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Addictive Drums 2.5 released


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Addictive Drums 2.5 has been released. It's a free update for existing owners of AD2. Who would have thought?

A fresh new look with a modern interface focused on ease of use. Brand new features, performance improvements and bugfixes.

  • New improved interface
  • New Trig Gate effect
  • New compressor mode: "Boost!"
  • Improved EQ with spectrum analyzer
  • Beat Transformer more accessible
  • Help tips in the bottom bar
  • Bugfixes & performance improvements


Edited by Canopus
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Nice to see Cakewalk by Bandlab on the list of actively tested host applications.  Running my most recent XLN Installer self-updated the XLN Installer (to 4.3.0). Windows then ran the antimalware service followed by the compatibility telemetry checker. I only had 3 items to update, but the update button worked.

The greyish tan on beige theme is part of the modernization.  Not really an improvement for my aging eyes over the older high contrast settings. Probably won't affect people with younger eyes, but might bother others who prefer to avoid light themes.

I probably should have installed the demo first.  😞 

PS: The ratio of interlinear spacing to text size seems to be greater, in effect making the text seem smaller compared to the size of the UI pane. Scaling can be used to make everything proportionally bigger.

Edited by user 905133
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To me the GUI looks somewhat similar to NI Massive X, but with a brownish tint. Although I liked the old GUI, I can get used to this. It’s modern, but without the boring, uninspiring flat look so many plugins seem to strive for these days.


I’d guess Addictive Keys will be the next surprise coming from XLN Audio. However, the current version is 1.7.1, so I’m not sure if a GUI update by itself will qualify for a version number of 2.0.

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10 hours ago, Sidney Earl Goodroe said:

I'm prepared for the flamethrowers!

This gui is butt ugly!!! Can we have some darker themes, PLEASE!!!

Did you install it and start using it or just a commentary on the preview?  

I've seen far worse and I think the Kit view is a clear improvement.  Edit tab is also better, though I wish the cream color was a bit darker for the insert effects section.   FX tab is a bit bright for my taste, but the knobs, fonts, etc are improved.   Beats section I need more time with, but looks like a dark theme there to me - so I'd think that should satisfy.  

The explorer view will take time to get used to and the "audio preview" dialog box feels "buggy" in the sense that it says audio preview on packs you actually own until you click play on one of the preset playlists.  IT should have a clear (demo) box on this page IMO if you are previewing a set you don't own.   

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