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Positive thoughts needed!


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I don't care what some of you think of his moderation approach, but there IS a real person under all that fur so please keep any negatives out of this thread!

I was just informed that the Wookiee is currently hospitalized and having a triple heart bypass!

Most have no idea of what he deals with in his "normal" life (and it's not for me to go into that), but I wanted all of you to be aware of his current situation so we can all send positive thoughts his way!

Get better soon Wooks!

Edited by craigb
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On 12/20/2024 at 12:07 PM, craigb said:

...send positive thoughts his way!

Glad to. But I'm gonna need GPS coordinates, to avoid sending my positive thoughts to some undeserving recipient by accident.

Better yet, let's make some pretty electronica in the Wookie style so that he's got something to listen to during recovery. If your composition is good, it'll inspire him to get up and start doing it again. And don't worry if your composition sucks, as that may provide even more motivation.

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