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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2023.09 Early Access [Updated to Build 62]

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We're pleased to announce Early Access of 2023.09! This release is primarily a maintenance release and includes over 60 bug fixes for user reported issues. 

Please note:

  • Version 2023.09 will likely be the last update to Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB). CbB will eventually be discontinued as future development and support will transition to the upcoming Cakewalk Sonar release. If you wish to continue to use CbB, you must update to the 2023.09 version when it is released to the public. Earlier versions will cease to activate in the future.
  • Version 2023.09 currently does not support offline activation, so your computer must be online to activate it.

If you have encountered any of these issues, please check out this release and and confirm that your issue is resolved before we release the official public version. 

Please note that Early Access installers are update installers, which only update from a specific version. To install the 2023.09 Early Access build, you must be on the latest public release of 2022.11 or later. 

Download Cakewalk 2023.09 EA installer

There is no rollback installer for this version.

If you haven't already done so, please read about the Early Access Program before participating.

Please keep responses specific to problems or comments on this release. Unrelated bugs or feature requests should be posted in other threads or the feature request channel.


Thanks again for your participation!
The Bakers


Updated to

This build contains the following additional improvements:

  • [Regression] Hidden tracks are unhidden on project open
  • [Regression] Strips/tracks hidden when loading user project
  • [Regression] Control surfaces aren't being updated when Send Destination changes
  • Inconsistent Arranger copy behavior with lanes on/off
  • Corrupted clips when drag/copy Arranger section during playback
  • Missing tempo entries/envelope nodes in user project
  • Update CWAF tool for v29 builds


Bug fixes


  • User Reported Crash enabling MIDI sync in project
  • Crash Right-Clicking Assignable Controls in Console View
  • [Regression] Crash when copy/insert arranger section
  • Drag and drop of audio from track with patch point crashes
  • ACTController crashes when comments have more than 512 characters.
  • Cakewalk/ACTController crashes on start up when ctrlsurface.dat is corrupt
  • Opening User Library View crashes
  • Crash bouncing step sequencer clip
  • Fixed Help Module UIAutomation crash
  • Crash when exporting to MP3 when the target file is not writable

Export Audio dialog:

  • Changing selection causes Windows sound if clip or track inspector is open
  • [Regression] File Export Dialog button bar resizing issues
  • Unexpected gain increase when exporting mono clips with Source Category Clips
  • [Regression]  File Export "Run Tasks" button causes dialog to close, and an additional export to run
  • Adding a task doesn't resize the queue panel


  • [Regression] Arranger Inspector is blank on project load
  • Toggling Send On/Off in Inspector fails to dirty project
  • [Regression] Right inspector strip disappears when choosing HW output


  • Automation track not assigned when "Ask This Every Time" is unchecked
  • Automation shelf tool unexpected behavior with dotted envelopes
  • New envelope created as linear when default curve set to Jump
  • Convert MIDI Controllers to Envelopes does not handle some shapes


  • Overwrite isn't always enabled when moving section
  • Unexpected results when copying an Arranger section selection with overwrite on to itself
  • Ripple All delete with absolute time Arranger track not working as expected
  • Unexpected results when move an Arranger section selection with shift existing clips
  • Excessive section paint calls in Arranger causing slow UI performance
  • Section does not have focus for rename via F2 after being created from selection
  • Selection lost after multiple section move
  • Multiple Arranger section selection not shown in drag image
  • Incorrect Arranger track ripple delete with non-contiguous clip selection
  • When previewing an arrangement, the arrangement inspector pane does not scroll

Piano Roll:

  • Note selection lost on PRV note drag undo/redo
  • Inconsistent Aim Assist behavior in PRV


  • VSTScan not properly removing compatibility entries when rescanning a plugin that has been updated
  • Persist compatibility updates for VST


  • Always show factory About box background
  • Black line appears when hiding tracks in folders/folders
  • [Regression] Renaming of Bus/Aux Tracks/Patch points not reflected in Control Surfaces
  • Upload to BandLab shows file extension unexpectedly for Project Name
  • Cursor change fails when moved from Console bus pane
  • Folder name is incorrect in Console Track manager
  • Browser layout issues after toggling visibility while MultiDock is maximized
  • Inaccurate drop indicator when dragging multiple clips
  • Subfolder comp tracks scrolling incorrectly in certain circumstances


  • Allow expanding of collapsed docked windows by double clicking
  • Help URL in crash notification displays invalid legacy subdomain
  • Virtual MIDI input changes unexpectedly after synth delete
  • Apply Trimming to MIDI clips does not trim note durations
  • Inconsistent AutoXFade with split clips
  • Ripple Edit Delete does not auto xfade
  • Tracks sourced from aux track L/R/S always show a stereo record meter when armed
  • Snap offset unexpectedly set when stretching cropped stretched clips
  • Import as mono tracks fails to work when importing video
  • Control Surface items not opening correctly with multiple surfaces enabled
  • Glitches in playback when changing active track during playback
  • Insert of user track template goes to hardware inputs instead of assigned virtual ports in track template
  • Position lock inconsistently locks data
  • Paste Special/Slide and Move not working as expected
  • White Noise when exporting to MP3
  • External FX ports not persisted in track templates
  • [Regression] Synth Rack or Help Module docked by itself fails to collapse as expected
  • Aux Tracks do not retain routing correctly with Patch Points when inserted as track template
  • Race condition updating meters when loading ProChannel preset
  • Hitting ENTER on Tempo track value should commit tempo and exit edit box
  • Typing "\" becomes "+\" in preferences with Finnish keyboard
  • Empty track folders are moved to the end of the project on project reload


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Just ran the update... Took some time to activate but it appears now all is well.

Might as well jump in the water as the boat is dissolving anyway, yes?


Well... No immediate upsets, that's a good start. I opened a few projects and began some tinkering. All appears "normal"

I didn't notice any of the fixes to be things particularly pertinent to me or my work model, but I will report any anomolies I find as I progress..


Thanks Bakers!


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12 hours ago, Morten Saether said:

Unexpected gain increase when exporting mono clips with Source Category Clips

Still seem to be doing it, unless this was a different bug report than what i'm thinking of and testing right now. There is still that 3db increase when exporting mono tracks with source clips. This is expect of course, seeing that it takes the left and right channel and collapsing it to one. 

I think the DAW needs to treat this like how it treats "split to mono." This should include the interleave, bounce to mono, sends and of course export to mono. One i forgot to test, is the  drag and drop from the TV into the Browser. Should do it right now. 

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5 hours ago, Will. said:

There is still that 3db increase when exporting mono tracks with source clips. This is expect of course, seeing that it takes the left and right channel and collapsing it to one.

I cannot agree, 'cos the channels are a thing of the track and not the clip! It says source selection "clips" and this should not include something from the track IMHO!

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simple experiment - collapse a stereo track into mono - level?  collapse a stereo clip into mono - level? generally collapsing stereo into mono is a 3db gain. track, clip, buss, etc. of course final level is determined by content of L+R. so do the test with noise to assess the new level correctly - note that pan laws (like -3db center) can also impact the perceived results. ? 

e.g. i take a -18db stereo noise clip, bounce to mono  = -15db noise clip.

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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On 8/31/2023 at 11:59 AM, Morten Saether said:

If you wish to continue to use CbB, you must update to the 2023.09 version when it is released to the public. Earlier versions will cease to activate in the future.

Funny nobody commented on this. Not that it's a concern as I have always used latest versions without issue. But It implies there will be further activation still require which is also just fine by me. Just going to download and fire it up,,, On my second machine of course.  I think you might be able to save a Windows restore point to re turn to prior version?? No big deal either way. 

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1 hour ago, Julio Edwards said:

My update went fine, had to disable a Malwarebytes web app that initially wouldn't let me connect to local host.  After that all is good, played a demo tune and settings look and sound good.  Glad that one day we can use this offline.

Welcome to the Cakewalk forums, Julio.

Kind regards,


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