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What’s not to love here?

Totally defines why a vintage Paul straight into a four input Marshall is all any guitarist needs to light up the stage. 
Paul Rodgers is one of those rare vocalists that is maybe better live than on record. 
No melodyne, no over dubs or punch ins. Just pure energy. 
Saw them live, opening for Blind Faith in ‘69. Thought “who are these cocky little English c-u-n-t-s?” Impatient to see EC let it rip. Well by the end of their set I was a FAN (no all right now yet). 
And Blind Faith, Bonnie & Delaney;?

This version is a bit fast, but listen to Kossoff’s “touch”! Amazing, and that Tobbacco ‘Burst is a BEAST!

Still gives me shivers…


thanks for posting, seen a lot of these, but my first for this version. 

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I saw (most of) Free open for West, Bruce & Lang. Unfortunately Paul Rodgers took ill right before they were to take the stage. It was an admiral attempt by the rest of the group.


I too saw Blind Faith in '69 at the Forum but simply do not remember who opened for them.

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  On 11/10/2023 at 3:16 PM, Bapu said:

simply do not remember who opened for them


The Free at Madison Square Garden, and Delaney and Bonnie and Friends,
Evidently Rory Gallagher's band The Taste, opened some of the gigs.
Free and Delaney and Bonnie in Inglewood.

As I remember it EC had no fire that evening, although I do believe I remember him playing a Firebird V .
Various photos from the tour show him on a 'Burst, his famous ES335, the Firebird and a Strat. If he played more
than one that night I don't remember.
He was "stage left" (consistent with tour photos) and "obscured" by a PA column; as we were in the "cheap seats",
high up, with an "angled" view of the stage.
The "low point" of the night, for me, was when Delaney et al, came on stage at the end for the big "jam".
Any of this consistent with your memory?


pretty sure I hustled up a copy of Tons of Sobs the next day...

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  On 11/11/2023 at 4:26 PM, DeeringAmps said:


Am I to take it you have no recollection of the evening's events?
Perhaps you burned a hole in your t-shirt ala @bitflipper?



Oh I remember Blind Failh. 

FWIW I was never a mind/body substance user of any kind. I'm just getting old as you well know.

Edited by Bapu
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