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Guess the Beatles Song (hearing only isolated guitar)


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I did much better on David's earlier quizzes based on hearing only drums and only bass. Some of these are iconic and thus easy to identify, but I'm guessing at least a few will stump you.

I'm looking forward to his next installment, "Guess the Beatles song from the tambourine part". (Not a real thing. That's the comment I left under the YouTube video.)


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11 out of 12. Didn't recognize Now and Then, but I heard it only a couple of times.

1 or 2 of them were a little trickier but most I recognized instantly. That being said, I play guitar and I'm a HUGE fan, so that helps.

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3 hours ago, craigb said:

I've got 53 Beatles albums (includes alternate versions like the remastered ones), but it's been at least a decade since I've had a Beatles discography day!  I guess I need to have one again...  

Well, I'm apparently not that HUGE of a fan. lol 

I guess I have all the music they officially released, and then some. But I've learned pretty much all those songs on the guitar. That's when I started moving away form playing only root/5ths heavy metal sort of things and learned chords and stuff. I remember using this book which had über simplified arrangements for the guitar as a starting point. As simple as it was, it helped me understand how music works a little better, and that was good place to start from. Of course, I eventually learned to play those songs properly.


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5 hours ago, Rain said:


Wow. Major flashback. I had that Complete Beatles book too!

I also had a paperback book called The Pocket Beatles but I can't find a pic of the exact one I had.

Side note: I never understood the comparison between The Beach Boys Pet Sounds and Sgt. Pepper. There is no comparison. I've been listening to both recently and I just don't get that debate I read about from time to time. I can only handle a couple of songs on Pet Sounds. It's not for me. Especially when you consider it was the Wrecking Crew playing on Pet Sounds. All they did was sing.

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30 minutes ago, paulo said:

Why is the guy who made the video making out like he doesn't already know the answers ?


Why doesn't the guy who wrote the suspense novel just tell you who did it in chapter 1? ?

(And, in this case, if I recall correctly from an earlier video, someone else makes the videos and he just records his reaction to trying them out.)

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7 hours ago, Bapu said:

Brian's composing  means nothing in that scenario? ? 

I guess he was the George Martin of the group.

Those two albums are so vastly different. I never understood the comparison. I guess you had to be there to get it. It was all a bit before my time. ?

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1 hour ago, Shane_B. said:

I guess he was the George Martin of the group.

Those two albums are so vastly different. I never understood the comparison. I guess you had to be there to get it. It was all a bit before my time. ?

TBH I was never a Beach Boys fan even essentially growing in SoCal from about age 6 on. It was The Beatles that turned me on to what music was, followed by The Rolling Stones etc.

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I first checked out Pet Sounds because McCartney himself mentioned that it was an inspiration. I thought there were a few brilliant songs like Wouldn't It Be Nice and God Only Knows but other than the fact that both made abundant use of instruments that weren't typically associated with rock and roll, I don't think they have that much in common. 

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I think that the things that make them similar are the vocal harmonies and the fact that each was a departure from what was expected from the bands. I have all the Beatles albums in mono on CD but I have Pet Sounds on a vinyl pressing from Holland and it's my only Beach Boys music. They did another odd album titled Holland that was different. Most people have never heard of it.

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On a related tangent, this YouTube music educator is worth checking out. While people like David Bennet address topics such as why Mixolydian mode isn't used often in pop music, this guy is all about chord progressions. Here he is dissecting Brian Wilson's key changes.


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