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Sad Day


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In late December 2022 I had to do something I really hated doing but it had to be done.

My best friend of 38 years who I loved deeply and whom I had known for 45 years needed a level of help and care that I could no longer provide.

It may feel/sound a little like a dirge but it is short less than three minutes.  I do appreciate you listening if you do.

Toys used in it making Sad Days.

Cherry Audio 
Elka-X, Sines, GX 80, Miniverse

Roland Cloud 

Boz Digitals 
+10Db Compressor

Moog MoogerFooger 
MF-1085 Clusterflux, MF-1045 Delay x 2


All Other FX stock Cakewalk or from its S-Plat days.

Composed, recorded and mixed in Cakewalk by Bandlab.

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10 hours ago, User 905133 said:

To me it communicates mixed feelings--a sense of deep-felt grief over the unfortunate transition mixed with the clear presence of very happy memories. Thanks for sharing.  

Thanks, you are quite astute,  we had many happy days, weeks, years together. She was amazing and supportive of my love of music. She even brought me one of my guitars and found two of the others along with several of my VST synths. We had a lot of fun together, it is so sad to see how she is disappearing. Thank you again for your ears and kind words. 

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Quite the journey in this piece Wookiee, well conceived, good you have the music to express your feelings. I had someone in my life who gradually disappeared, leaving many questions for me. There's a very dissonant interval you use in the melody (tritone ?) halfway through, then you pull out of it, more positive, but never resolving, really like the way you expressed this, stay well . . .

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I know when we were in conversation some time ago while PM'ing, you made clear that even then you were having difficulties.

I feel for you, as this must have been hard ... very hard, but my hope is that here you have a soft place to land and understood, pouring that into your music.

I along with the others here wish you strength for the coming months and years ahead.


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It's a really nice, very interesting and creative piece of music, Wookiee. Thank you for sharing it and the story behind it, which makes the song even more powerful. Like you, I've turned to music as an emotional outlet since I was a young boy taking piano lessons. I have guesses, but I would be interested in learning more about your musical influences and your history as a musician and songwriter.

Again, thank you for sharing your music and the story behind it. 

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On 2/4/2023 at 3:02 PM, mark skinner said:

Sad day indeed ..  I hope you both find the strength to carry on as well as possible.   You've got a pretty big family here to lean on ..         mark

Thank you Mark, you are most kind. The horrible truth is she is probably quite unaware 80% of the time the other 20% who knows. Thanks again for your ongoing support. 

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Its very strange being on here,,, you feel like you have known people for donkeys years  (those who have been hear a few decades).
And you literally do feel for them especially when expressions in music plays its part.

I listened to your track @Wookiee and the first thing I heard in was for "Whom the bell tolls" which added the wariness/sadness as soon as the track started.
Hang in there pal.
Thinking about ya,


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