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MeldaProduction MMorph and MCharacter Sale (Exclusive)

Larry Shelby

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MCharacter is the most-used "unique" plugin that I own. It performs best on monophonic, dry material before sending things into a follow up FX chain and is very useful for tweaking the timbre at the source. About the 1:40 mark in the teaser video is a good explanation of what it does. I am still disappointed that what is done with the guitar at the 3:30 mark doesn't have an explanation... that uses multiparameters, which are embedded into most of Melda's plugins... they are quite powerful and what distinguishes Melda plugins from others, but they really need another video series explaining them (the existing series is rather lackluster to watch).

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3 minutes ago, CSistine said:

I would also like a good manual or at least a better help! Because sometimes in Melda plugins it is very difficult to understand the effect of some values/parameters.

You can press F1 while hovering over any parameter to open up an explanation.

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2 hours ago, Solidos said:

You can press F1 while hovering over any parameter to open up an explanation.

I know, but mostly the explanation is very short and there is nothing about the conntext in the plugin. Sometimes I am lost! Many other verdors have much better manuals or help!

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@CSistine If you haven't yet, check out the channel of Chandler guitar, he does a lot of videos for Melda. More in practice stuff but there are also walkthroughs of plugins.

Also you can go on any support page of a plugin and download the PDF documentation. MCharacter's for instance is 114 pages with a whole lot of information: https://www.meldaproduction.com/MCharacter/support

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4 hours ago, CSistine said:

I would also like a good manual or at least a better help! Because sometimes in Melda plugins it is very difficult to understand the effect of some values/parameters.

Documentation is one of the weaker areas (although the default GUI seems to be bigger for many). Upside is that most editing content is universal between all plugins so you only need to learn them once for the most part. (Massive) downside is that the learning curve for some of that can be rather steep, so it can be more effective to work on (quasi-) finished material that you know well. When in doubt, driving parameters to extremes (high/low) will "typically" reveal what it is doing (in any plugin), but multiparameters are akin to the modulation matrix in a synth, so those really could use an explanation update IMO. The manuals "as is" re-use content between them, so you end up reading the same thing x times if you actually read them versus reference them.

As with many things, the "80-20 rule" applies... you only need to learn 20% of most things to do 80% (or more) of your work, so delving into minutiae can become counterproductive from a time perspective. Silly things (for me) like engaging the Limiter and setting oversampling (where available) to 4X every time I insert a plugin is "just habit" since I never found a place to set defaults anywhere else.

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