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Some fun from 69!


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1 hour ago, pwalpwal said:


I had watched that one. She/he was a pioneer too.

I didn't know about Delia. Thanks for that video.

What caught my attention with Eliane was the droning nature of her music. How it evoles ever so slightly over time. I have done things like that and have never thought anyone would want to listen to that type of "music". Guess I was wrong. 

May have to explore that more with all these synths I have acquired. 

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It's inspiring to see what the pioneers did with what would today be considered minimal gear.

Isao Tomita, for example, was literally the only practitioner of the synth arts in Japan, and indeed all of Asia in the early 70's. There were no YouTube videos to get him started, not even any magazines devoted to the subject. He had to teach himself everything from scratch. A true pioneer. People are still trying to figure out how he got those lush string and choir sounds. Snowflakes are Dancing (1973) still holds up today. Keep in mind this was all done on a monophonic synth with no sequencers or DAW, just magnetic tape.


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I've been "encouraging" my keyboardist friend (the Classically trained pipe-organist who I've featured here before) into new horizons.  He's a big psychedelic proponent now, so I've introduced him to some old Tangerine Dream (like Phaedra and Rubycon) as well as Phillip Glass (who he loved) to see what he can come up with!  I'll be over there this Saturday again to help make some noise.  Looking forward to it! ☺️

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