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Perhaps a Stupid Video Question??



Use CWBBL daily for business but video isn't part of my daily work flow, but today it is :)

Need to import client's video and be able to move it freely on the timeline to manually sync up to audio on my project file that already exists.

Manual says I should be able to "grab the clip header".  I can move associated audio track freely but video stays planted at zero start time. 

Also tried the right click " Start Time The time in your Cakewalk project at which you want the video file to start playing." option but it appears to be greyed out. Prefer to just grab and move clip but if this function works I can hang with that too...but so far no.

Surely I'm missing something...thanks in advance!!

Edited by DCMG
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Here are Noel's comments from http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3066236


As of X3E the video engine setting is treated as the "default mode". i.e. its the default engine is used to attempt to load the video and if it fails to load there then it will try the alternate engine. If you did switch to directshow and restart sonar and the video still loads in MF mode then it typically means that Directshow cannot load that video format. Its not a bug. MP4's are not supported by DShow by default since a decoder doesn't ship with windows so you will need a 3'rd party codec for that.
The inability to trim or move videos in MF mode is a Microsoft limitation that we are waiting for them to resolve. Its far from a simple issue though it might appear that way. A huge amount of work was put in to video in X3 and it is a lot more powerful than before. We will add improvements in the future when Microsoft adds further support.

AFAIK, this is still accurate

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3 hours ago, scook said:

Thanks scook. I tried that as directed. R/click info still lists Media Foundation engine in use despite ( I think) following all direction on the config ini edit ( 0 as value). Will try again.

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Thanks msmcleod..I will look into it.

I should probably rephrase title, as I'm not having an issue on import really ( that's fine, mp4 file is importing without issue).

I just can't seem to move the file on the timeline.

The config file is definitely stuck on Media Foundation engine and is not changing to Direct Show. I'll try the Klite pac. Thanks!

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The Media Foundation engine does not support moving video on the timeline, DirectShow does. That said, DirectShow is an older engine so, may not support the video format. For example, DirectShow does not support H264 video.


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Thanks scook..yeah that thread addresses my issue exactly. I have the dumbed down version of Vegas ( Movie Studio or something like that). I might try what one poster mentioned about rendering it out to WMV format and see if it behaves better. Thanks for the help!!

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That worked. Loaded the mp4 in Movie Studio ( entry level Vegas)>exported as WMV.

Re-import and the clip can be moved at will. Wish the audio portion would stay linked to  video as you move on the timeline, but hey..it's workable now.

Thanks for your help scook!

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If you don't mind me offering my unsolicited and somewhat off-topic opinion...

Unless I needed to actually compose a soundtrack for a video, I'd always pull the finished audio track(s) into the video editor (especially for something like audio alignment).

I use Davinci Resolve by Blackmagic Design. If you don't know about it, I highly recommend checking it out. BMD bought Fairlight awhile back and integrated it into their video editor. It's a really advanced audio editing suite that comes with a lot of plugins, but the best part is that it also supports VSTs (64-bit only, no VST3 yet), even parameter automation.

You can essentially mix and master your audio in the video editor because it supports multiple tracks and busses... and it's arguably one of the best video editors on the market.

Best part is it's free! There's a $299 version, but most of the features are related to multi-user collaboration and stereoscopic (3D) video editing. IMHO, the free version should cost $299.

I know it's a pain to learn yet another piece of software (the manual is 2,937 pages), but this one's definitely worth the effort... and there are a ton of videos on YouTube to help you out.

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Variorum-Good to know. 

This situation was a very strange one. 

Client had already shot all his music performance scenes for this indy film. I was hired later to replace vocals on all  songs with the actual voices of the actors instead of singers that were on the licensed tracks. I (and others) warned him of the potential pitfalls of this.  Had I been involved at outset, I would have advised him as to the correct order on how to proceed with that ( as in...don't shoot until your new vocals are DONE)

FF to now...director say "ooh wow..yeah some of my close up shots are out of sync with the "new"vocal tracks!"  (duh)

I requested rough cuts, isolated the 4 or 5 moments in each song where the new vocals did not line up with how the on- screen singer lip sync'd.

Plan was to: import vid clip>time align with my audio>address the problem areas with Melodyne/stretching or simple clip nudges> re-export my audio to vid editor.

The Process was *****-backward from how it should work. I had music tracks, lead vocals, 8 archives take lane of performances, 6-10 tracks of backup vocals already in place and actually still in process of being completed. More logical to align his video/audio clip to MY TRACKS than the other way around.

BTW, first song is already fixed (nudge here and there, alternate takes that match better, melodyne). Worked beautifully, client is happy and hopefully has learned a big lesson :)

Sorry for the epic tale. Maybe it will help someone else who finds themselves in similar situation?



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On 7/27/2019 at 2:39 AM, Variorum said:

I use Davinci Resolve by Blackmagic Design. If you don't know about it, I highly recommend checking it out.

Wow, thank you for posting this. Resolve is one hard-core program. The initial setup even asks you what workflow you are used to so it will customize the layout to something familiar. I was tempted to say Premiere Pro, but then just chose Resolve's default. 2937 page manual... OMG, but it is nicely bookmarked and thorough that I can tell (and they even apologize for it being so big). I ran it enough to kick the tires a bit and the engine in it was smooth as silk for scrubbing, so I just added more and more till I got bored with effects. I hit the play backwards button by accident at one point (never seen one before), and that just gave me a chuckle. Now wondering why I never picked up on this existing.

I downloaded the 16 Beta, and it didn't ask anything other than info prior to downloading... not sure if there is anything more to it after the fact?

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I try to mention it because it's a bit like CbB... it's one of the best tools available, it's free, and too few people seem to know about it ?

I'd recommend Goat's Eye View on YouTube for a good intro tutorial. It's 124 concise videos on how to use all the major functions. It's for an earlier version, but the majority of the content is still applicable to v16. There a dozens (hundreds?) of other videos available, tons focusing on just Fusion (which is now built in).

... and I get very few emails from them after creating my account... mainly update alerts and new beta notifications.

It's only downside is that it's geared toward professional studios and formats. It doesn't handle WMV's, for instance. But you can use tools like ffmpeg (that @scook mentioned) to trans-code them.

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