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FedEx, Now You're Just F*n With Me


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13 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Doesn't that defeat the purpose of requiring a signature?


It's available for situations like this. They drop it off and take a picture of where they put it. If it's at the wrong house then it's no different than any other wrong delivery.

I despise FedEx. They have screwed me so many times at work and at home. In multiple states. NJ, PA, IA, MO. They are cheaper than UPS, or used to be, that's why people use them. But they really truly suck.


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It's because of drugs.

Specifically, a nasty chemical called varenicine, brand name Chantix or Champix. It's a stop-smoking aid. The idea is it binds to the same receptors as nicotine, thus depriving me of the dopamine hit and therefore sucking all the joy out of tobacco use.

Unfortunately, it also has a long list of side effects, including insomnia. Also nausea, headaches and nightmares. I've experienced all of them except for the nightmares, which I'd gladly trade for a full night's sleep. Well, I guess not all of them. Haven't had a stroke or died.

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I had a Fed Ex delivery from Sweetwater, some high hat cymbals. The box was mighty light in weight and sure enough, when I opened it up, therecwere no cymbals, just packing stuff and oh yeah, the candy.

The box had been sliced open and crudely re-taped shut. Sweetwater sent another set, which made it here. They requested an investigation....

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1 hour ago, Bapu said:

I've yet to have a package "never delivered"


26 minutes ago, John Nelson said:

The box had been sliced open and crudely re-taped shut.

My grandson ordered a gift for his sister two weeks ago. After three delays, his last notification was "your package may be lost". Which made me scratch my head in confusion, because I thought logistics are so sophisticated nowadays that surely an item's location is always known. What I hadn't considered was employee theft. But it makes sense; security guards, TSA agents and baggage handlers are major theft vectors.

But I got good news just now - a different note was added to the tracking log today. For the first time, they've appended the phrase "by end of day" to the scheduled delivery date (today). They haven't been that specific before.  Fingers crossed...having Sweetwater re-send the item is not an option in this case.


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5 hours ago, bitflipper said:

It's because of drugs.

Specifically, a nasty chemical called varenicine, brand name Chantix or Champix. It's a stop-smoking aid. The idea is it binds to the same receptors as nicotine, thus depriving me of the dopamine hit and therefore sucking all the joy out of tobacco use.

Unfortunately, it also has a long list of side effects, including insomnia. Also nausea, headaches and nightmares. I've experienced all of them except for the nightmares, which I'd gladly trade for a full night's sleep. Well, I guess not all of them. Haven't had a stroke or died.

I quit (again) 2 years ago. What helped the most was penury (thanks Joe B.!).
I don't recommend that except as a last resort.

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8 hours ago, bitflipper said:

It's because of drugs.

Specifically, a nasty chemical called varenicine, brand name Chantix or Champix. It's a stop-smoking aid. The idea is it binds to the same receptors as nicotine, thus depriving me of the dopamine hit and therefore sucking all the joy out of tobacco use.

Unfortunately, it also has a long list of side effects, including insomnia. Also nausea, headaches and nightmares. I've experienced all of them except for the nightmares, which I'd gladly trade for a full night's sleep. Well, I guess not all of them. Haven't had a stroke or died.

Yikes! ?

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5 hours ago, Bapu said:

All this nasty talk of FedEx, I've yet to have a package "never delivered" or extended more than a day or two. 99% of my FedEx deliveries are from Sweetwater.

In my case, some criminal coordination (as far as I'm concerned) between FedEx and Amazon cost me and my business partner over $16k when we used to be Third Party sellers on Amazon.

We had one of our sources send stock from their warehouse to Amazon using FedEx.  There were two products with quite a few units of each.  Amazon claimed that only one of the products arrived but wouldn't let us ask for an investigation until a set period of time had elapsed (over 30 days!).

At that point Amazon merely reiterated that they didn't get the products, our supplier reiterated that their stock had been diminished by the ordered amount, and FedEx claimed that it was now too late to file a claim! ?

My own investigating showed FedEx's own documentation had the correct package weights, but the only entity NOT involved in the whole chain (US!) were left footing the bill all the while knowing that Amazon had basically stolen all of our merchandise with FedEx's help.   This was nowhere near the only dirty trick Amazon pulled, so we quit. ?

Friends and family have been getting the Amazon returned products from us for a few years now! ?

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6 hours ago, John Nelson said:

and oh yeah, the candy.

Crooks who hate candy are particularly dangerous!

Not sure how far from home their distribution center is, but I have actually gone to pick up something I was after once (call and verify it is there before going). Two of the centers are less than 20 miles from my house, but most stuff "just arrives when it arrives" as far as I am concerned.

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1 hour ago, bitflipper said:

Looks like FedEx has lied to me again. The tracker has changed from "July 6 by end of day" to just "package delayed".

C'mon, FedEx, I need to go to the grocery store. I've run out of food waiting on you.

If you'd like to lose some weight, it sounds like all you need to do is have FedEx delivery your food too!


This is BS and I hope you let them know Dave!  Claim (truthfully or not) that this was a required bit of gear that needed to be setup before tomorrow's gig!   


Edited by craigb
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Well, technically it would be Sweetwater who's owed compensation, since it was they who paid the freight.

As mettelus says, it arrives when it arrives. It would have been nice to have it for the next gig, but the old workhorse analog console still works. So no harm done.

Still pissed, though, because they blew me off and blamed it on me. Hey, isn't that defamation?

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Want proof "they're listening"?

I got a call from my Sweetwater rep tonight asking me how everything was and he just wanted to touch base.

1st time in over 2 years.

Just an FYI, they told me they make 3 attempts to deliver when a signature is required. After the third failed attempt they leave a note and a number for you to call to arrange for you to go pick it up. They stop trying after the 3rd time.

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1 hour ago, Shane_B. said:

Just an FYI, they told me they make 3 attempts to deliver when a signature is required. After the third failed attempt they leave a note and a number for you to call to arrange for you to go pick it up. They stop trying after the 3rd time.

OK, then. That means I still have three tries remaining, since they haven't attempted to deliver it even once.

I'd gladly go pick it up. Heck, I could have driven to Indiana and back by now.

2 hours ago, craigb said:

...you will probably be persecuted...

An appropriate malapropism!

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