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Mouse & Keyboard break at same time!

T Boog

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Hi guys. I just had to share this crazy story. I've had my computer & mouse for about 2 yrs now. Last week, some keyboard commands started glitching, soon followed by glitching mouse commands. I spent days going thru Cakewalk & computer settings trying to find the problem but to no avail.

2 days ago, I went buy a new mouse & keyboad just to try out and everything now works perfectly. I never really knew that keyboards and mouses periodically go bad. But esp not within HOURS of each other.

And the problem is def not interactive. Out of pure disbelief, I swapped just the mouses a couple of times, then just the keyboards back & forth and it's official... They're both broken. Anyway, I just had to share this. Talk about odd timing. Cheers!

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4 hours ago, T Boog said:

Hi guys. I just had to share this crazy story. I've had my computer & mouse for about 2 yrs now . . . .

2 days ago, I went buy a new mouse & keyboad just to try out and everything now works perfectly. I never really knew that keyboards and mouses periodically go bad . . . .   [emphasis added]

Are you saying that you have had keyboards and mouses that never went bad?  Two to three years seems typical to me, although it's really how you use them as well as how well they were made.

As for the possible coincidence factor,  I once had a pocket watch (1970s) that died after about 2 years.  Unfortunately for me the warranty only last 2 years.  But as long as I had gone back to the original store to see if it was covered, I got another one--same model because I liked it.

Wouldn't you know it, a week or two after the two-year mark, that one also died!!! Some coincidence, eh?  ? 



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Until a few months ago, I could have said I'd never had either go bad. Then my 8-year-old Dell keyboard went from slightly flaky to dead as a doornail over a period of several weeks.

I took the opportunity to go wireless and treated myself to this combo:


Decidedly spendy,  but super-solid and worth it in the grand scheme of DAW costs if I can amortize it over the next 8 years.



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13 hours ago, iSteve said:

Are you saying that you have had keyboards and mouses that never went bad?

Cheers Steve. Well this is my first time really working seriously on a PC. I used to record with digital workstations.

But although two years ago feels like yesterday, I have put in A LOT of hours on it. And I'm sure the keyboard & mouse were of pretty cheap quality. It was just the strange timing that had me scratching my head. Oh well, I guess all those bumper stickers were right... "Sh*t Happens" ?


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11 hours ago, David Baay said:

I took the opportunity to go wireless and treated myself to this combo

Thanks Dave but I'm a cheap skate. I bet that high quality mouse feels great though. I'm sure there's no going back to a cheap one once u get spoiled to it. This is why I only date ugly women. I'm afraid I'd get spoiled to a pretty woman. Besides, pretty women don't like cheap skates like me. ?

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5 hours ago, Bristol_Jonesey said:

Are we talking wired or wireless?

Hi Jonesey. They were just the cheap wired ones that came with my computer. I'm not really suprised they failed, just suprised they failed pretty much in unison. It may just be a coincidence, then again, it may be part of a larger left wing, Chinese communist conspiracy. Someone should really look into it ?

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18 minutes ago, mark skinner said:

Probably a larger "right" wing Chinese communist conspiracy.

it's only "right wing" if it's a conspiracy "theory", it's "left wing" when it's a conspiracy "fact". like the JFK assassination is now conspiracy facts - all left wing CIA, FBI (Hoover), Johnson, etc folks to stage a coup as JFK was too right wing for them... lol

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5 hours ago, T Boog said:

Thanks Dave but I'm a cheap skate.

I am for the most part also; I'm always buying one or two tiers down from top-of-the-line, and used or refurbished stuff. I was originally looking at a cheaper, refurbished wireless Logitech combo using the M720 mouse that I use with my laptop (and like very much). But the keyboard had a fixed, non-removable palm rest which wasn't ideal for my situation. And I'm often willing to shell out a little more for something I will be using many hours per day for years.

Edited by David Baay
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Maybe it was a mid-side conspiracy? ?

I, too endorse the idea of refurbished Logitech input devices.

30 years ago, I had a consulting gig at The Learning Company (when Reader Rabbit walked the Earth). Their headquarters were in the same business park as Logitech, which had a factory outlet store. That's when I first fell in love with Logitech's (refurbished) products, a love that has endured to this day.

My current daily driver mouse is a refurbished Anywhere 2. I've mapped the thumb buttons to Alt and Ctrl, which is tres handy when editing.

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11 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

all left wing CIA, FBI (Hoover), Johnson, etc folks to stage a coup as JFK was too right wing for them

Careful what u say about those 3 letter agencies Glenn. I don't want u to get set up. You do know they don't allow music recording in Federal prison, right? ...Not even on 4 track ? 

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11 hours ago, T Boog said:

Careful what u say about those 3 letter agencies Glenn. I don't want u to get set up. You do know they don't allow music recording in Federal prison, right? ...Not even on 4 track ? 

so true, but if they make me sing for my supper, they're the ones who will truly suffer... ?

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