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We have been updated!!! ​?​


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Got here just in time to be told the forum's being updated...


I'm seeing some changes, like a line that says what's unread in a topic, and a few different colors, but I also can barely see the buttons in the header now!  Apparently, dark grey on black is a thing now? ?

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Yeah... Seeing many subtle differences at first view....


My first attempt this morning gave error messages but soon changed to the update notice and quickly has now been placed online... Excellent.


I look forward to finding the new changes and differences. So far, it looks more clear and crisper!


Everything is easier to read! Thanks!



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This gray look for the "Create New Content", "Notifications", and "Messages" is not a good look, please have them change it back to what it was before,  I can hardley see what I'm clicking on without squinting.

Is that the BUY NOW button!!    


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I asked for some clear indication of mod status years ago 

The forum is still getting tweaked and indices rebuilt.

Jesse Jost managed the rolled out the previous version of this forum.

He is probably overseeing this update too.

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I don't know if this is new or something I changed before the updater processed my account but

I modified by Profile Settings > Content View Behavior to "Take me to comments I haven't read"


My want to check this out


Old forum behavior restored.

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32 minutes ago, Bapu said:

I'll be exposed for the fraud I Am when the actual post count is updated. ? 

Those who know you & love you have always known.
We were just too kind to let you know that we knew.

Now that you know that we knew and that we know that you know we knew we can move on to the we know you know we knew that you knew we knew and can pretend we're all nubes that know nothing and can dispense with intense tongue twisters.  OK?

BTW regarding your sister... Does she still sell shiny sea shells at the sea shore along with sandwiches of albacore and chocolate s'mores? 
Though often made hasty, they were quite tasty.

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Interesting.... I don't notice as much of a change on my DAW as I do I my iPad.


Here on my DAW I wouldn't have realized anything had changed but on my iPad, colors and such are different?


I guess it's the way my eyes interface with the screens?


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