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How Will You Know?


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2 hours ago, Hidden Symmetry said:

Good tune, ready for the next level.. I could imagine this being worked up using real musicians. (bass, drums, keys, keeping the strings & midi various parts.)

You might consider trying it sometime, you might be surprised how it could turn out.


Sorry.  You have to pay real musicians.  Can't afford it.  Besides, I'm having a lot of fun doing this by myself. ?


Edited by Johnbee58
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I agree this is a good pop tune. I listened in the car and found myself whistling the melody going back in the house. I do feel you need a little space transitioning from chorus one into verse two. But not the breakdowns you use later. Just a bar or two.  Like you (and probably most CbB users) I rely heavily on midi to carry the tune; “humanizing” midi tracks is a huge challenge, and is what keeps many of our efforts at the “demo” level. I thought Hidden suggesting that this tune was “ready for the next level” was a big compliment.


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Thanks all!  You're all great people and exceptional musicians.

@Hidden SymmetryWhat meant the most to me in your comment were the first two words "Good tune". and @DeeringAmpsIt meant a lot to me when you said about how you were whistling the melody.❤️

Addressing the "demo" sound:  It's been a long time fantasy of mine to hear anything I create  interpreted by somebody else.   I know what you mean about the overly sterile-ness of MIDI.  But right now, it's all I have to work with.  I don't personally know many musicians who would be willing to spend any of their precious time working on anything of mine, and the few I do know have better things to do than working on material other than their own.    I understand there are online collaboration organizations where for a fee, you can get other real players to work with you, but that's a luxury I can't afford.  I can only offer to say that any real  musicians /bands here who would like to have a crack at any of my tunes are welcome to have at it, but with the understanding that I can't pay you, but neither will I expect you to obtain license from me as in the professional world.  We could work out something legally if any performance royalties or sales royalties were involved (assuming there would be that potential).

At this point I'm doing this for fun, and it means  so much to me that somebody likes the song and thinks it's worth that much effort, even if it's not possible for me to do, but if somebody really believes in anything I do as a song and would like to take it "to the next level" I would be willing to work out an agreement with you.


?❤️ Peace & Love

John B

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I always listen carefully to your songs because I like how you do the accompaniments - esp the piano and bass. Nice interaction there with the vocal, filling in at the right times.
Like you I write music for the fun of it. Guess you could call it a hobby but it seems more than that.

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That's a good mix right there! I could call attention to quite a bit of quality mix effort, but for some reason those horn parts stood out. Not bad in the patch department but I think the horn lines you wrote really fit the spaces in the song, and sounded like a well thought out horn arrangement. 

Also the chorus, where I think you doubled the lead vocal? Nice one there.


On the "what the huh?" side, I actually don't think I have a clue as to what your song is actually about.  :) Seems like you are referencing something very specific to you? Or something you have observed? That's just grand, of course, but as a listener I'm left out on this one. So what the hell is goin on??? Or am I just "left to my own interpretation?" Which is fine too.


nice tune, that's the main thing.




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15 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

I always listen carefully to your songs because I like how you do the accompaniments - esp the piano and bass. Nice interaction there with the vocal, filling in at the right times.
Like you I write music for the fun of it. Guess you could call it a hobby but it seems more than that.

Thanks bjorn.  I look at it as a hobby because I really don't see me taking it beyond that in this point of my life anymore.  I'm 64 and I don't see myself doing this beyond maybe another 3 or 4 years.  But who knows?


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9 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

On the "what the huh?" side, I actually don't think I have a clue as to what your song is actually about.  :) Seems like you are referencing something very specific to you? Or something you have observed? That's just grand, of course, but as a listener I'm left out on this one. So what the hell is goin on??? Or am I just "left to my own interpretation?" Which is fine too.


nice tune, that's the main thing.




Thanks for your kind words, Tom.  As far as the "what the huh",  all I'm going to say it "that's for me to know and you to find out"?.  Seriously, if I had to figure out what subject to write about with every song I write I would've accomplished about 5 songs by now.  If I can't think of anything to relate to I just put words together.  Some pros do that too.  After all, do we really know what John Lennon was singing about in "I Am The Walrus", or "Come Together"?


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That's a very cool groove - I really enjoyed your piano playing on this (you mentioned it was EZKeys - sounds great).  The bass comes through nicely in the mix.  I thought the drums could come up in the mix a bit more - just my taste. Your vocal sits well in the mix - and you performed it well.

I really liked the M8-breakdown in this arrangement - the strings sounded good there.

Nice job on the lyrics as well.  

Thanks for posting - I enjoyed the listen.

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Add me to the chorus of kudos (I love alliterations -even if they are only close) above.  This is indeed a cheery pop-ish song that does make one want to whistle along.  Thanks for your statement concerning why you are doing music and why you participate on this forum.  I think that maybe there are a few of us on this forum are involved for the very same reason.  I find my efforts are not only fun (for me) but also therapeutic.  I always feel better after arguing with my computer, trying to figure out Cakewalk's nuances and then finally completing something. 

I enjoyed this song --- thanks for posting.

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