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I Miss You Guys

John Templeton

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Happy New Year all.

I spent many years and a small fortune on all things Sonar. During the Bandlab detour my account, username and posts were all vapourized and I moved on. I used to be Ampfixer and now I'm just John. 

I decided to start the new year with a visit to the Cakewalk forum just to have a look. Well, some things never change. Cakewalk is again changing the product and rules of ownership, Bapu still has the largest post count and many of you from years back are still hanging in, trying to make it all work.

The only thing I miss about this doomed product is my interaction with some really great people in the forums. I really miss it. You were always a good group and very supportive. 

I hope this latest change works out for you.


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31 minutes ago, John Templeton said:

Happy New Year all.

I spent many years and a small fortune on all things Sonar. During the Bandlab detour my account, username and posts were all vapourized and I moved on. I used to be Ampfixer and now I'm just John. 

I decided to start the new year with a visit to the Cakewalk forum just to have a look. Well, some things never change. Cakewalk is again changing the product and rules of ownership, Bapu still has the largest post count and many of you from years back are still hanging in, trying to make it all work.

The only thing I miss about this doomed product is my interaction with some really great people in the forums. I really miss it. You were always a good group and very supportive. 

I hope this latest change works out for you.


Doomed product? Geez, that's dark. 

Even if it goes down the drain, I've gotten many of use out of the paid and free versions. There is always Reaper or S1 around the corner.

To your point, this forum is really good all around.

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Had a look at some posts on the old forum to refresh my memory. Good to hear from you , but I have to agree "doomed product" and "hanging in, trying to make it all work" doesn't really capture the lived experience of those of us who have continued to make lots of good music using CW without any significant issues over years and decades. There has never been any actual disruption in CW's serviceability through all the ownership transitions or even the Gibson "shutdown",  just a lot of needless hand-wringing as there is now with the transition from free to paid product.

The king is dead! Long live the king!


Dave (the user formerly known as brundlefly)

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4 minutes ago, Sheens said:

Fwiw : I need no Cakewalk to be doomed...




I was, unimaginatively, craigb (AITMRN!?) in the old forum though, unlike Sir Bapu, I wasn't allowed to keep my 42k worth of post-count...  Nope, not bitter at all... ?

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Now I'm curious!  I just looked and, apparently, I joined the old forum in January of 2009.  But, I helped Greg Hendershot debug a problem waaaay back in 1987 when Cakewalk v1.0 came out (and paid way too much for a Turtle Beach audio card that had General MIDI during that time!).

I can't recall, was there a bulletin board or anything similar that predated the old forum?

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Hi John (Ampfixer). I was Bub on the old forum.

I joined in 2005. I forget the original name I used. I think it was just Shane or ShaneB or something like that. Long story short, and I'm going from very poor memory here, I switched ISP's (dial up back then) and lost my email account  through them. Forgot my password, couldn't reset it because my email changed, and that's when I created a new account. Several for that very same reason. I think I joined just after they went from BB to the old forum. It's seemed relatively new at the time and I didn't hang out there much.

I vividly remember posting a Halloween song and DaveNY complete laying in to me telling me what a piece of garbage it was. It drove me away for long time, then I slowly started poking my head around again.

The Song forum was fantastic back in the day. There were some really talented people there. Still are, don't get me wrong, but it was significantly more active back then.

Hope you come back regularly John. It's slower paced than it used to be, but it's still the same great place.

Edited by Shane_B.
Fixed typo.
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What I remember most about the song forum was NagBap. Bapu was always chasing people to send along their stems so he could get his work done. IS he still at it?

I'm curious to see what the next Sonar roll out will look like. I bought every proprietary plugin they sold back in the old days and I've not been able to find really great replacements for some of them. I have all the old pre Bandlab software archived, including the plugins. I'll be curious to see if the rewrite kills backward compatibility with them. I do miss some of the Cakewalk synths because they were easy to use and had great sound.

In a previous post I described the product as doomed and that was a poor choice of words. I think cursed would have been better. It just seemed like whenever things were really coming together, money and management would derail it. Roland, Gibson, Bandlab. I can't think of any other platform that's changed hands as often.

On the positive side, these issues pushed me in another direction. I moved away from recording and got into hardware, building guitar amps, working with studios and eventually building tube hi-fi equipment. So it wasn't all bad. I bought a bunch of DAWs. I found most didn't work for me as well as Sonar Platinum but did get comfortable with Reaper. finding it to be very capable and low cost.

Here's a couple examples of my new gig.





single ended guitar project.jpg

SIngle ended UL stereo amp.jpg

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Hey John, it is good to hear from you and that you are doing well. Is weird I dropped @Ampfixer in a couple of posts over the past year hoping you would chime in.

I was thinking of you a couple years ago when a coworker was telling me about a "bulbs" her father had collected before he died. I had to stop her to get a better description of them (she had no clue what they were), and of course she starts describing various valve sizes. I then asked her how many she was talking about and she said "hundreds." I just laughed and told her those are valves and she is sitting on a small fortune there. I was chuckling after that thinking if I could get in touch with you she would probably have unloaded them all for a buck a piece. Bulbs, lol. No wonder people make money going to yard sales and thrift stores.

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There's still stashes out there waiting to be discovered, but time is running out. Since the vast majority of tubes are made by 2 countries that hate us, well, let's say it hasn't helped. Here in Canada the gvt. put a 35% surcharge on everything from Russia and the Chinese just do whatever they want. The other group at JJ can't keep up with the demand since they're the only ones left that it's politically correct to do business with. In-turn, they jacked their prices and increased the minimum order numbers. 

Prices may ease but they're never going back to what they were pre-covid and pre-Ukraine. Shipping and delivery dates from overseas are spotty. We're dealing with global inflation on all fronts. I haven't launched a major project un 2 years due to the prices and a bout with liver cancer. Hopefully 2024 will have more on offer.

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13 hours ago, craigb said:

Now I'm curious!  I just looked and, apparently, I joined the old forum in January of 2009.  But, I helped Greg Hendershot debug a problem waaaay back in 1987 when Cakewalk v1.0 came out (and paid way too much for a Turtle Beach audio card that had General MIDI during that time!).

I can't recall, was there a bulletin board or anything similar that predated the old forum?

Ah, the old Cakewalk newsgroup. Joined that one in 1999. Man, I've been around forever! It's surprising how many of the guys names I remember. I think the whole ProRec staff was on there too - Rip, Jim, Joel, Bruce, Ted, Ethan...

EDIT - Pete Leoni, if you're still around, sorry I forgot you.

Oh what fun it was to launch Outlook Express in the morning on a dial up connection and to wait for it to load all the posts. And to only have access to internet from 6 pm to 6 am, because it was the only package we could afford... ?

Edited by Rain
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1 hour ago, Rain said:

what fun it was to launch Outlook Express in the morning on a dial up connection and to wait for it to load all the posts.

Yep... I remember that!! Unbelievable the people we had on that newsgroup.

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