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Cynical Rant


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(WARNING; Extreme facetiousness and sarcasm is both expressed and implied)

I’m a neophyte at this stuff and I want instantaneous satisfaction.

I don’t want to read any manuals or use a detailed search of any forum or YT videos for a direct and detailed answer to my particular question because that takes too much time and effort.

I don’t have any music theory or computer operation experience either, and don’t want any.

I don’t want to develop any common sense or troubleshooting skills… life is too short for that.

I just want this DAW to understand what I’m thinking and execute my wishes post haste without my input.

I don’t want to know about or comprehend anything about latency or signal flow, because my computer should be smart enough and fast enough to just do it now, without any interaction on my part.

I should be able to enter the Daytona 200 with my Yugo that has no tires and still win the race.

And my DAW should have a command available that can brew, pour, and deliver a cup of coffee to my desk… like yesterday. Other DAWs can do that, why can’t this one?

Never mind that there are many folks out there that have spent decades learning and honing a skill set that covers all of these things. Their experienced and insightful answers don’t count.

I don’t have the time or patience for that.

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2 hours ago, Byron Dickens said:

You know what really baffles me the most? Those assholes who complain that you aren't being helpful when you link them to the exact page in the documentation or to a clear, concise video that completely explains their exact question. 

LOL, this one got me a while back with someone doing a tempo map in Melodyne. I had even bookmarked the start time in the YT link and it was only 40s long to watch! After that thread ran for a another page, I finally broke down and asked if they even watched it, it is only 40s long??? Good grief. Some people seem too focused on the attention from having a "problem" than really wanting a solution/work around. Usually I just back out of those without saying a word, but that one actually triggered me.

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... And I'm going to glom on to every CbB-is-flaky-unintuitive-and-unpredictable thread and write "This Happens to Me Too!!! And what's more , it does this other entirely unrelated weird thing when I mis-use it instead of reading my mind and doing what I want rather than what it's designed and documented to do based on the change I made to Preferences and promptly forgot about".

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1 hour ago, David Baay said:

... And I'm going to glom on to every CbB-is-flaky-unintuitive-and-unpredictable thread and write "This Happens to Me Too!!! And what's more , it does this other entirely unrelated weird thing when I mis-use it instead of reading my mind and doing what I want rather than what it's designed and documented to do based on the change I made to Preferences and promptly forgot about".

ME TOO!!!! ?

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