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Do YOU want your MTV?


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I wanted MTV in the worst way when they first came on air . . .  (I was young then).  But the truth is that MTV digressed into this thing that did not/does not even come close to what they first advertised "what" they were about.

I do not think I have watched MTV in 10 years.  If they disappeared off air, I would probably would not even notice.    Since I have not looked at it lately, I do not know what they have evolved into.  I think they are still trying to appeal to the younger crowd . . .  But I don't know . . . 

That being said,  " I Don't Want My MTV!"


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The mic flub in that was a perfect anecdote of a happy accident, and they tend to be more common than some would think. Not only does tone chasing involve the gear, but also the recording setup (which could be a one-off situation you can't "quite" replicate later on).

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I liked MTV in the early days when I was a kid, but it started changing and I got away from it.

I haven't had cable or satellite in well over 20 years.

The last time I had satellite I had a service called Voom iirc? Their slogan was All Horror All The Time. It was it's own service seperate from Dish. The installer came out and installed their own dish and box. HD horror 24/7 with a box that let you record.

Dish Network bought them out, took over their satellite, shut it down, and morphed their channels in to a "Premium" package through Dish Netwok. I got rid of all of it at that point and haven't missed it one bit.

From time to time I've paid for streaming services but I've gotten rid of them all now and just have YouTube Premium mainly for the music. I get way more out of youtube,  picking and choosing what I want to see.

Between that, Amazon Prime's free movies and series', and the plethora of free streaming channels out there now, there's more content available than you could ever watch in your lifetime.

I have a pretty large collection of movies in 4K on disc. I really enjoy older movies that have been restored and watch those when I want.

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2 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

there's more content available than you could ever watch in your lifetime

Ain't that the truth. I grew up in the boonies so never had cable. I think I watched MTV all of one weekend when visiting my great aunt during their first 8 years. 

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Instead of watching TV, I learned to play wind synthesizer - made backing tracks for hundreds of songs - learned lead guitar - learned enough HTML to make a few web pages - learned to make style and song collections for Band-in-a-Box and turned it into a side hustle - and had a lot of good, quality, fun time with the woman in my life.

I gigged on cruise ships from 1986-1989. They didn't have TV back then, so I got in the habit of doing other things. when I got off the ship, I tried watching again, but found myself thinking, "I'd be having more fun if I was doing this __________."

So I eventually gave in and disconnected.

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On 7/20/2024 at 6:31 PM, Notes_Norton said:

I gigged on cruise ships from 1986-1989. They didn't have TV back then, so I got in the habit of doing other things. when I got off the ship, I tried watching again, but found myself thinking, "I'd be having more fun if I was doing this __________."

Same here. We had 3 channels growing up. Then there was a period where they couldn't scramble the cable signals and we had a TV with a built in tuner. Got all of it for free for a few years then they started scrambling it again. About that time I got in a band at 13 and played out till I was 28 every weekend. I don't ever recall even turning on our TV during that period of the mid 80s till late 90s when I was in school and eventually working and playing out at the same time. I seem to remember TNN was good back then and MTV. USA and the WWF and the late night horror shows they had  but I never got in to TV series'.

There's nothing wrong with watching TV. It's a great escape. Now days you can pick and choose. You aren't limited to what's available on a set amount of channels.

I wish I could be recording or playing live, but I've lost my mojo. I tried to pick up my guitar quite a few times recently but just sit it back down after a few minutes. I was really excited when I bought a house recently and was planning on seting up a nice studio but I just can't get back in to it. Music consumed my life for so long I think I'm just burned out on it now. I still love listening to music. I have almost 100 albums downloaded from YT Music, but I just can't seem to get back in to playing or recording. 

Edited by Shane_B.
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