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Strange New Characters When Typing in Windows 11


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Since using Windows 11 I noticed foreign language letters & symbols appearing out of nowhere and words being run together without spaces when typing. 
Apparently this was because "Windows is using artificial intelligence to help you type",  which is ON by default.

 Settings > Time & language > Typing > Typing Insights > On/Off.

Key word is ar-ti-fi-cial:  made or produced by humans.  IOW, not real, imitation, fake, knock-off, etc.

Disable it and typing returns to normal. IOW, real, natural, readable, understandable, etc.

EDIT: ... until it doesn't.  Not sure now why it's happening, but going back to Windows 10 has certainly solved it for the moment.

Edited by sjoens
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22 hours ago, sjoens said:

Since using Windows 11 I noticed foreign language letters & symbols appearing out of nowhere and words being run together without spaces when typing. 
Apparently this was because "Windows is using artificial intelligence to help you type",  which is ON by default.

and apparently everything you type, every mouse movement (the ink services you cannot disable oddly enough) and any related audio/video/electromagnetic signals (like bluetooth and wifi, NFS, credit card w/ chips, etc) are also all scanned and shared to someone on the internet to "help" make everything better.

not trying to be paranoid but the timing of these "features" in windows and apple OSes seemed to coincide with the completion of the massive NSA facility in Utah a number of years ago (when the fort meade facility couldn't handle the load and the old TRW crypto facility with the quantum processor farms (which is why encryption became mostly all allowed back in 1995) needed more storage).


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23 hours ago, sjoens said:

Settings > Time & language > Typing > Typing Insights > On/Off.

Isn't it just wonderful that these things get added in and automatically turned on by default?  I mean really, many of these kind of features may actually become properly helpful (once they use our collective "anonymous " data we never properly know we consented to be collected - to bug-check & refine them), but having no real actionable warning and/or usage instructions that allow us a chance at dealing with them initially, is the biggest issue I always have with this kind of thing.

And you would think with simple word processing - typing, the initial default would be to type exactly what I've tried so hard to learn to properly type... But no.

As far back as the mid-90s, I was convinced that there should be some kind of office-centric computing system & software that remained closed-featured, as in basically not connected to anything outside of the device itself. There are a few old word-processing typewriters like that if I recall correctly. Being an office systems admin, I wanted (and still do) some way of allowing modern use of computer processing, for tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, accounting, what have you, that would only work primarily as designed without possibility of constant change, and of course intrusion and malware. -Sometimes I just want to go back to a physical typewriter and paper.

1 hour ago, Glenn Stanton said:

the ink services you cannot disable oddly enough

Actually, I make sure to at least try to watch for those settings when setting up new computers from the get-go, but it really is discouraged by most PC OS setup routines, and unless you read the reams of EULA text that may give a clue to a seasoned lawyer on a good day, it's almost impossible to even know your choices, isn't it?  As far as inking & typing feature "enhancement" in Windows, there is an initial option to (ostensibly) turn that off, as well as the option to not use "advertising ID", and the general category of "optional diagnostic data", but how much really still goes on behind the scenes... well good luck controlling that.

1 hour ago, Glenn Stanton said:

not trying to be paranoid but the timing of these "features" in windows and apple OSes seemed to coincide with the completion of the massive NSA facility in Utah a number of years ago

I started thinking of Sting's lyrics for "Synchronicity" as I read that, for some reason. ?

I know, -we 've all pretty much walked into this willingly though, wanting technology to work as much as we do. And when it's used positively (as I hope that Cakewalk does - I am trusting anyway...) it really can be great, no argument. I truly hope things like AI can help us really gain power against things like cancer and other massive problems. However, I hope I don't lose much more of my privacy, and choice, than I already feel happened with the advent of always connected computing devices - especially in our phones and media players.

Typing in Windows is just the top layer of it all. And I still remember when I could type physically on a typewriter, take the paper out, file it and lock it in a cabinet, which was inside a lock-able living space, which in most environments was at least lawfully recognized as protected space with legal, or even physical repercussions upon those who trespassed. -Not anymore. Phones, and often PCs - now on, connected, 24/7, and if Windows wants to change your typing, or read it into Bing AI automatically, or of course some cracker wants to hack it all and sell it, and blame you for "allowing it to happen", well, -here we are!  -Where's our sign? ?

OK, back to regularly laughing along with everyone here, -pardon my rant!

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i also noticed since they stopped using the SETI apps on your PC to help, erm, decode space signals, that the newer auto-wreck features on text messaging seems to find and attempts to use words which a) you never knew existed, and b) would never have used in any conversation you ever had but somehow the AI determined it was just the word you needed.

so either a) the aliens are already here and running things and use this to keep the masses busy correcting it and leveling curses at it, and/or b) they dropped something into the water/vaccines/etc which make the population so stoopid that we'll never be a threat to the rest of the galaxy...

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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On 10/8/2023 at 2:37 PM, Glenn Stanton said:

... the ink services you cannot disable oddly enough ...


You can disable Windows Ink Workspace. Here is tutorial:


Or you can use Ultimate Windows Tweaker:



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On 10/8/2023 at 4:39 PM, JnTuneTech said:

As far as inking & typing feature "enhancement" in Windows, there is an initial option to (ostensibly) turn that off, as well as the option to not use "advertising ID", and the general category of "optional diagnostic data", but how much really still goes on behind the scenes... well good luck controlling that.

There are tools to disable or minimize "ET Phone Home" features in Windows. Here is one of them:


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15 hours ago, MozartMan said:

You can disable Windows Ink Workspace. Here is tutorial:

thanks, but in reality, the ink system is embedded in the typing system - so the "ink workspace" can be turned off, but the internals of the ink system are embedded in the typing system - so it's never really turned off from a collection of keystrokes and mouse movements. my guess -- people were using drawing to communicate on chats and meeting product whiteboards to avoid typing and therefore a means of collecting the mouse (or other drawing means) was needed to collect it. 

not sure if they track cursor key movements though. so maybe the old etch-a-sketch means of signaling could be used? (like square wave binary code or even morse code lol) ?


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  • 3 months later...

one of the new, erm, features is AI. MS has a new product called "co-pilot" and from my observations, it's more a suicide pilot because it constantly interferes with not only the browser but every app i use - including notepad. so after some research there is a couple of ways to turn it off - one is using the GPEdit in the Pro version, and directly adding a value in the registry for Home edition. 

i have "turned it off" in mine and things are better, but i still see it happen on the Edge and Google Chrome browsers - so i suspect the AI in those products cannot really be turned off or worse, they're using network roundtrips (like the spelling assist) to perform the evil.

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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Speaking of "strange new characters" - and possibly AI interference... The post above that quotes one of my earlier chunks of grumbling - got a bit of unwanted malvertising added to it at the end (don't give them the clicks and look, but it's there) - it just never ends. -Of course, we've had unwanted re-use and attribution of our online data now for years, but it all seems to be ramping up these days. -Strange new characters will likely be the least of it.   Sigh.

Oh, and don't forget, now there are a zillion new ways to add emoji and various stuff in with your text, so be careful...  Does anybody else remember just having to look up symbols to add to text using the character map?  It was awkward, but at least I got to choose them myself!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/15/2023 at 5:37 PM, MozartMan said:

@Glenn Stanton

I agree. It is impossible to remove M$ big brother from Windows, but at least I was able to minimize that as much as possible with this W10Privacy tool and some other tools and manual edits of registry and group policy.

Intel management engine driver. 

It's a spyware that circumnavigates the operating system basically a spyware on the motherboard, If you can it's worth disabling it/deleting it.

your bios will remind you to reinstate it every so often, but best to leave it off.


Amazing they hassle you to have windows defender active, while at the same time bugging your computer.


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