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[SOLVED] Driver Mode with Focusrite 8i6 3rd Gen - MME?

Salvatore Sorice

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Not sure if this is even an issue (or relevant to my setup), but I was reading some forum posts and they mentioned having Preferences/Playback and Recording/Driver Mode set to ASIO. If I look there, mine is set to MME and I only have that or UWP as options.



I have a Focusrite 8i6 3rd Gen and all seems to be good and I can normally record at 128 samples:



Anything to be concerned about?

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In my experience MME Midi Driver Mode works better for "legacy" MIDI gear.  One of my basic diagnostic suggestions when someone says their MIDI gear which worked perfectly for years suddenly doesn't work is to check the Midi Driver Mode.  Sometimes the issue is that the mode was switched to UWP. To change it back if that's the issue, any loaded projects need to closed (at least the last time I looked it did).

Mostly, it's nothing to worry about as @OutrageProductions says, but sometimes it is helpful to know what that setting does.  

Someone (at least one person) explained or summarized the differences between the older mode (MME) and the newer one (UWP).  It might have been msmcleod.  If I find any explanations / summaries, I will add them here.**  UPDATE: See Noel's article linked to by @OutrageProductions below.  (Thanks for digging out that article!!!)

**UPDATE: Sorry; couldn't any.  If interested (not recommended unless you have an issue with MIDI devices suddenly not working) is to search the forum for UWP.  Don't look up MME because that is also an Audio Driver Mode! 

Edited by User 905133
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Here's an old article written by one of our own bakers; 


It gets pretty deep into the weeds, but may supply some information for you.

It appears as though UWP was built mostly to bridge Bluetooth devices to the Win kernal so that they could be used in a DAW as a native device.

MME is legacy, but if your MIDI devices operate correctly using it, then don't worry too much.

Edited by OutrageProductions
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1 minute ago, OutrageProductions said:

MME is legacy, but if your MIDI devices operate correctly using it, then don't worry too much.  [emphasis added]


But if you are tempted to worry, you could read this (MS UWP Documentation) or this (MS UWP Documentation on MIDI) . JMO: Choose your battles--life's too short to try to figure out what MS has done. Or as the legendary telephone repair man said back in the 60s or 70s, "If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it."  ? 

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  • Salvatore Sorice changed the title to [SOLVED] Driver Mode with Focusrite 8i6 3rd Gen - MME?

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