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Help with crash

Max Arwood

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1) Can I some how put the google form request filled out here too?

2) I wish we had a way to shut off the FX engine after an allotted time (Hours). My computer is overclocked and runs a little on the warm side. Many times I leave a project open and take a break or go to bed. When I get back the screen is frozen. This might also help with this. This crash is a frequent happening - Crash report submitted.


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1 hour ago, Max Arwood said:

1) Can I some how put the google form request filled out here too?

If you did a screen capture on the from prior to submitting, but some text boxes need to be scrolled if you put a lot of material in them. Many forms let you log in to see the submission, with those you can copy/paste text or use the screen cap (if it fits). Just be careful of any PII you may not want to share.

1 hour ago, Max Arwood said:

2) I wish we had a way to shut off the FX engine after an allotted time (Hours). My computer is overclocked and runs a little on the warm side. Many times I leave a project open and take a break or go to bed. When I get back the screen is frozen. This might also help with this. This crash is a frequent happening - Crash report submitted.

Consider re-evaluating that situation to close projects down if needed. Some plugin vendors (and DAWs) already idle FX that have no audio passing through them, but if you are getting CPU loading with an idle project, that is something to address.  Way back when, I OC'd my 2600K and as it degraded I benchmarked it both OC'd and normal. While OC'd ran faster, it threw more page faults as it got older, so was gaining no ground performance-wise and was just subjecting it to undue heat. Dielectric breakdown accelerates dramatically with heat/voltage. Windows can also play a part in a crash if any sleep/hibernation schemes are in play.

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I'd seriously consider shutting your PC down overnight.

I used to have a PC tower that ran my email / source code / media server that was on constantly.   I replaced it with a fanless low-powered PC primarily to cut down noise, but the saving in power usage was shocking... like several £100's over the course of a year...  enough that I could buy a new guitar every year if I wanted.

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We already send the proper flag to indicate that effects are getting silence but many plugins don't bother checking it.

Why not just turn off the audio engine before you leave the system. Sonar is probably the only DAW that allow you to do this so take advantage of that feature. Turning off the engine completely stops all audio processing so it will save power. Like turning off your car :)

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Some audio interface drivers don't like it, but I use Hibernate in Windows for leaving a system "running" the way I left it if I won't be back to it for a hour or few.   If I just get dragged away (usually by the dog(s) ) for a bit, I just turn off the audio engine and click off the SONAR window (so the dog(s) not with me can't nose the keyboard or trackball buttons and edit something accidentally). 

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"Why not just turn off the audio engine before you leave the system."

Sometimes I do. Sometimes I mean to come back to work in just a few mins..... Wife calls out, honey, would you mind ......   Then, I might forget and just crash from exhaustion! lol

My driver seems to turn off and on ok.

Thanks for the ideas.

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Ok, So I found run-stop your engine in key bindings. I set it to Alt-E 🙂

I am working on a AutoHotKey script to check keyboard-mouse idle time every 15 min and wait till it totals 1 hour. When it totals 1 hour of idle time send Alt-E.

It should work. I'm not too versed in AutoHotKey and trying to use the new version 2. I'm also using a sleep command that barely uses any CPU. Wish me good luck with this venture. I wish someone else here knew AutoHotKey.  SCook use to help me some with these. Anyone want to help?


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