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2023.09 Offline activation when?


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7 hours ago, heath row said:

Try and speak to the people a little I don't know, a little more civil, especially new comers, most of the time your posts are short gruff replies, like you've got a bee up your a r s e, that more often than not see a new comer never return.

But you know that.

I prefer to think of it as "short and to the point." I'm not giving my doctoral dissertation here.

7 hours ago, heath row said:

I've often thought that we should all get together and buy you a new bed, because yours is obviously broken, because it doesn't seem to matter which side of it you get out on, you are still just a grumpy sour old bastar*, going by your replies to people,

But you know that.

I prefer to think of it as "tough love."

In light of so many of your posts here, I find your objections to my manner quite amusingly ironic.  If I really hurt your feelings so much, feel free to ignore me. Don't worry: I think with enough therapy I'll be able to recover from the trauma.

I still love you, though, Princess.

Edited by Byron Dickens
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5 hours ago, Byron Dickens said:

I prefer to think of it as "short and to the point." I'm not giving my doctoral dissertation here.

I prefer to think of it as "tough love."

In light of so many of your posts here, I find your objections to my manner quite amusingly ironic.  If I really hurt your feelings so much, feel free to ignore me. Don't worry: I think with enough therapy I'll be able to recover from the trauma.

I still love you, though.


It's fairly laid back here, and you aren't writing a letter, so there really is no need to sign your posts. Just chill out a bit, relax.


[Edit] Haha, Well I'll bdickens, he's gone and edited his post, must be a very self conscious and sensitive little princess.

Edited by heath row
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4 hours ago, Ronny.G said:

Don't take it badly but what all of this has to do with what I wrote or my question? "Scary" of going online and use internet?? I'm starting to believe that someone  hasn't read what I wrote or didn't care much and the only thing that interested them was to expose their enlightened thought to all the alleged imaginary terrapiatists (notoriously also retrograde, anti-change and progress?)?

Everything some have written has nothing to do with what I have mentioned. Then let's do some clarity.

I remind you that CbB has always had offline activation. And I would like to see, since it is also present in many other daw including the most recent Studio One 6 and Cubase 13. Even the bakers have written in the release notes that the offline activation option has only been temporarily disabled.

So it seems legitimate to ask why it's not still been restored or not?

I also pointed out that in my opinion too much time has passed without having news about when it will be available again. A problem was created for those who had their own systems offline and after a year of waiting for this last update this is worse too.

I added also that I found absurd to have released this last update with the option disabled. Keeping in mind that this update had to be the latest version for CbB in any case (with over 60 bugs fixed) and released after a year of waiting. If the new offline activation system (I think in common with the future Sonar) wasn't yet ready to manage the activations of the "old" CbB wouldn't have been more sense to leave the old system active for CbB and not cause this limitation?

In case this was impossible because it had to be removed for technical reasons, why not completely remove the activation from the "old" CbB, rather than releasing it this way. In any case, CbB would have been withdrawn shortly, as well as the Bandlab Assistant and being CbB always been free would not have been a big problem.

If I, as others think, have configured my own daw system for offline use (and I emphasize one of my daw systems...not all of them...) in your opinion now, to receive on this PC the latest update of a product that will still be withdrawn, I should reinstall from scratch the whole system that works perfectly only for CbB and only because there is no news on when, what has been temporarily deactivated and that has always been present in the program for five years, will be restored? and it will be restored as the bakers also wrote..

It's seems logical for you? It isn't more logical to ask, as I did, WHEN the missing function will be restored since we are in November, highlighting that a problem has been created for some CbB users?

Just my opinion...

Well the problem is, nobody here actually knows when, or indeed if this functionality will be restored. We're [mostly] users just like yourself

One of the admin team might chip in from time to time, but don't count on it

So you were offered alternative ways to get CbB validated. 

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The feature will be re-enabled as it's clearly stated in the release notes, the problem is when.

"• Version 2023.09 currently does not support offline activation, so your computer must be online to activate it. Offline activation will be available soon."

That is precisely why I was asking, if maybe the reasons for this delay were known, given that two months have passed, and I pointed out the inconvenience.

I repeat what I have already written, I think that in any case it was a wrong decision to release this update with the feature disabled. It was probably thought that the problem would only affect a small number of people, but that was the wrong reasoning. It's not just the numbers that matter here. For example, a few times, in these years of CbB, when I could, I tried to contribute to making it a better product by reporting bugs and proposing suggestions, but I am an "offline" user of the program.  So it was really necessary to temporarily disable the feature just now for changes? Couldn't it just be postponed? maybe at the time of the release of Sonar so you now allowed everyone to update the "old" CbB that had been stopped with updates for a year.
How many times in the last year have been asked "when does the new update come out?" since we have been stuck with version 2022.09 for many months. Now I, like many others, although I have never and I emphasize never solicited anything, I waited patiently like many others to be able to eliminate some of those bugs still present (as indicated in the release note at least 60). You will understand that you are a little disappointed....

As for suggestions, they would certainly be appreciated if they would indicate procedures to temporarily circumvent the problem and allow offline activation such as for exampke moving something manually from an online system to an offline one. But not a suggestion like "connect the system offline to the internet". Sorry but what suggestion is that?
Don't I know like everyone else that if I connect it to the internet it activates? It is logical that this way you solve, but it seems equally logical to me that if I could have done it without problems I would have already done it...

I understand and appreciate who would like to give an help or suggest something but also read what I wrote and why in my case what you would like to suggest to me is not possible.

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1 hour ago, Ronny.G said:

I was asking, if maybe the reasons for this delay were known

IIRC, the bakers have said it’s tied to the change in their servers. 
Evidently bringing Next and Sonar online have “priority”. 
While I am sympathetic to your problem, “offline” authorization is not (a priority).

Clearly the bakers, as well as this community, all are puzzled that a couple of minutes online is such an “issue”.

No community members have a “clue” when “offline” will be available. 
Evidently, IF the bakers “know”, they’re not saying. 
My advice, cue the drum roll…

















Edited by DeeringAmps
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21 hours ago, John Vere said:

Flat earth is real!  

13 hours ago, User 905133 said:

That reminds me: When I went to college I would take a flight after being on vacation break from LAG (or maybe it was JFK) to SEA. The flight chased the sunset for several hours as the jet followed the curvature of the Earth as we approached the ever-moving horizon.  As a fan of beautiful sunsets, I always requested a windows seat on those flights. Enjoyed it more than inflight movies. ? 


12 hours ago, John Vere said:

@User 905133proof that world is flat. As you flew did your drink spill? No because the pilot maintained a level altitude.  See flat? 

Well, here's the weird part about flying.  I can always tell if the cockpit is "higher" or "lower" than where I am seated without any visual cues at all.  I just figured the fluid in my head as part of the sense of balance were messing with my perception.  Come to think of it, the surface of fluids in a drinking cup was rarely parallel with the airplane floor. 

So while the pilot may have been keeping the entire jet at a relatively constant altitude, the jet was not really level the whole time. That is, the "nose" was for the most part either higher or lower than where I was sitting. 

Have we come "full circle" on all the various issues in this thread? ? 

Edited by User 905133
to add antecedent posts since they were on page 1 and no one will remember them
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16 hours ago, heath row said:

I've often thought that we should all get together and buy you a new bed, because yours is obviously broken, because it doesn't seem to matter which side of it you get out on, you are still just a grumpy sour old bastar*, going by your replies to people,

But you know that.

Yes and you the rightous are certainly helping the OP with his issue. Gosh, thanks for jumping in-so cordial!

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Did I say full circle earlier?

1 hour ago, Pathfinder said:
17 hours ago, heath row said:

I've often thought that we should all get together and buy you a new bed, because yours is obviously broken, because it doesn't seem to matter which side of it you get out on, you are still just a grumpy sour old bastar*, going by your replies to people,

But you know that.

Yes and you the rightous are certainly helping the OP with his issue. Gosh, thanks for jumping in-so cordial!

 C'mon everybody; sing it like you're three years old:



"The insults in the thread go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round."

"The insults in the thread go 'round and 'round, until the thread's shut down."  


One more time, ad nauseum . . . .


Edited by User 905133
fixed typos
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1 hour ago, User 905133 said:


that's my guess...


mybad there. I've mentioned before "Don't feed the trolls" and I do believe that otherwise well meaning members
get stuck in this "My question/issue isn't being answered" and are in effect "trolling" the forum.
We should just ignore the second, third and umptenth time they ask the same question...

Edited by DeeringAmps
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1 hour ago, User 905133 said:

Did I say full circle earlier?

 C'mon everybody; sing it like you're three years old:

One more time, ad nauseum . . . .


My reply was NOT an insult, it was a realistic observation. But hey, facts do not matter in this world anyway so Cool! wish you all the best!

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12 hours ago, heath row said:

It's fairly laid back here, and you aren't writing a letter, so there really is no need to sign your posts. Just chill out a bit, relax.


[Edit] Haha, Well I'll bdickens, he's gone and edited his post, must be a very self conscious and sensitive little princess.

It's really unfortunate that your stench has found it's way upstairs now.

Go back under the bridge where you came from.

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