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Will AI hog Cakewalk resources?


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Will AI hog Cakewalk resources?

Imagine trying to record and AI suddenly has menopause or a midlife crisis?

AI starts worrying if they will get prematurely bald and your resource meter flatlines.

There are bottlenecks in Windows as it is, can we have a "ghost in the machine" trying to solve pi and figure out how to save the planet while I am trying to mix a 50 track song?

My luck I would get an AI with a gambling habit.

Microsoft intends to add AI to Windows. Perhaps the last update already added the seeds of what may one day become a sentient being?

I love AI, but can our PCs really handle it?

I have 18 Intel cores and 2 x 3090s and I still get bogged down in effects and my latency can sometimes be a number of seconds behind...

Do we want an AI in the background trying to "learn" how to congregate verbs in Icelandic?

Just a thought.

Sorry Wilber, but I need to shut you off for a while...

I hear the metaverse calling me.

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I doubt if the AI will actually be doing any processing on your machine.  It's more likely that your usage habits will be sent to Microsoft, and profiled alongside everyone else on one of their servers - a simple query to that server at a later date will tailor your experience to best match your usage.

We've all seen browsers do this kind of thing, but maybe Microsoft has something else in mind such as fine-tuning background processes to get the best performance out of the apps you use.

AI doesn't always need to take up a lot of resources at the point of consuming it. 

Take the XBox Kinect for example - Microsoft took video shots of tens of thousands of users doing various poses and built up a neural net on a server.  Only the resulting neural net was embedded in the device, the result of which can easily process your movements in real time with minimal internal processing / power consumption.  I've even seen Arduino projects using the Kinect (which run at 16Mhz)- so it's definitely the Kinect itself doing the processing, and just outputting the recognised gesture.

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5 hours ago, msmcleod said:

will tailor your experience to best match your usage


5 hours ago, msmcleod said:

We've all seen browsers do this kind of thing

But in the end there are some software people behind doing the analysis and defining the rules. Like that there is always the risk that the result really does not match your usage! I see this with Google Search, in the last few years my search results got worse and worse (since they create individual results)! Maybe this is caused by me being other than the majority, but it is still annoying!

I fear that in other areas the same thing will happen. E.g. Windows getting worse and worse for music creation, because for most users this is not their usage!?

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1 hour ago, MarcL said:

... in the last few years my search results got worse and worse ...

yes, but your ability to shop major brand stores improved didn't it? ? not to mentioned the plethora of great information the ad bots stuff into your inbox as a result that your didn't even think about. plus those times you were speaking in a room which had an Alexa nearby and suddenly those product being to appear in your search results and inbox... like magic! ? 

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47 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

yes, but your ability to shop major brand stores improved didn't it? ? not to mentioned the plethora of great information the ad bots stuff into your inbox as a result that your didn't even think about. plus those times you were speaking in a room which had an Alexa nearby and suddenly those product being to appear in your search results and inbox... like magic! ? 

Actually, I would not disagree to personified ads. But the most time I got them it was when I already had purchased that item and was not interested to shop it again! How crazy AI can be! ?

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7 hours ago, MarcL said:

Windows getting worse and worse for music creation, because for most users this is not their usage!?

We have an ally at Microsoft in Pete Brown, who is a Cakewalk user and has posted here on this forum. Microsoft are aware of the needs of people who use Windows to make music and video.

What can make Windows suffer for creative pursuits is when they load it down with security stuff so that the stupidest bozo in a given corporate installation can use their Windows computer without running the risk of bringing the whole thing down by downloading malware.

As a careful computer user, I do resent my OS being tailored to needs of the most clueless. Which is why I eventually sprung for Windows Pro licenses, which at least allow you to turn some of that crap off if you want to.

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It's either personified ads or a plethora of toenail fungus ads.

Pick your poison... ?

In the middle of a vocal session and Cortana opens up and says, "I sorry I did not understand that".

I know I can turn off Cortana, I assume I will be able to choose to go solo and disable AI as well.

AI could be text based or voice assisted. It seems to come mostly in the flavor of a search prompt.

But when it is hardwired for "novices" I wonder how many hoops us advanced users will need to hurtle to defeat it and go manual.

It seems Microsoft is planning on integrating AI into Windows. I have 8 inputs and 8 outputs and at any time any one of those inputs might have a signal.

Having a dedicated mic is not always the plan.

I prefer manually deciding when and what input and which mic, source, app, interface etc...  I will use.

I thrive in complexity over having things decided for me.

AI, take this image, send it to Photoshop and put these filters in this order on it then upload it to Facebook with the caption, "Out to lunch". Then, email the Facebook image link to all the people in my email address book list. ?

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On 5/29/2023 at 6:36 PM, RexRed said:

Will AI hog Cakewalk resources?

No. But it will report your new song to the copyright infringment police if it's even the slightest bit similar to a famous song, or rewrite/recompose/remix your song so it's closer to what it thinks you meant it to be.

Think of it as the "talent knob" feature we've been asking for.  ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

With all the new A I technology being forced down my throat ( real or Imagined )I have had enough !

Great now AI wants to take over my Cakewalk ! Whats Next ? Will it try to force me to listen to it's regurgitated deep fake attempts at Music ?

AI needs electricity to work right ?   Good if that's the case I have an out ...

I'm starting to dream about the good old days when all a Musician really needed to get a musical nut off was a group of like minded guys and girls  huddled in a drum circle  banging away on hollowed out  logs while playing melodies on a wooden flutes that doubled as a blow guns .

According to AI while all that so called primitive music is happening  the icing on the cake will be all the scantly dressed womenz of the tribe are doing a synchronized  topless shake and gyrate that booty to the max dance ....

Yeah can you dig it.  I can roll with that .  I got an acoustic guitar ....



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