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First real song ever

Marc Cormier

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My daughter wrote a bunch of tunes earlier this year and let me produce them for an album.  She got through sketching with stock instruments and a ton of vocal tracks.  I had a blast this summer working them over with plugins that she had no idea existed or how to use them, bless her.  Kind of embarrassed to say I've never even done this amount of work for my own tunes, but she's a much better songwriter than I am so I guess this all makes sense.  Anyway, I learned a ton.  Still some "wish I would haves...," funky levels and such, but time was of the essence as she was moving out of the country for a gap year abroad.  




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Very Nice !   She has a Great voice and knows how to use it.  I thought the performance as well as the mix/master were both Top shelf.   I do think it was Very unusual and risky , but Creative to slow the tempo at the choruses..  I Liked it.

Congrats to you both ..   Enjoyed it .. mark

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Thanks, Mark.  That’s high praise considering the tracks you have posted.  I have not spent any time on this part of the forum, so hearing everyone’s work is a blast.  So much talent.

My daughter initially insisted on the tempo change but I’ve sent her a mix where I timestretched the chorus vocals and it sounds so much better.  But hey, I’m just the guest musician and producer - what do I know.  I came in to work the songs after much of the structure was determined (and vocals were recorded.) She’s 5 hours ahead so I’ll hear the feedback tomorrow.

I have to believe Slate VSX has helped in how/if this translates from my largely untreated room.

thanks again for the feedback…looking forward to digging into your songs when I’m back in my music room.

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On 11/14/2024 at 12:54 AM, mark skinner said:

Very Nice !   She has a Great voice and knows how to use it.  I thought the performance as well as the mix/master were both Top shelf.   I do think it was Very unusual and risky , but Creative to slow the tempo at the choruses..  I Liked it.

Congrats to you both ..   Enjoyed it .. mark


On 11/14/2024 at 5:29 PM, KSband said:

Catchy song and she has a nice voice. I would bring the keys down or the vocals up, it's  kind of drowning out her nice vocals.

Hi Marc

I REALLY like this - agree with KS on the mix

Great Stuff



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How fun ! So glad you had these special times with your very talented daughter. Ive done a little music with my 2 sons both of whom are musicians and better at some stuff than I am and its a great way to enjoy each other and share moments. I think the vocals are great and do get lost in the instrumentation. I enjoy the instrumentation very much. The mood of the song is great and it all suits her voice and attitude very well. Congrats dad ! you did a good thing. Is she off to study music?

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Listening on lappy speakers, so make of this what you will....

The music has the feel of the vibrancy of youth that can make one feel either young again or even older (depending on current mood I guess 😀). The lyric might be uplifting too but it's overwhelmed by the mix (keys) making it hard to follow, which is a shame as the performance sounds good. 

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