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Coming Soon: Scaler 3 - buy Scaler 2 now, get the upgrade free


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I haven't seen it hosting audio, but the VST hosting makes it much more "DAW like" (especially if no audio is recorded).

One thing I have not seen yet is, with the DAW integration, will it follow a chord track (specifically changes to it) from the DAW itself. I am foreseeing situations where a DAW project will get chord track changes and not sure if I would then need to drill into Scaler 3 to replicate those. Has anyone seen anything regarding this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Scaler 3 in now available in your PB account!


You have to redeem the code on Scalermusic.com (remember to create an account if you haven't already)


NOTE: The serial created at Scale Music is different to the one at PB, you have to redeem the one from PB at ScalerMusic to create your authorisation code at ScalerMusic.


Edited by ZincT
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Sownloaded from plugin boutique. Installed this morning, created my Scaler account, but could not authorize using my serial number. Have a ticket open with plugin boutique. 

EDIT: I was trying to use the serial number shown on my account at Plugin Boutique. Had to use the serial number on my newly created account at Scaler Music...

Edited by Salvatore Sorice
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16 minutes ago, Salvatore Sorice said:

Downloaded from plugin boutique. Installed this morning, created my Scaler account, but could not authorize using my serial number. Have a ticket open with plugin boutique. 

That's weird. Did you redeem it at https://scalermusic.com/ ? 

Note that the authorisation code in your Scaler Music account is different to the redeem code at Pluginboutique.

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8 minutes ago, Salvatore Sorice said:

@ZincT - we were posting at the same time!!

Lol, glad that was it and you got it sorted!

I only suspected that was your problem because it's exactly what I did before I realised it was a different serial number at ScalerMusic 🤦‍♂️ 

I have also updated my post above so that anyone else knows what to do.

Edited by ZincT
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Holy moly! 1.3 GB. This is like half of FL Studio lol

Edit: If the dev looks this up: please please please, make the standalone work with a computer keyboard, like Ableton would do it with the VST. What keys or combination of keys am I supposed to press to just hit the chords with ASDFGHJKL without having to go into settings or reading the manual. Scaler 3 is a beast but first interaction without a midi keyboard around, it failed to help transposing the rhythms I have in my head.

Edited by Tianzii
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1 hour ago, Tianzii said:

Holy moly! 1.3 GB. This is like half of FL Studio lol

Edit: If the dev looks this up: please please please, make the standalone work with a computer keyboard, like Ableton would do it with the VST. What keys or combination of keys am I supposed to press to just hit the chords with ASDFGHJKL without having to go into settings or reading the manual. Scaler 3 is a beast but first interaction without a midi keyboard around, it failed to help transposing the rhythms I have in my head.

It has quite a few sounds built in.  

Even a small sample library of a single instrument is going to be that size or larger these days.


I would suggest posting the keyboard binding concept in the Scaler forum.  Seems like an oversight in the stand alone app if it wasn't included.

Edited by Brian Walton
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4 hours ago, Tianzii said:

Holy moly! 1.3 GB. This is like half of FL Studio lol

Edit: If the dev looks this up: please please please, make the standalone work with a computer keyboard, like Ableton would do it with the VST. What keys or combination of keys am I supposed to press to just hit the chords with ASDFGHJKL without having to go into settings or reading the manual. Scaler 3 is a beast but first interaction without a midi keyboard around, it failed to help transposing the rhythms I have in my head.

Scaler 2 wasn't much smaller.

To use the standalone app with your computer keyboard, set "Bind octave" to 4.


Then click on the keyboard at the bottom to set the focus on it and you should be able to play with your keyboard.



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15 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

It has quite a few sounds built in.  

Even a small sample library of a single instrument is going to be that size or larger these days.


I would suggest posting the keyboard binding concept in the Scaler forum.  Seems like an oversight in the stand alone app if it wasn't included.

Quite a lot of new sounds. IMHO they should have done a symlink for owners of Scaler 2. Now I've ended up with another 1 GB of sounds that I already have. :)) I think I'll have to do the dirty work and just remove all of them with the exception of SlapBass and create sym links to Scaler 2 Sounds for the already existing ones. :)

Screenshot 2025-03-25 at 21.50.27.png

EDIT: I've removed all folders from Scaler Music/Scaler 3/Sounds except SlapBass and created symlinks to all folders from Plugin Boutique/Scaler 2/Sounds/*. And it works great. So if you already own Scaler 2, and want to save 1GB of space of sounds that you already have, you can do this:

  •  Remove all files except SlapBass from Scaler 3/Sounds
ls /Users/Shared/Scaler\ Music/Scaler\ 3/Sounds/ | grep -v "SlapBass" | xargs rm -rf
  •  Create symlinks from Scaler 2/Sounds to Scaler 3/Sounds
ln -s /Users/Shared/Plugin\ Boutique/Scaler2/Sounds/* /Users/Shared/Scaler\ Music/Scaler\ 3/Sounds/


@audioschmaudio Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you man! Do you know how to also have full focus while I'm clicking in Scaler interface as well? I need to constantly click the bottom ui keys to be able to play the notes using the keyboard.

Oh man! It feels so bad to work with it after learning to play with Scaler 2. In Ableton it constantly plays the “main track in Scaler 3” even if the track is disabled in Ableton. I’m used to extract a few chords and it’s not working anymore the same, and also, I missed clicked a new session and lost all the chords and my custom chord progression. Undo didn’t brig the old session back. I’m kind of disappointed atm, but I know they’ll fix these bugs and Scaler will get better and better.

Edited by Tianzii
add symlinks info
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12 minutes ago, aidan o driscoll said:

Just installed SCALER 3 ( upgrade )

I notice - standalone anyway - it doesnt seem to explicitly show ASIO


Note WINDOWS Audio but no ASIO option .. Unless its Windows Audio ( Low latency Mode )

Yup, even though ASIO was in V2. The plugin scanner also doesn't work properly in the standalone version e.g. for me it only identified Waves instruments and NOTHING else!

Have a look here for more information on the main problems being found.


In fairness, it is early days in the V3 lifecycle and V2 had many free updates so this is also likely to happen with V3. 

I think it was possibly released a bit early, but it also features many workflows changes from V2 which might take some time to get used to for some.

Edited by ZincT
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23 minutes ago, aidan o driscoll said:

Just installed SCALER 3 ( upgrade )

I notice - standalone anyway - it doesnt seem to explicitly show ASIO


Note WINDOWS Audio but no ASIO option .. Unless its Windows Audio ( Low latency Mode )

Works perfectly here, but then everything in my system runs through my ASIO interface... windows sounds, mediaplayers, Skype, OBS,  YouTube, browser, et al.

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55 minutes ago, ZincT said:

I think it was possibly released a bit early

I agree with this, and may be linked to their steadfast launch date. I didn't delve into their forums much yet, but caught several things out of the chute that were odd or unintuitive. I didn't look at the manual yet either, so will delve deeper this weekend. After the uber long VST scan I only spent about 30 minutes with it thus far. The top three that caught my eye were:

  1. Using the VST host feature when Scaler 3 is inserted into a DAW causes the DAW to take focus when Scaler 3 is touched and shifts the VST behind the DAW, requiring a second monitor to actually use (unless you love Alt-TAB).
  2. Regardless of voicing used, it seems all the notes of the chord are activated on the fretboard view, so the VSTs I tried are only registering the highest notes (i.e., no folk chords).
  3. I did see this asked on their forum, but still need to follow up with the manual and more use, chords are set to straight bar count, and although you can hover over edges I didn't find a way to change duration in the Arrange View short of the x.5, x2, etc. that were used in Scaler 2. I was hoping to be able to just adjust length on them with the mouse.

Ironically, I was specifically intending to check something else, but those three sidetracked me in short order.

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Apparently, v3.0.1 is coming next week.


Firstly, thanks to everyone who has provided feedback—it helps us improve Scaler 3.

We’re preparing a 3.0.1 update for release next week, which will include stability improvements and some additional enhancements.

Most users experiencing stability issues have managed to resolve them, often with a reboot of their machine.

If you’re still experiencing issues, please upload your crash files to this thread, along with details of your setup (e.g., OS, DAW, or standalone version) and any steps to reproduce the problem. This will help us better address the issues you’re encountering in the 3.0.1 update.


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2 hours ago, mettelus said:


  1. I did see this asked on their forum, but still need to follow up with the manual and more use, chords are set to straight bar count, and although you can hover over edges I didn't find a way to change duration in the Arrange View short of the x.5, x2, etc. that were used in Scaler 2. I was hoping to be able to just adjust length on them with the mouse.

Ironically, I was specifically intending to check something else, but those three sidetracked me in short order.

In the arranger view you can change the granularity with which you can drag the chord blocks







As for the pre-mature release.  Given it was in development for at least a year - and the drag out on the pre-release lead up - I think they could have easily done a larger beta, there were lots of willing participants but seems like the beta was pretty last minute.  In fact, I didn't even bother signing up for it because it was only going to be about a month to play around before it was actually released or so.  

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