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[SOLVED] What Did I Do - To My Track View?



Hey folks - I am trying to find out what I did to cause this (see screenshot) in my project, mainly so I can avoid doing it again. -It is not a critical fail, as the project still plays just fine, and I have multiple backups as well, but it is troubling, and after trying many view option switches & experiments in this particular, I can't seem to reverse it.

I am getting a "dirty" display on a major portion of my track view - and only the track view - primary tracks themselves, all other screen elements are normal. What's more, it doesn't affect the bus tracks, -and it only starts after several bars from the beginning of the project, and quits near the end of the longest material in the project! -This screenshot is from about the middle of the recorded parts of the project:



If you look closely, you can see the corruption only exists on the tracks, not any other elements, and not even on the bus tracks (one expanded in the bus pane at the bottom). It reminds me of a video driver display issue when you resize the track height, as it phases in and out of affecting the automation display line overlays & whatnot. -But again, it only happens in this particular saved version of the project, not any other projects or backups of this project made before this one. It's got me wondering what the heck I did wrong!

-This actually happened last night when I was trying to clean up some of the ending of the project, and had been looking at various automation envelopes to try and find where something is making the project end longer than any data I can see. I don't really know what action I did to cause it, but around the time, I was adding & deleting nodes on automation envelopes, trying to delete any past the end of recorded material in the project, as well as deleting a few tracks & FX.

If anyone has had this happen, and found a fix as well, please tell me what you know!

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@reginaldStjohn - Hmm, I looked at that, but it does not affect the problem. -Thanks though! -Update: I have started taking each track out of the project, one by one, going from last to first, and when I get to the last few, my "extended" ending time problem goes away. However, I opened the project again to delete just the one track I (thought) caused that - by itself, and that did not fix anything! -I guess I will try deleting tracks going forward from 1, and see what result that has... (Don't worry, I am only operating on a backup copy, and not saving for these tests!).

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12 hours ago, Lord Tim said:

Change it back to Clips in the Edit Filter drop down box.

Wow, thanks @Lord Tim - that may be indeed the root of the problem, but fixing it is looking to be something else! -It must have happened when I had selected all tracks at one point, because that little symbol shows up on almost every clip in the project at this point. -There are no real audio transients in view though, nor in the track selectors when I look individually - maybe I'd better try a select all again I guess?

At the moment, I can see that if I select an individual audio clip that has the AudioSnap key on the top bar, toggle the track selector from Clips to Audio Transients, and then back to Clips again, it removes the AudioSnap marker - for that clip - but now somehow I suppose I need to switch that for every offending clip in the project maybe... Wow, I really did this one!

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Thanks to both @reginaldStjohn and @Lord Tim - I have found what I bumbled into, which was basically turning on AudioSnap for every track in my project. I have reversed my steps, by selecting all tracks, bringing up the AudioSnap Palette tool (from the View menu), and then turning off AudioSnap altogether. -Since I was not, and had never actually intended to do that in the first place, nothing in the project seems to be for the worse, and I'm sure processing cycles area also now being saved! -That sure had made a mess of the Cakewalk track view though, probably used too many display resources for that section of the DAW...  Leave it to me to do these things!

I also put it down to my inadvertent use of a keyboard shortcut (I did that once long ago with Offset mode - DONT!) - and I really need to take better care with what I type when the DAW is in focus!  Doh!! :)    -Thanks again Folks!

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