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It's hot.


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I've lived in 3 states long term over the last 53 years. East cost and midwest.

It was always hot in summer, cooler in the fall them cold going in to winter. Then it slowly warmed back up going in to spring and the cycle repeated. Never repeating the same temperature, wind, rainfall ammount patterns twice.

I've seen it snow in May, I've seen it be 70 at Christmas. I've seen it 80 in May and -23F actual temp at Christmas.

So to answer your question, nope.

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Come to the UK, it's almost mid July and we're still waiting for a Summer. ?

I quite fancy Scotland but I can't be doing with the midges. I think they breed them as a border control to keep the English away - highly effective it is too. ?

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2 hours ago, craigb said:

Ours is 72 degrees inside and 100 outside.  A bit unusually hot for this area.  Expected to peak at 102 on Tuesday, then we'll be back to normal!

I did see that on the Weather Channel while watching it for storm info. They say ya'll gonna roast up there for a little while!!

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I work nights, so I "missed it" because I sleep all day, but, still...

I ordered sushi for breakfast tonight when I got up at around 7 pm. When I went outside to meet the driver, I felt that it was surprisingly hot, even by our standards here. At first I imagined it was because I usually never go out before sunset when I go pick up my mail during my break... But then I saw this on Facebook.


Way to kick off my vacation week - and celebrate my the beginning of my 53rd ride around the sun. Although right now it feels more like we're riding into it than around it...

Edited by Rain
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Traditionally it would snow once or twice a winter here in NE MD, and maybe last for three weeks. Several years ago I got a snowblower as prep for the future, and only used it twice since (once wasn't even needed, I just wanted to play with it). A few years ago I was felling trees and it occurred to me I might appreciate them once global warming hits full bore so decided that oaks stay, but others need better discretion with removal, i.e., canopy coverage. That was probably the most prudent planning, since it has come to pass. It is odd that I have to monitor the weather to plan restoration work (I try not to work above 80F), and that window didn't even happen two days ago. I would never consider that as an incentive to move (too much PITA), it is more something to deal with... as with most of life. Planning only goes so far, then reality kicks in.

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3 hours ago, Rain said:

I work nights, so I "missed it" because I sleep all day, but, still...

I ordered sushi for breakfast tonight when I got up at around 7 pm. When I went outside to meet the driver, I felt that it was surprisingly hot, even by our standards here. At first I imagined it was because I usually never go out before sunset when I go pick up my mail during my break... But then I saw this on Facebook.


Way to kick off my vacation week - and celebrate my the beginning of my 53rd ride around the sun. Although right now it feels more like we're riding into it than around it...

Saw this somewhere else too...  Only one issue...  Back in the 1980's I was at a dart tournament in Vegas and it was 129 degrees F...  ?

Apparently more history is being rewritten?

Now, if that was 120 degrees C, THEN that would be a record!

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2 minutes ago, craigb said:

Saw this somewhere else too...  Only one issue...  Back in the 1980's I was at a dart tournament in Vegas and it was 129 degrees F...  ?

Apparently more history is being rewritten?

Now, if that was 120 degrees C, THEN that would be a record!

The explanation I've seen is that this is the temperature registered at the airport. It can vary across the valley... 

Me, I am glad I don't have kids and that the bulk of my existence is behind me at this point. Whether human history is rewritten or forgotten or coming to an end... I don't really have a dog in this fight anymore. I am the end of my line (as far as I know.)

Makes me sad that there won't be people around to appreciate the Beethoven's Late String Quartets, but I'm not sure that even that makes humanity worth saving...

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Thank you guys! You're the best!

I celebrated bigly... I'd been wanting a doughnut for over a year.


I might even have a burger later this week. And French fries. Man I've been dying for some of those.

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4 hours ago, Rain said:

The explanation I've seen is that this is the temperature registered at the airport. It can vary across the valley... 

I remember when they changed how they forecast in Iowa. I know Digital Dopplar has been around a long time, but they either changed something or networked all the radar points or something like that. It was almost 30 years ago so I don't remember exact details other than the fact that the weather reporting was barely accurate after that. And out there you literally live and die by the weather with the tornadoes and blizzards and extreme weather that has always occurred out there.

I've also seen a report that temps started going up when they started getting the data from airports. All the black pavement absorbs and holds the heat and what do they do, they decide to stuck a thermometer out there and make "that" the official data.

That said, the entire country is a giant grid of heat absorbing highways. Never should have gotten away from concrete for several reasons. I drive on the original "concrete mile" in NJ almost every day. Built in 1912 and it's still there and has only had to have been patched a few times in over 100 years. Look it up on Google. "Concrete Mile in NJ".

Anyway, I don't believe we're screwed do to climate. I don't believe there is a thing we can do about the natural progression of nature and I haven't seen any change in my lifetime other than the agenda on how it's reported.

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