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​8Dio Steinway Grand Piano for KONTAKT (Reg $249), Hybrid Rhythms (Reg $148) & Ambient Guitar (Reg $20) ALL FREE!!! ?


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12 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

I'm getting the whole your account doesn't exist deal even though I have quite a few emails from them over the years about orders, etc.


and while I see this on the website - any emails that look like activation stuff from a long time ago are not invalid.  Put me down for another - they have issues responses.


I was going through the same problem, then I created a new account using the "old" email that I had registered with them before. When I logged on and went to the products page, everything that I had was present in the account.

Of course, I cannot guarantee it will work for everyone, but you may want to give it a try

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1 hour ago, Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann said:

I was going through the same problem, then I created a new account using the "old" email that I had registered with them before. When I logged on and went to the products page, everything that I had was present in the account.

Of course, I cannot guarantee it will work for everyone, but you may want to give it a try

I did it in the same way and it works.

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14 hours ago, Yan Filiatrault said:

I bought a ton of 8Dio libraries in the past, but after all the 8Dio drama in the VI-Control forum, I didn’t buy another one.

Same here.  Too much smoke for there to not be fire, and too many other great alternatives.  I'll never buy another 8Dio library. 

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Any thoughts from folks who've installed and played this library? I've already given my opinion of the library and want to see what you guys think.

Also, I maintain two lists of free sample libraries, one of them is for KONTAKT libraries (that require the full version of KONTAKT). If you're looking for more free libraries for KONTAKT, you may want to check it out:  


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On 11/8/2023 at 5:14 AM, husker said:

Same here.  Too much smoke for there to not be fire, and too many other great alternatives.  I'll never buy another 8Dio library. 

You recently went on VI-Control in the 8Dio thread to make a post solely focused on disparaging me. You've disparaged me in more than 2 dozen posts on this forum over more than 2 years and we haven't interacted in that time. But I'm going to explain what started you on this obsession of yours. You started disparaging me a couple of years ago after I posted asking you not to make political and anti-LGBTQ comments in this forum in a number of threads. You PMed me writing some pretty hostile remarks and asked me for my political views on a certain politician you're very fond of. I told you my honest opinion of that politician -- I should have anticipated that you weren't someone who respected those with different views, but I was candid with you. You immediately told me off, how you despised people like me and began featuring my username in your hate posts probably every month since then -- including in threads I haven't posted in. FTR, while you may think Greene is a kindred spirit, I was connected to him for over a decade on Facebook and he made numerous posts ranting against your favorite politician and people like you who like him. I don't use social media to do that. My professional posts never get into politics and my regular Facebook posts are also not political. In my case, a great deal of my friends and colleagues have different political views from me. It doesn't stop me from me from appreciating them as friends. Larry and I have very different political views -- his political views are very close to yours -- but Larry and I have always had a very warm relationship and treat each other with kindness, like old friends. This forum's policy against political posts is a great policy, IMO, especially for Americans where there's a huge culture war going on. 

You posted on VI-Control in a thread solely to disparage me. It's stalking behavior like you do in threads on this forum I don't even participate in. Just move on. After two years or so and dozens of posts you've made at this forum and VI-Control disparaging me, it's clear that somehow, I'm living rent free in your head - - and that's never been my intention and I've never egged that on or provoked you. You claimed in your recent  VI-C post about me that I'm the only person that you've ever put on ignore at the Cakewalk forum or any forum, yet somehow, here you are commenting in another one of my threads (which I don't believe you would see if you put me on ignore, as you stated you did).

So here's my proposal. Why continue to hate somebody so much because they don't share your worldview? Why not try to get along with others who don't see the world as you do?  Is it that difficult to consider liking and being civil with people you don't agree with regarding politics or diversity? FTR, I'm not even politically involved and am an independent. I'm not one to hold grudges. As far as human beings and my worldview, I simply believe that everyone, regardless of religion, race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, income or sexual orientation deserves respect, love and kindness. I realize that you're in the US military and have very rigid political views. I  come from a family where my grandfather was a decorated WWII veteran, my father was an Army veteran (both my grandfather and father later became police officers), my brother was a veteran who served in the Air Force, my niece is in the Navy and one of my closest friends was awarded the Army's Medal of Valor by President GW Bush and he still serves as an Army Chaplain today.  

I'm simply proposing that you consider not choosing hate or truly simply ignore me as you claimed you already do if you despise my posts so much. Problem solved and you'll be happier and you'll help make forums less toxic by not spewing hatred.  Just something to consider. 

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17 minutes ago, PavlovsCat said:

You went on VI-Control to disparage me. You've disparaged me in more than 2 dozen posts here and let's be honest. You started disparaging me a couple of years ago after I posted asking you not to make political and anti-LGBTQ comments on the forum more than once. You PMed me writing some pretty unfriendly remarks and asked me my political views on a certain politician you're very fond of. I told you my honest opinion of that politician -- I probably should have known better and not told you -- and you immediately told me off and since then you regularly featured my user name in little hate posts on this forum and at VI Control -- even in threads I haven't posted in. FTR, more than half of my friends have different political views than me and we get along great. Larry and I have very different political views -- I believe his political views are very close to yours -- but we chat like old friends and it's always been a very warm, kind relationship. But politics are against this forum's policy and I think that's a great policy. 

I saw that you also wrote disparaging remarks about me in the 8Dio thread on VI-Control. Clearly, I'm somehow living rent free in your head. You claimed in that post that I'm the only person you've ever put on ignore at the Cakewalk forum, yet somehow, here you are commenting in my thread (which you wouldn't see if you put me on ignore, as you stated you did).

So here's my proposal. Why continue to hate somebody so much because they don't share your worldview? Why not try to get along with others who don't see the world as you do?  Is it that difficult to consider liking and being civil with people you don't agree with regarding politics or diversity? FTR, I'm not even politically involved and am an independent. I'm not one to hold grudges. As far as human beings and my worldview, I simply believe that everyone, regardless of religion, race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, income or sexual orientation deserves respect, love and kindness. I realize that you're in the US military and have very rigid political views. I  come from a family where my grandfather was a decorated WWII veteran, my father was a veteran of the Army (technically the Korean war; both my grandfather and father later became police officers), my brother was a veteran who served in the Air Force and one of my closest friends was awarded the Army's Medal of Valor by President GW Bush and he still serves as an Army Chaplain today.  

I'm simply proposing that you consider not choosing hate. 

You and I have never discussed politics, and I don't discuss politics on this forum, so you definitely have me confused with someone else.

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6 hours ago, telecode 101 said:

I generally say, dont get into discussions of politics on forums. it will lead to bad things.

Exactly. It was my posts in threads where Husker and another forum member were making political comments and later other threads where they were made anti-LGBTQ posts , all  of it against forum policy. I posted to remind them that their posts were against forum policy. Of course, I realize that I could have simply reported their posts, but I was trying to persuade them to stop the behavior, which has gone on a long time in numerous threads over the years and I thought speaking up might be more persuasive. Of course, it did result in these two having permanent grudges against me and both sending me some pretty hostile PMs. 

FTR, Husker and I had friendly PMs prior to that, but after I objected to his problematic posts and he had sent me a PM asking me what I thought of his favorite politician and I responded with my honest opinion, he's been obsessed with making hate posts about me at this forum and VI-Control. Beyond confronting him in this thread, I have had zero interaction with him when he makes those posts. I've historically reported it at this forum and the posts get deleted by the mods. But at this point, I thought it's time to confront him about his behavior and publicly call it out, because after 2+ years, it's pathological and warrants being called out, IMO. Because reporting it to mods and them deleting posts hasn't stopped his behavior. Of course, I don't think that calling out his behavior will suddenly stop his obsessive personal attack posts, but it's not fun to have someone stalking and trolling my threads and posts and then coming across threads I wasn't even participating in where he states his dislike of me including my username and he's clearly been using the attack on 8Dio at VI-Control and here to be his latest excuse to unleash a little more petty venom. So while the odds aren't good I'll be successful in stopping this individual's behavior, it's worth a try, IMO and I want to make sure that the community sees this behavior. 

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On 11/8/2023 at 5:49 AM, husker said:

You and I have never discussed politics, and I don't discuss politics on this forum, so you definitely have me confused with someone else.

If I  can have your permission to share your PMs to me I can post them here to refresh your memory.  

You and I shared being fans of the same hockey team (the Chicago Blackhawks, hence your avatar) and have a Chicago connection. You work for the US government, I believe you were originally in the Army. You told me about what you do now and what you once did. I remember it well. It was after I posted in some threads where you and some others were discussing politics and other threads where intolerant views towards LGBTQ people were expressed, where I tried to urge you folks that such posts were against forum policies and simply not respectful to the community that you started making hate posts about me.  You and I PMed, that's where you asked about what I thought of a certain politician you admire greatly. When I shared that I don't share your views on him and you asked me why and I told you why, you immediately became very hostile towards me and begin regularly making posts about me in threads I don't even participate in. It's been going on for years at this point. It's obsessive and I'm not out to even the score, I'm just trying to see if there's a part of you that can see what you're doing isn't right or even healthy for you. 

Also, how can you see my posts right now when you've stated in your recent post on VI-Control that you have me on ignore? Just curious. 

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13 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

Ethics in business world are extremely rare.

I sold our business in June and one of the things I'm most proud of is I was able to be successful staying true to my values and moral compass. For many years I watched SO MANY people make a lot of money by misleading, outright lying, bullying, and cheating. I really wondered (not philosophically, but REALLY wondered) if I could achieve a high level of success being ethical.

When I think about our sale in my gratitude exercises I often express gratitude for getting to do it my way - providing value to customers and taking great care of our employees.  I'm also very glad we sold when we did - one thing that I realized from talking to all the big private equity groups is that to get us to the next level it would have taken a shift in our company that would have required me to act outside of my comfort zone. I was not looking forward to five years of that - in fact I was losing a LOT of sleep thinking about that.

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1 hour ago, smallstonefan said:

I sold our business in June and one of the things I'm most proud of is I was able to be successful staying true to my values and moral compass. For many years I watched SO MANY people make a lot of money by misleading, outright lying, bullying, and cheating. I really wondered (not philosophically, but REALLY wondered) if I could achieve a high level of success being ethical.

When I think about our sale in my gratitude exercises I often express gratitude for getting to do it my way - providing value to customers and taking great care of our employees.  I'm also very glad we sold when we did - one thing that I realized from talking to all the big private equity groups is that to get us to the next level it would have taken a shift in our company that would have required me to act outside of my comfort zone. I was not looking forward to five years of that - in fact I was losing a LOT of sleep thinking about that.

Thanks for sharing that and being so real with others. I truly respect that. 

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I have so many piano libraries, I think most of them sound great and none really stands out that much that I'd say "You absolutely have to have THIS piano". Same here. Good to have options though, to see which one best fits my idea of how I want it to sound. But if I ran out of space on my external drive, I might kick it out.

I didn't like the other two at all, Hybrid Rhythms and Ambient Guitar. They gave me Rigid Audio vibes. Ambient Guitar has some nice phrases but they're unusable for me, because changing notes also changes the tempo. How useless is that? Sure, they're free, so can't complain that much, but I still wish I hadn't wasted my time to download and install them.

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6 hours ago, audioschmaudio said:

I have so many piano libraries, I think most of them sound great and none really stands out that much that I'd say "You absolutely have to have THIS piano". Same here. Good to have options though, to see which one best fits my idea of how I want it to sound. But if I ran out of space on my external drive, I might kick it out.

My 3 SSDs on my PC are all nearly filled and I still have an additional SSD I picked up last month waiting to be installed.  I've been deleting libraries I don't love and piano libraries make up some of the biggest files of all of my libraries, so those are where I've made the most deletions lately. For me,  the Scoring Grand is definitely a keeper. 

I've deleted most of the free  KONTAKT pianos on my list threads in this forum. The KONTAKT grand pianos (these are my regular grands and don't include felted piano libraries -- although Noire contains beautiful felt samples too -- or character pianos) that remain are (in no particular order, except that I'm listing my favorite grand, Noire, first):

NI Noire (a Yamaha)
Embertone Walker D
Evolution Rosewood Grand (a Yamaha) 
The Grandeur
The Maverick
1928 Scoring Grand

Freebies from my lists:
Isolation Piano for Pianobook
Dan Keen Gentle Grand
Heavyocity Foundations Piano (mainly for its effects,  not the piano sound itself,  as it lacks velocity layers for decent dynamics).

I also have several other grand (and lots of uprights) in formats such as SoundPaint, EZkeys. Addictive Keys, HALion, Spitfire, Sine Player and SampleTank. 

The 1928 Scoring Grand has been around for quite a while. I first learned of it from VI-Control where it was a pretty big hit (this is in the days prior to pre-Mike Greene owning the forum) and it's been used by a good deal of high-profile composers in the gaming, TV and film worlds. It sounds different from the other grands in my collection and it's far higher quality than my free pianos.  But I'm the son of a piano and organ teacher. While I was professionally only known for being a drummer,  piano was my first instrument and I am in love with the piano. This one has a place in my piano collection. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/7/2023 at 4:25 PM, PavlovsCat said:

... Even more, Aversa posted in the thread and didn't disclose that employs Sarah and Mario, which is equally ethically problematic.  The entire thread is an ethics case study -- and not one focused on good ethical practices. 

Just to clarify the record, as @PavlovsCat keeps talking about/insulting me for whatever reason... here is my one and only post in the thread to which he is referring. A post where I am literally saying that Sarah works for us, in response to a comment specifically about how she works for us.

I leave it to anyone reading this as to whether you think this is somehow "unethical".

My post in the VI-Control thread.png

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4 hours ago, Andrew Aversa said:

Just to clarify the record, as @PavlovsCat keeps talking about/insulting me for whatever reason... here is my one and only post in the thread to which he is referring. A post where I am literally saying that Sarah works for us, in response to a comment specifically about how she works for us.

I leave it to anyone reading this as to whether you think this is somehow "unethical".

My post in the VI-Control thread.png

I have not engaged in any insults directed at you, Andrew, that is untrue. I stated the facts and my opinion regarding Impact Soundworks' (your and your employees) practices, which I'm confident that any ethical businessperson would find unethical. I only addressed the matter after Husker posted in this thread to disparage 8Dio, referencing your company's  (and Realitone's) defamatory attack thread on its competitor, 8Dio, at VI-Control. That is, Husker made clear that his unfavorable opinion of 8Dio was a result of your company's defamatory attack on it's competitor in that thread. 

(For anyone who doesn't know; Andrew owns Impact Soundworks. ISW makes a number of libraries that compete with 8Dio.  ISW employees and Andrew himself created and participated in a vicious, defamatory attack thread against their competitors earlier this year at VI-Control. In that 40+ page thread two Impact Soundworks employees  published false information to discredit and attack their competitor and harass and bully its co-founders while hiding that they worked for ISW. )  

Your two employees/contractors hid that they worked for you throughout that thread while they defamed a competitor, and it took someone calling you out for you to disclose that fact on what I seem to recall was near the end of the threads 40+ pages. And while you were called out for hiding that Sarah was your employee (I realize technically a contractor) you continued to hide that Mario was also your employee (I realize that he now works for NI).  In fact, I found your post in the thread not only hid that Mario was your employee/contractor, but it was also incredibly self promotional in a thread defaming your competitor which, frankly, was shocking in its lack of ethics, the sheer arrogance the post reflected, jumping directly into self-promotion for Impact Soundworks in a thread solely focused on attacking a competitor and a lack of self-awareness. 

I AM/WAS a customer of your company until witnessing you and your employees' unethical behavior in that thread. I would appreciate if you would not speak about me, an ISW customer, disrespectfully, as while I find your employees and your behavior indefensibly unethical and bullying, I have always been civil to you and your employees,  even while engaging in criticism. 

My post responding to you in the other thread: 


Your contractor, Sarah Mancuso, took her VI-Control thread sharing her fan project scripts for an 8Dio library and showering praise on 8Dio libraries -- made prior to her employment with Impact Soundworks, an 8Dio competitor -- and transformed it into at a defamatory attack thread after 8Dio didn't buy her scripts and she began employment with ISW. She proceeded to edit her past posts from praise for your competitor to attacks in more than 20 pages of highly defamatory statements and engaged in bullying behavior against your competitor's two founders when they posted in the thread. It was incredibly vicious, and unprofessional.  Your employee never even once provided support for any of the allegations made ( I knew two of the stories being told were being told falsely).  But simply engaging in a public defamatory attack on a competitor alone is profoundly problematic in itself, not adding in hiding that it's a competitor.

Further, in addition to your employee. Sarah Mancuso, attacking your competitor, and not disclosing her employment with Impact Soundworks,  she was joined be a fellow ISW employee/contractor, Mario / Evil Dragon who also hid / failed to disclose his employment with ISW, while making a series of defamatory attacks against an ISW competitor.   When you later joined the thread attacking your competitor, you hid the fact / didn't disclose the fact that Sarah and Mario worked for ISW -- until someone prompted you -- and you also joined in on the attack on your competitor. It's simply ethically indefensible.  

My day job includes being a writer on marketing and business ethics with Ivy League accolades for my writing on both topics. I literally could write a case study on this. I have been an ISW customer for several years and I have recommended some of your libraries and defended ISW -- I even defended you in this forum when someone was giving away a discount code intended only for specific customers (you made an appearance in that thread, and I believe I was the only person defending you). But what I witnessed by your contractors and by you directly in that thread was not something I can condone.  

Thankfully, Cakewalk forum isn't VI-Control, where the forum owner has a habit of deleting posts that don't fit his and your agendas. People here don't engage in toxic mob actions against developers or individuals like is common at VI-C.  Of course, I fully realize that you're almost certainly going to defend your actions and  your employees' actions -- there's no surprise there. I simply find the actions that you and your employees (contractors) engaged in to be blatantly unethical and, as a result, you've lost my business.  I have done my best to articulate why in response to your questions.  While it's not an easy conversation to have, I believe in being honest and open and letting you know exactly why I cannot continue to support Impact Soundworks. That's all there is to it. I don't believe there is an argument that could excuse what you and your employees engaged in. I'm simply not a fit for your company's ethics and was sharing that fact in this forum. 

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My company has made no attack on 8dio. That statement is itself false and, to use your words, defamatory.

Again, for the public record, Sarah has been working for us since before that thread was even started. Things only took a negative turn when Troels himself joined it - over 6 months later - and other individuals shared their experiences with 8dio. It's as simple as that. 

As for my sole post, which did not mention 8dio or its products at all, again, you're welcome to that opinion that it's unethical. I leave it for anyone else to form their own opinion. I didn't hide anything and in fact specifically confirmed that she works for us, in response to someone bringing up my company. 

As for Mario, he is employed by Native Instruments and does limited part-time hourly work for us. If you believe there is a conflict of interest I'm surprised that you aren't posting in various threads on this forum telling people not to buy Native Instruments products - as he does far more work for them!

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16 hours ago, Andrew Aversa said:

My company has made no attack on 8dio. That statement is itself false and, to use your words, defamatory.

Again, for the public record, Sarah has been working for us since before that thread was even started. Things only took a negative turn when Troels himself joined it - over 6 months later - and other individuals shared their experiences with 8dio. It's as simple as that. 

As for my sole post, which did not mention 8dio or its products at all, again, you're welcome to that opinion that it's unethical. I leave it for anyone else to form their own opinion. I didn't hide anything and in fact specifically confirmed that she works for us, in response to someone bringing up my company. 

As for Mario, he is employed by Native Instruments and does limited part-time hourly work for us. If you believe there is a conflict of interest I'm surprised that you aren't posting in various threads on this forum telling people not to buy Native Instruments products - as he does far more work for them!

It is a fact that two employees of Impact Soundworks created and participated in a thread on the VI-Control forum where they made and encouraged others to make numerous defamatory attacks on an ISW competitor without disclosing their employment with ISW. We have a Harvard-educated law professor in this group who could confirm this. The Impact Soundworks engaged in libelous and harassing attacks on their competitor. 

Impact Soundworks owner, Andrew Aversa's statement above that:  " Things only took a negative turn when Troels himself joined it - over 6 months later..."  is patently false.  I had contacted Troels to let him know about the defamatory attack thread on his company by two Impact Soundworks employees.  Sarah had, at that point, changed the thread from sharing her scripts for a retired 8Dio library and praise of 8Dio's work to making vicious defamatory attacks on the competitor; modifying her original post to an attack that created a false narrative that 8Dio had serially attacked anyone who did a negative review of the company and that they are serial bullies. She had retitled the thread: "Adachi: Important update, 8Dio threatens reviewers and competing devs."

Sarah went back 13 yrs -- even prior to 8Dio being formed -- to find stories from 3 influencers who had negative stories to tell and her ISW co-worker, Mario,  who told a story I knew to be a false directly from Mario himself from 13 years ago.  By the time Troels joined, Sarah, Mario and Mike Greene used lies and half-truths to create an angry mob they egged on to bully and demean Troels when he posted. By the time Troels saw the thread, there were more than a dozen pages of attacks against 8Dio and him personally. Sarah had scoured the web to find anyone who ever had a bad thing to say about 8Dio and brought in 3 influencers to create a false narrative about 8Dio. One of those influencers -- Cory -- was a friend of mine (he's since passed) and I knew about the story she presented and it wasn't being told honestly. Another influencer has a reputation for less-than-great ethics. And the other influencer basically just complained that 8Dio didn't want to pay her asking price to do videos for them. Because Cory was a friend, and we discussed this thread -- which Cory didn't want to participate in and felt that ISW was just exploiting him and was very uncomfortable with them doing that  --I knew that Sarah, Mario or Mike Greene were telling a fictional story about Cory and not one of them ever reached out to Cory because they only wanted to leverage him to create their defamatory narrative against their competitor. 

Someone has since made a number of modifications to posts in Sarah's / Mario's / ISW's / Mike Greene's attack thread on 8Dio.  But if anyone is interested and wants to compare what I've presented to Andrew's claim that the thread was not hostile to ISW competitor 8Dio until Troels participated, they can still see for themselves that I'm telling the truth by seeing the thread (URL is below). 

EDIT: The below URL goes to the attack thread made by two ISW employees against ISW competitor 8Dio.  Andrew falsely asserted the thread did not become negative  until Troels, founder of 8Dio, and it then "took a turn." Note that even the first post is a defamatory attack by ISW employee Sarah Mancuso on ISW competitor 8Dio. Prior to my telling Troels of the thread it had more than a dozen pages filled with defamatory attacks on 8Dio, starting with the original post being completely changed to an attack and the thread retitled: "Adachi: Important update, 8Dio threatens reviewers and competing devs." After Troels posted note how the two ISW employees viciously bully their competitor and name-call him and egg on an angry mob they fed lies and have truths, defaming the Impact Soundworks competitor. This is the thread: 

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