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Running into some new bands


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Met a nice, new lady recently and while at her place we were letting Spotify play different bands.  Like Pandora, it tries to play bands that are similar to the original band requested.  I ended up finding a few that I liked and thought I'd share since I'd never heard of them!

Note that I like a LOT of genres, but these all fall into a Joy Division / Cure like vibe.

First up:  Twin Tribes

I'll add the others once I figure out which albums seem to illustrate each best! ?

Edited by craigb
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51 minutes ago, Sheens said:

a small Asian nurse lady, boy you are lucky !  


Sorry, just not into lady boys!  But, hey, if that's your thing, then more power to ya!

(More real females for me! ?)


Oh, and the bands I heard on her Spotify happened after Google was asked to play She Wants Revenge.  Go figure!

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I'm still wondering what @Wibbles  or @pwalpwal think about the first band I posted above.  I've certainly been enjoying them!  The other three I wrote down were:

  • Traitrs (not bad, but not something I'd play over and over like I have been with Twin Tribes)
  • This Cold Night (one album, pretty decent)
  • Lebanon Hanover (has some songs I like, but their overall vibe isn't something I'd listen to normally)
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Fair enough!

In 1982 I was in a hard rock band and those that liked New Wave were commonly being beat up by some of the guys I knew (I was not one of those kinds and, although they didn't know it, I was a DJ playing all kinds of the stuff they couldn't stand!).

That said, I really got into New Wave, Goth, and all those similar types of genres much later to the point that I listen to far more from those genres now than I do any of the rock styles!

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I liked the music just fine, but why is the second example so distorted? It sounds like something that was recorded in 1985 but badly remastered in 2015. YouTube says the content loudness is +2.6dB, way hotter than anything recorded in the 80's. Maybe the uploader thought he could improve the recording with  aggressive "saturation" and a clipper after learning the art of mastering on KVR.


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Nice. Naming their record Ceremony is definitely showing their hand.

I've recently been re-experiencing Siouxsie and the Banshees and realizing what a freakin' musical genius she was/is. Underrated in that respect. Her arrangements with all the tuned percussion were just crazy even from the start with "Hong Kong Garden" with the xylophone. Didn't hurt that she put monster players like Budgie and John McGeoch in the band. I've probably listened to "Cities In Dust" a dozen times in the past week.

Before that my vintage tight rotation was selections from the first couple of Tears For Fears albums.

Post punk/goth/darkwave is one of the things I'm proudest of my generation (1955-65 births) for having created/innovated. Something about having been a child during the hippie years and then what followed it can send you in that direction I guess. ?

Here's a guy who's local to me; when I heard him on the college station in my car, I thought "when did Curt from Tears For Fears team up with Trent Reznor?" (maximum Generation Jones icons there)

His production is quite the ear candy, too:

Here's something I heard on SomaFM's Beat Blender that you and your new squeeze might like (and congratulations on finding a lady who can introduce you to new music, that gets so much more difficult the older we get). It's from 2006, but to me, if I never heard it before, it's "new":


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20 hours ago, craigb said:

The whole Siouxie, Robert Smith connection was interesting too!

Then there's the Bauhaus, Love and Rockets, Peter Murphy, Tones On Tail, fun...

Joy Division to New Order...

There's a few!

As long as nobody mentions the word goth .... damn you already did.

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