • The UI and UX of the engine Tune and Output sections have been improved
  • The sample engine playback visual feedback is now polyphonic
  • The Distortion effect layout has been improved
  • The LFO layout has been improved
  • Improved parameters tooltips and descriptions


  • The modulation assign mode now features a toggle on the sidechains
  • Some default values have been changed


  • Comb filter: no more clicks when changing modes
  • Filters: no more clicks when swapping filters
  • Amplitude Envelope's parameters no longer produce noise when modulated
  • FX Distortion no longer acts as a notch filter when doing parallel distortion
  • Formant filter's Q Factor has now cleaner modulations
  • Glide no longer jumps when Microtuning is enabled
  • Sequencer / Arpeggiator : First step now plays correctly each time
  • Fixed a bug where the interface was lagging with AMD GPUs
  • Tooltips and desriptions: Typos and various fixes
  • Various other GUI fixes


P.S. You can access the 100 new factory presets from Pigment --> Sound Banks --> Pigments 6.0


Edited by ZincT
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1 hour ago, Fleer said:

The gift that keeps on giving. 

Most of us didn't get this as a gift though.

It's a pretty cool update.  The servers are getting hit pretty hard now.

Edited by Magic Russ
  • Haha 1
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2 hours ago, Skijumptoes said:

Looks like this release has killed their servers for some.  If you're having problems opening Arturia Software Center, or logging in to site, just wait until later! :)

Like next week..........got the update on 2 machines installed

New presets not showing up in Analog Lab

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14 hours ago, TheSteven said:

Same, get message:  "Can't connect to the Arturia servers"

I had success several times throughout the day downloading and running the most recent [i.e., new] installer from Resources. I never did get ACS to work today.  Also, to avoid the error when trying to get the newest Explorations Bundle, I went to the store.  That worked, too, whereas the Special Offer button didn't get past a connection error. YMMV. 

UPDATE: It worked again just now.  Windows version - Pigments__6_0_1_5484 

UPDATE [2025-01-29]: On an older PC (MoBo doesn't have graphics functions to support the mini-animations), manually installing the new version works.  Obviously, if the ASC issues are fixed this work around is not needed.

Just checked using ASC: (1) ASC worked [no connection / login issues]; (2) ASC reported that the manual download/installation was successful.

Edited by User 905133
reported on success with ASC; added a new update; to add an update
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Website mentions a special deal on the Ezploration expansions for Pigments owners. Seeing as how i don’t own it i can’t see what the deal is. Can anybody tell me? Thanks. 

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16 minutes ago, MrFigg said:

Website mentions a special deal on the Ezploration expansions for Pigments owners. Seeing as how i don’t own it i can’t see what the deal is. Can anybody tell me? Thanks. 

Pigments 6 & Explorations bundles each for $19.99

To celebrate the launch of Pigments 6, it is available for an exclusive intro price alongside discounts for owners on the latest Explorations Bundle Vol.3, alongside Vol.1 & 2.

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@MrFigg You have to hunt around a bit to find out more details on the Explorations bundles.

On the Store Webpage you find this:


So each bundle comes with 3 of the 9 Explorations packs, and between the description and the picture you can work out which packs come with which bundle.

Each exploration pack is 150 presets so each bundle is 450 presets and the bundles are reduced from 89.97 to 19.99 Euros which is pretty good value if the presets included float your boat!

You can try out some of the presets from individual Explorations packs from the Store window inside Pigments, although I haven't found a way to bring up the Explorations Bundles in the built-in store window, so I guess you have to buy these on the website....



Since you don't own Pigments, you can also try these out from the Analog Lab Store (if you have that).

Alternatively, I have found a few demos of Explorations packs on Youtube; just search Youtube with "Pigments Explorations".
Here's an example of one...


Edited by ZincT
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8 hours ago, Promidi said:

Anyone had a chance to play with the new features yet? (other than just going through the presets)

  • I did last night, but just a little--tweaked the knobs on each to hear differences.  Preliminary personal observations:
    • nice to have; might find a use for them;
    • for modeling, maybe someday it will be as useful as Chromaphone 3;
    • the partials display on the Modal module is fun to watch;
    • there were a few manual tweaks that produced some crazy cool sounds, I need to figure out how to automate the changes more;
    • so far, some of the new modules/features were underwhelming probably because I haven't read the manual and played around with them enough. 
    • I did create some tweaks that were worth saving to develop further.
  • About the newest Explorations Bundle:
    • I generally don't find the bundles have a whole lot of presets that meet my personal needs;
    • for me they are useful as examples of what some sound designers have done
      • i.e., they show a range of sound design techniques that I can get ideas from for my own presets.
    • Looking at Engine 1 and Engine 2 for uses of the new modal synth engine made it easy to see what others have done and to find examples close to my sonic interests that I could play around with and explore the new engine.
Edited by User 905133
fixed typo (others); added "close to my sonic interests"
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