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5 minutes ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

Until more information is added in by Bandlab/Cakewalk themselves, I still think they're testing the waters to see how much damage control will be necessary to be done when they invariably introduce a subscription plan for both. Because "fair pricing for everyone" tells you everything you need to know about how the pricing scheme will go, which is a whole lot of nothing.

If you’ve been around Cakewalk/Sonar/ Home Studio/ Twelve Notes for over 20 years, this is exactly what they do….dip their toe in the water to test the reaction.  Unfortunately what that does is creates all the controversy that we are seeing. 

Edited by michaelhanson
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9 minutes ago, michaelhanson said:

The website says that CbB will continue to operate but will not be supported.   That sounds like a bit of a roll of the dice to me.  Eventually, you’ll have to do something.  

This is true. There are those who are still rolling the dice with pre-X series SONAR and I occassionally read something from a ProAudio fan...30+ years and going. I prefer something a little more modern.

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18 minutes ago, scook said:

This is true. There are those who are still rolling the dice with pre-X series SONAR and I occassionally read something from a ProAudio fan...30+ years and going. I prefer something a little more modern.

Yup, and they are still running Windows 7.  ?


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10 minutes ago, scook said:

This is true. There are those who are still rolling the dice with pre-X series SONAR and I occassionally read something from a ProAudio fan...30+ years and going. I prefer something a little more modern.

I agree. As much as I like free and paid for a lifetime of Cakewalk, I am sure I will purchase Sonar. As a side note, I always felt Cakewalk sounded like a grade school program and Sonar had the sound of some hip high-tech professional program only the hip could people use. I use 2 monitors, one being 4K, and can’t wait to really see what Sonar in 4K will look like, especially since I use orchestral programs that add up and I’m constantly scrolling up and down the page.

Also, I am a big Noel fan and have great trust in him. He’s a smart man and plays a mean guitar.


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43 minutes ago, michaelhanson said:

The website says that CbB will continue to operate but will not be supported.   That sounds like a bit of a roll of the dice to me.  Eventually, you’ll have to do something.  

SONAR X1 still works on my XP SP3 PC; SONAR X3 (and some pre-X versions of SONAR) work on my Windows 10 Pro PCs.  Unless Noel or someone official has announced what will happen with activation (will it still be required?) that is an open issue.

My guess (100% speculation) is that re-activation for existing licenses will be required.  It seems like a logical way to make sure that only existing users of CbB can continue to use it. But maybe the development team has something else in mind.  In any  case, (1) I accept what they have said (it will continue to be available to existing users) and (2) I will wait until they announce what will happen with re-activation.

To me, not being supported means no updates, no bug fixes.

My "elders" had a saying that was passed down to later generations, "Don't borrow trouble."  For me its a variation of "I'll cross that bridge when we get there."  ?

But you are right--at some point, someone might complain about having to re-activate CbB and the owner (current or future) might stop the activation server.  Based on what has happened over the past 5 years, I am choosing to wait and see.  I understand that some people might want to jump ship. That's fair in my opinion.  We each have to make our own decisions.

As for me, I have considerably less income than I did when I was into purchasing  new versions of Cakewalk/SONAR.   Depending on the pricing structure, I might not be able to afford either of the new products.  So, I do understand where people are coming from. 

Edited by User 905133
fixed typo
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40 minutes ago, michaelhanson said:

Yup, and they are still running Windows 7.  ?


Personally I don't see anything funny about still running Windows 7. Windows 10 is nothing but a headache coming back on a regular basis, at least for me. Windows 7 and previous versions were more like 'set and forget', that gave me peace of mind for years where I wasn't distracted with all the buzz about new forced updates braking compatibility or functionality of software, subscriptions or nagging screens to create accounts, updates to the DAWs or plugins for fixing what the windows update broke apart from new features, next windows update going in the background during Cakewalk session... eventually Windows 7 will have to die due to being left unsupported anymore by all the software that is under pressure to move on, same will probably happen to CbB. It was good while it lasted :( 

Edited by chris.r
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22 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

As for me, I have considerably less income than I did when I was into purchasing  new versions of Cakewalk/SONAR.   Depending on the pricing structure, I might not be able to afford either of the new products.  So, I do understand where people are coming from. 

Yep only so much money to go around and so I shall wait and see what the new Cakewalk offers to me as a consumer. 

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32 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

My "elders" had a saying that was passed down to later generations, "Don't borrow trouble."  For me its a variation of "I'll cross that bridge when we get there."  ?

But you are right--at some point, someone might complain about having to re-activate CbB and the owner (current or future) might stop the activation server.  Based on what has happened over the past 5 years, I am choosing to wait and see.  I understand that some people might want to jump ship. That's fair in my opinion.  We each have to make our own decisions.

As for me, I have considerably less income than I did when I was into purchasing  new versions of Cakewalk/SONAR.   Depending on the pricing structure, I might not be able to afford either of the new products.  So, I do understand where people are coming from. 

Well, I probably would be considered an elder.  We have many sayings, that we pull out base on the situation and points we are trying to get across.  I might counter that with "I am reading the writing on the wall".  Here is the thing, it all comes down to what Sonar by Cakewalk decides to do as it's business model.  I said that 20+ pages ago.  They haven't said what they are going to do other than hint at a payment model and making pricing fair.

I did jump ship back in the Gibson fiasco.  I run CbB, Studio One and Harrison Mix Bus; tried out several others as well.  I'm going to limit how many DAW's I am paying for and continue to pay for the ones that offer the best options for me.  Most of the people I still collaborate with run Sonar, so its handy to have it around.  Right now, it seems like Studio One is light years ahead of Sonar.  I am extremely familiar with Sonar, having used it for over 20+ years, I operate in Sonar without even thinking about it.  That's what has kept me using it, its very familiar and natural to work in, because I grew up with it.  

Edited by michaelhanson
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6 minutes ago, chris.r said:

Personally I don't see anything funny about still running Windows 7. Windows 10 is nothing but a headache coming back on a regular basis, at least for me. Windows 7 and previous versions were more like 'set and forget', that gave me peace of mind for years where I wasn't distracted with all the buzz about new forced updates braking compatibility or functionality of software, subscriptions or nagging screens to create accounts, updates to the DAWs or plugins for fixing what the windows update broke apart from new features, next windows update going in the background during Cakewalk session... eventually Windows 7 will have to die due to being left unsupported anymore by all the software that is under pressure to move on, same will happen to CbB. It was good while it lasted :( 

Yeah. Here too, but for me I (was) sruck at Windows 8.1

I hated 8, but 8.1 is excellent! I was happy not going to win10 but just recently migrated to new machine bound with win10 and other than current support from all vendors (again at last, but soon to be dropped again. This machine is trapped at win10), I still dislike win10 from the getgo!

My win8.1 machine is still intact except for the waves debacle losing my Abbey Road Studio 3...


but I think I’m derailing the thread so I apologize...


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4 minutes ago, chris.r said:

Melodyne is another example.

Yeah, I was trapped at Melodyne 4 until win10 which will now be trapped there as Celemony is probably about to release Melodyne 6!

Forced obsolescence!

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I shall no doubt buy whatever comes next.  Although, it does involve an act of faith:  I understand the Sonar about to be launched is what I already have but with re-jigged better graphics, which is nice, but that's it for the time being.  But my experience with the guys at the heart of this product tells me it's ok to make that leap of faith, so I will.

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I think it's good to remember that CbB was pretty much SPlat with a few months worth of fixes in the first release... look at it now. And actual meaningful additions too, not just another bundled synth or sample library to keep the upper management happy. (Not to say a great synth or library is a worthless addition, mind you, but having core improvements to the app will beat that out every time for me)

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2 hours ago, Lord Tim said:

remember that CbB is pretty much SPlat with years worth of fixes

(There fixed it for you)

BandLab has more than “paid” Henry’s debt to all of us that bought “lifetime” updates. 
(Anyone that doesn’t see that “free” updates for the “life” of any product is an unrealistic business model; well, there’s one born every minute…)

Its time to “man up” and throw some coin in the hat and keep this going forward. 

CbB is Sonar (always has been) and now will be labeled Sonar again. 
Your cwp and wrk projects are safe. 
Two questions remain:

1) How long will CbB work after “Sonar” is released?

2) How much will Sonar cost? (my guess is that whatever the price you will have a 12 month payment option. Not really a “subscription”, just a time payment “plan”)
but what do I know?

so we can all stop wringing our collective hands and suggesting what the company should do, et cetera, et cetera.

And please stay on topic!

The thread downstairs was closed because some just couldn’t behave in a civil manner.

That is all…




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6 minutes ago, DeeringAmps said:

BandLab has more than “paid” Henry’s debt to all of us that bought “lifetime” updates. 
(Anyone that doesn’t see that “free” updates for the “life” of any product is an unrealistic business model; well, there’s one born every minute…)

No, there´s no debt payed whatsoever.

Off the top of my head, I can think of at least one daw that is doing lifetime updates, and it has been around for maybe 20 years or so, and a plugin company doing the same for the last seven or eight years or so. So, that business model is real. Anyone that doesn´t see that, well, they can´t see.


11 minutes ago, DeeringAmps said:

(my guess is that whatever the price you will have a 12 month payment option. Not really a “subscription”, just a time payment “plan”)

Again, no. That "12 month payment option and then no more updates" is a subscription model. After those 12 months, one will be left with a daw in the same state as what CbB will be, that is, a daw frozen in time, with no updates, no support. If one has to pay again (and again) to receive more updates and support, then it is, in fact, a subscription.


Anyone that doesn´t want to see that, is just deluding themselves.

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