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  1. Is the track you are recording to different from the imported audio track? Make sure you do not have the imported track armed for recording. Would also help if you mentioned what audio interface/sound card you are using and the driver (ASIO, WASAPI, etc.)
  2. This sounds more like a problem with the project right at that point. Dropouts due to CPU load tend to be more random and not in the same place all the time. Do some experiments like, enable ripple edit and move everything down the timeline a good 10 measures or so. Does it still drop out at the same time or at the same place in the music? Save a copy of your project to a new location, make sure to check copy project audio. Does it still happen in that newly saved project? If it does, start removing tracks one at a time to see if you can narrow down what might be causing it other then effects. I know this can be frustrating. Computers and software can be complicate things.
  3. Seems to me that you should pick whatever mic you like and then get a wind/pop filter to fit it. There are literally hundreds of pop filters to choose from. If its to avoid pop and plosives from your voice then I would get one that clips on your mic stand like If you want one to protect from wind as well then something like this.
  4. Cakewalk does not have built in splitter like Studio one does. There are some channel tools that do this and some plug-ins can do this, Melda for example, or you may have to split your stereo track to apply different affects to L vs R signal.
  5. Was the Saturate price a mistake? I see $49 at pluginboutique
  6. You will need to show where your VST paths are pointing and where your VSTs are installed.
  7. At the end of the subscription do you get to keep the last version of Sonar, just without update or does it just stop working:?
  8. You can also measure your latency by routing the output of a track with a metronome or other transient type of signal out one of your interfaces outputs and looping it back to an input and record that input. The time between the output track transient and when it gets recorded is the time you can enter into the "manual offset" in your 4th settings screenshot.
  9. Adding a snapshot does create an envelope. It puts a node on the automation envelope for the snapshotted parameter. https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Automation.15.html
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