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Cold Wind


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Another original track finally finished. Quite happy with the outcome although this took longer that I wished.

- Vocals: Rode NT1 through SPL Crimson

- SD3 drums

- Bias Fx2 and Neural guitar amps

- various synths



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This is a really beautiful song with a strong performance (and a lovely video!) Synths are wonderful and love the weeping ambient guitar. Killer chorus!

It may just be my raggedy ears, but I *think* I'm  hearing a kind of distortion or phasing or something behind the lead vocal part. My hi-frequency perception is crap though, so take that with a grain of salt.  I really enjoyed this and am going to spend some time looking up your other work.

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Thanks Kevin, nice words! That's an interesting observation. I'm not sure what you mean by 'behind the lead vocal part' but surely the vocal channel is running pretty hot at times, so maybe you hear some harmonics caused by overdriven signal hitting the red. But if you mean the rest of the 'band' then it's a different guesswork. One of the synths is quite rich in the higher frequencies which is audible especially in the second chorus. Guitars are lo-passed around 6kHz so it's hardly them. Maybe someone with good monitoring setup and undamaged hearing can shed some more light on this. I'm more than willing to learn ?


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On 4/8/2023 at 11:18 AM, Bajan Blue said:

Good track, nicely sung  - I think Kevin might have been hearing the heavy processing on the vocals - i can hear the processing as well, but I think probably OK to me.

Cool stuff



Thanks Nigel! Do you hear processing other than eq-comp-reverb? This got me curious.

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