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When Truth Doesn't Matter Anymore

freddy j

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This song asks the question - What happens when truth doesn't matter anymore?  It was precipitated by my creeping realization that, not just the USA is in chaos but it it appears that the whole world has gone "looney toons".  Unfortunately, I have no answer for this question?

In his recent post Lynn stated that he had a difficult time in determining the genre to use given the categories offered by SoundClick.  I too am having that problem with this song.  Is it alternative, indie  -- it is not really Blues?  I don't know.  So, I am just leaving in the Blues category.

After multiple takes, I am not satisfied with the  vocal but I am still fighting with allergies.  However, the peak of the season should be coming in a few weeks (hopefully).  It will be a while before I can address the vocal track but I would appreciate any tips, suggestions, crit's, comments, etc.   Any good recipes for Caldo Gallego soup would also be appreciated (I jest of course),




Edited by freddy j
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Hi Freddy,

Has a 60's feel at times with your horn stabs sounding a bit like Roy Orbison to me, some of the drum fills give me that vibe too.

I agree with your genre, it has every bit of crooner, alt prog, rock, blues and some soul lines in there with the horns.

Personally, I found the timing to be a little distracting and some of the horns stabs weren't in tune or not in a  mode I recognized for what I was expecting, but that's not really a crit as much an observation. I found the through line of the song to be enjoyable and inspiring. I appreciate the reflection of the world creating art. That's truly inspiring.

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Fred, I would call this experimental blues.  This seems to be an exercise in combining social commentary with a cutting edge Freddy J arrangement.  I like the chord progression with the stabs of slightly dissonant horns.  It's very effective in giving that edgy vibe you're going for.  I feel that way, too.  Your lyrics are pointed, and I'm sure they ask the same questions that most people are asking these days.  I love this and can't wait until you are happy with the vocals (which already sound good).  You've done your community a great service!

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Hi Bjorn.  Thanks very much for listening and taking the time to comment.  Your comments are much appreciated!  BTW, just listened to your recent post "Spanish Guitar" --  excellent work Bjorn.

Hi Ruralrocker 2010.  Thanks very  much for listening and for your comments.  I can't disagree with your comments about the dissonance of the horns.  IMHO lies are a very efficient means of creating chaos.  It was my attempt to create a bit of discomfort or an edge using dissonance to echo the chaos that lies can create.  I was thinking of some of the dissonance that was used in some of the (very) old Bebop music.  However, given my musical limitations, my intent is often failed by my end product. ? Thanks again -- I appreciate your input!

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Hi Mark.  Thanks very much for the kind words  and for taking the time to listen!  I tried to get the music to reflect a wee bit of the current chaotic times.

Hi Lynn.  I really appreciate your very kind comments - edgy was what I was going for.  Doing a song like this and getting the lyrics down on paper helps take the edge off of me.  ? Unfortunately no re-vocalizations (is that a word?)  will be occurring any time soon.  The tree pollen counts have been around the 10 to 11 levels.  The 10 level is considered high.  Thanks again for the encouragement!!

Hey Nigel.  Given the high quality of all of your work your comments are very much appreciated!  Thank you!!

Hi KSband.  Thanks very much for listening and commenting.  I understand what you are suggesting.  When I first did this number it was all guitars.  IMHO opinion, it  wasn't providing the kind of edge that I was looking for -- plus I thought it needed a bit of a broader sound.  So the horns were put in and I tried a wee bit of guitar noodling  panned left.  I tend to abuse reverb/delay and I may have done that with the dissonance.   I will be redoing the vocals (at some point - if the pollen ever stops) and will give a listen to what you suggested.  Thanks again!

Edited by freddy j
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As said, I think we all feel the world is a very hard place at the moment and your message resonates with me. I know when you can't sing a song you've written how you want to can be extremely frustrating.

This is a well written song in my view and so thanks for the post. Just something to hold in mind is that there are times when writing you try too hard to sing the message you want to convey ... in any case this is a great bit of work.



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On 2/12/2023 at 1:40 AM, Ruralrocker2010 said:

some of the horns stabs weren't in tune or not in a  mode I recognized


On 2/12/2023 at 8:56 AM, mark skinner said:

captured the chaos in with the dissident guitar stabs.

Classic Freddy J. 
Truth be told, “truth” has been pretty much thrown out the window as of late. 

You captured that well my friend. 
?’s and ?


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On 2/23/2023 at 9:28 AM, Wookiee said:

Nice track @freddy j poignant at this time, so many people in power only seem to lie. 

Hi Wookiee!  Thanks very much.   Perhaps lying is a prerequisite to being a politician. ! ??

Hi Steve!  Thanks very much for listening and I appreciate your comments/suggestions.  I have run into the same problem with a song that I am finishing up today.  We are at the peak of allergy season and trying to get down some vocals between sneezes is a wee bit more than ---- frustrating.

Hi tom!  Thanks very much!!  I always appreciate your insight pal,  To quote someone who used to be very popular at one time ---"... truth is not true."  Whatever that means?

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