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How do they make ai video . . .


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I love the AI videos where they do well known movies and TV shows set in the 1950's. None are the full length shows, just  a few minute preview of the cast.

I was reading that they had a hard time generating fingers and hands so some of the older ones look off, but in the newer ones you can't see any artifacts.

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Like the girls playing guitar solos where the dots on the fretboard keep coming and going? The fingering makes no sense in places? Apparently the Gibson guitars with the large square fret markers are easier to keep stable in AI.

No, that ain’t AI. Right.

The movie ones were cool at first but quickly became redundant and boring. Only a couple were needed.

Edited by Terry Kelley
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I see the newer generations of AI as just another creative tool for video and film makers - available to those without the skills, budget and time to produce convincing CGI.

Although no doubt AI-generated movies and videos are already very good, when it strives for realism, most of them still have the 'uncanny valley' giveaways of early and poor quality CGI/motion capture - think Polar Express for example.

If used 'innocently', I don't see a problem - much in the same way as no one who watches a Jurassic Park movie thinks thy are looking at real dinosaurs.

Mind you, once the technology comes of age, the use of such a technology will undoubtedly be used for more nefarious reasons. 



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I have Freepik, which I use for covers and general fun stuff. They also have a video creation department. These are 2 examples I created. First one was just trying some stuff out. The next one was for a friend who was feeling sick and I wanted to cheer her up.





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