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My most recent expletive-laden outburst

Matt Rayner

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Let's take this thread back to whence it came.  Well those little rascally SCRATCHES have up and *****d off. Sadly so has all the varnish. Oh well. This was a painful decision, but in the end worth it. I found out that crappy Fender neck was warped. Well, it aint now.


Fekkin scratches gone 2.jpg

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Tom, when I first lightly sanded that fretboard it kept its stain and the satin finish was beautiful.

But pulling out those frets just damaged the slots and the board in too may ways.

Now I know not to bother with Mexican Fender maples with a ****-load of varnish on the frets.

Edited by Matt Rayner
Some very poor spelling for a professional proofreader
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Ah.. Greeks and swearyness..!
Like most Brits when we arrive at Athens International, we can't wait to start  just THINKING that the cab driver is a ****ing MALAKA. HA! Such fun! But you know that you, tourist, stand no chance..
He's on his radio and going full on tourist abuse:

Γειά σου μητέρα? Ναί. Θα είμαι σπίτι σύντομα. Απλώς πηγαίνω αυτούς τους ωραίους ανθρώπους στο κέντρο της πόλης σε ένα υπέροχο και φθηνό ξενοδοχείο που ξέρω. Το φαγητό είναι υπέροχο και το μέρος είναι τόσο καθαρό. Ω, μακάρι να μπορούσα να είμαι φίλος τους.

Ha! We he can **** off. I'm no fool.

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