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CW by Bandlab Suddenly Not Starting- SOLVED- See Noel's Post Link Below


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21 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Please don't do a clean install. Its the last resort and in many cases, it causes more setup issues than it solves.
If you installed other apps my money is on them installing old buggy versions of the Microsoft redist installers. This is why Microsoft released a universal redist installer that we now use.

So, Noel's screenshot (attached below) in prior thread showed the only ones involved in CW.  If that's correct, these might need to be 

a) removed

b) replaced with  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_pVy4GgHbSrL8V6znmfwz_sc6Ui800wY/view?usp=sharing ( or directly from MS)

Is that correct?

Also, I captured any installs by date before I did a system restore and noticed 2 items that were dated AFTER my restore point on 12-3-24 but BEFORE the issue arose on 12-9-24. Appears to be a background update from Google and MS Edge. No idea if it's related, but that was the only activity on my system prior to CW refusing to open. Attached below.


Installs Between 12-3 and Time of Issue.png

Noels C++ Replacements.png

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I am having the same problem as you folks are reporting and it started 2 days ago with Windows 10.  CW stopped working, i.e., errors out with Windows message (see attached jpg file).  Cakewalk Product Center will not even launch, i.e., nothing happens.  Cakewalk Sonar errors out with Windows message.  But I did install CW v27.12.0.102 and it did launch and works (the About Cakewalk from the Help pull-down indicates v2021.12 (Build 102, 64 bit)).  But updating CW to a newer version results in Windows message again.  I reported this to CW tech support but no answers to date.  And there are no crash files.  How disheartening!  Not to mention frustrating!!  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Many thanks!

Stopped Working Pic.jpg

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5 hours ago, bluesagent said:

Using Karl's solution worked for me. I had a Windows update this morning which seemed to cause the problem. Everything working fine yesterday. Going to control panel / uninstall a program  - clicking and choosing repair option on Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) - 14.42.34433 solved the problem and Cakewalk DAW now starting correctly. I guess the Windows update corrupted the redistributable somehow?

Thanks Karl

This worked for me. Thanks ever so much 🙂

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1 hour ago, Horned Toad Music said:

I am having the same problem as you folks are reporting and it started 2 days ago with Windows 10.  CW stopped working, i.e., errors out with Windows message (see attached jpg file).  Cakewalk Product Center will not even launch, i.e., nothing happens.  Cakewalk Sonar errors out with Windows message.  But I did install CW v27.12.0.102 and it did launch and works (the About Cakewalk from the Help pull-down indicates v2021.12 (Build 102, 64 bit)).  But updating CW to a newer version results in Windows message again.  I reported this to CW tech support but no answers to date.  And there are no crash files.  How disheartening!  Not to mention frustrating!!  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Many thanks!

Stopped Working Pic.jpg

See the post above with Karl's fix of a specific C++ redistributable file that may be the culprit. Seems to be working for many.

Edited by DCMG
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Alas I think Karl's fix is only temporary. I've had a reoccurrence of the problem twice after repairing the specific Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) file.  Although it seems I can repeatedly fix the issue with the repair method,  I'm going to delete and reinstall all the CW redistributables and see if this gives me a longer term solution.

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37 minutes ago, bluesagent said:

Alas I think Karl's fix is only temporary. I've had a reoccurrence of the problem twice after repairing the specific Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) file.  Although it seems I can repeatedly fix the issue with the repair method,  I'm going to delete and reinstall all the CW redistributables and see if this gives me a longer term solution.

Can you check your installed apps quick to see if anything was updated after you did your repair? After reading recent posts I am wondering is something "innocuous" like a browser update is affecting the


9 hours ago, karl stevens said:

Faulting module name: MSVCP140.dll, version: 14.29.30133.0, time stamp: 0x60ff28cc

that Karl mentioned above. There have been enough folks chiming into this thread with the same issue that this is becoming concerning now.

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2 hours ago, bluesagent said:

I did have a Web Browser update prior to the last fail which now looks like a very suspicious candidate!

Google update and MS Edge update happened a few days prior to my issue. 

I have rolled back System restore ( working) but also paused any Windows updates for a month until we know more. Looking to do same with Google for now.

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MS Edge is one of those apps that I disable religiously, but it also re-enables itself religiously (I am not sure who is the bigger zealot in this situation).

Side comment: MS did deploy an update today, which primarily affected Servicing Stack Updates... not sure if that has anything to restrict a bad redistributable install though. I didn't dive into the details too much with it.

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48 minutes ago, mettelus said:

MS Edge is one of those apps that I disable religiously, but it also re-enables itself religiously (I am not sure who is the bigger zealot in this situation).

Side comment: MS did deploy an update today, which primarily affected Servicing Stack Updates... not sure if that has anything to restrict a bad redistributable install though. I didn't dive into the details too much with it.

ha..I thought I had disabled Edge as well. I don't use it. But there it was updating days before this issue...

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After further investigation, we are in the process of updating our installers to auto repair a broken redist installation.

This should help alleviate ongoing issues with corrupt redists. If you have the problem, please download and run our latest redist installer which now attempts to restore a broken C++ redist installation.

Our main Sonar and Next installers (as well as CbB installer) should be also updated shortly with similar capabilities.

Also read the main article on this for more information.


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13 hours ago, mettelus said:


i believe the "WebView" component is used by MS across multiple apps, not just Edge, but it is updated by Edge, similar with Google's chrome webview?

1 hour ago, Noel Borthwick said:

which now attempts to restore a broken C++ redist installation

any way of checking which installer/app broke them? could your best intentions break something else?

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33 minutes ago, pwallie said:

i believe the "WebView" component is used by MS across multiple apps, not just Edge, but it is updated by Edge, similar with Google's chrome webview?

any way of checking which installer/app broke them? could your best intentions break something else?

And WebView version can be out of sync with Edge (it's a bit of a pain to keep them in sync) - no idea if that causes this kind of issue (combined with MSVC mismatches).

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Same here.  Cakewalk opened one day, the next day when trying to open CWbBL, "Windows has encountered a problem" message comes up while Cakwalk mast head hangs and only option is to shut it down.  I did do a windows update the day before yesterday but ran CWBBL after with no issues.  Uninstalled, reinstalled, COMPLETE uninstall, clean install...same problem.

I also installed a legacy version of Sonar Professional from the old Control Center and it runs fine albeit without the quality of the newer CWBBL.

Bandlabs wants me to pay for this?


I also downloaded and installed/tried to run Cakewalk Product Center and it won't even run.

Edited by Patrick Desmond
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I got this problem today too. I usually have update paused but I had let it update yesterday and now today Cakewalk stalls on opening. I did a restore and it opened but no sound, did the repair and that didn't fix it. Then I came here and saw Noel's download fix and that seems to have done it. Hope it lasts.

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On 12/12/2024 at 8:17 AM, Noel Borthwick said:

After further investigation, we are in the process of updating our installers to auto repair a broken redist installation.

This should help alleviate ongoing issues with corrupt redists. If you have the problem, please download and run our latest redist installer which now attempts to restore a broken C++ redist installation.

Our main Sonar and Next installers (as well as CbB installer) should be also updated shortly with similar capabilities.

Also read the main article on this for more information.


Hi Noel,

Thank you for getting this fix out so quickly for your users.  In my world, it is pretty much impossible to get a fix out in 3 or 4 days for any piece of software (especially when the issue is being caused by code outside your control).  I can't tell you how many times I've heard something like "<insert big company name> made a change and there's nothing we can do about it until they fix it" from other software companies.

Your work is much appreciated.

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